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Thomas Haffenecker (sakrální architektura)
Štěrbová, Daniela ; Macek, Petr (oponent) ; Horyna, Martin (vedoucí práce)
Thomas Haffenecker was bom in 1669 in Haldensee in the Tannheim valley in Tirol (Austria). While his older brother Andreas stayed at home to become constructor of local importance, Thomas decided to marry and permanently settle in Bohemia. He received his qualification as master-mason in the Stone-Mason's Guild in the Lesser Town of Prague around around 1701. In Prague he carried out the design of J. B. Fischer von Erlach for the Gallas-Palace. For the Gallas noblesse Haffenecker designed and also built the monastery church in Hejnice, where the planed variations using principles of the "Radical Baroque" were not realized. In 1716 he entered the services of the Premonstratensians and was expected to carry out numerous tasks in Strahov and Doksany. Obviously Haffenecker also designed the holy shrine in Sepekov, that is traditionally attributed to K. 1. Dientzenhofer. A special chapter in Thomas Haffenecker' s life is the time period he spent in office as Court Master of Works, to which he has been appointed probably since 1723. The imperial estates were extensive, the buildings were constantly in need for repair and a need arose for construction of new designs and buildings. Haffenecker created dozens of designs for village churches, but very few of them would ever be carried out. Others were adapted or...

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