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Controversies over attention - deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Hartmannová, Eva ; Seidlová Málková, Gabriela (vedoucí práce) ; Klapilová, Kateřina (oponent)
This bachelor thesis discusses the matter of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder which is one the most studied mental disorders today. Regarding its rich history of development it elicits many controversies over the diagnosis itself, diagnostic criteria and treatment as well. First of all it deals with the basic characteristics of what the disorders is, what are the diagnostic criteria according to DSM-IV and ICQ-10 and most importantly how do we treat this disorder, which is the topic that evokes the most discussions. The three main questions that I am intruding to answer in the last chapter are, are there comprehensive diagnostic criteria and methods for diagnosing ADHD does the use of stimulants for treatment beget later substance abuse/use, and is the use of stimulants the cause of sudden deaths? The goal of this thesis is to find answers to these questions using and analysing studies, meta-analysis and reviews of literature accomplished by American and British researchers.

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