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Lab-made Sensors Based on Boron-doped Diamond for Determination of Herbicide Linuron
Štěpánková, M. ; Šelešovská, R. ; Janíková, L. ; Vojs, M. ; Marton, M. ; Behúl, M. ; Nováková, Kateřina ; Chýlková, J.
Voltammetric behaviour of substituted urea herbicide linuron (LIN) was investigated using two types of boron-doped diamond electrodes (BDDE): commercial BDDE and lab-made sensors based on boron-doped diamond (LM-BDDE). Various methods like cyclic voltammetry (CV), direct current voltammetry (DCV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) were examined. It was found that LIN provides one oxidation peak using all of the tested working electrodes and the highest current response was recorded in the acidic media. Thus, Britton-Robinson (B-R) buffer of pH 2 was used as a supporting electrolyte. Parameters of DPV were optimized and the low limits of detection (LOD) were reached 1.41×10−7 M for commercial boron-doped diamond electrode and 8.81×10−9 M, respectively, which represents the lowest LOD obtained for lab-made boron-doped diamond electrodes.

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