Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Calibration of Alicona Infinite Focus 4 microscope
Sloboda, Tomáš ; Šrámek, Jan (oponent) ; Harčarík, Matej (vedoucí práce)
This master´s thesis deals with calibration and determination of uncertainties of measurement for focus variation microscope Alicona Infinite Focus G4. Together with calibration, a measurement of chosen parameters with calculation of measurement uncertainties of a component was realised. The thesis also describes the whole calibration process and terminology used in calibration, as well as the calibrated instrument, it´s parameters and usage in practice. The measurements were realized on premises of Intemac Solutions s.r.o. Obtained data were than processed using MS Excel, Gwyddion and TalyMap software. At the end of the thesis, practical recommendations are formulated.
Calibration of Alicona Infinite Focus 4 microscope
Sloboda, Tomáš ; Šrámek, Jan (oponent) ; Harčarík, Matej (vedoucí práce)
This master´s thesis deals with calibration and determination of uncertainties of measurement for focus variation microscope Alicona Infinite Focus G4. Together with calibration, a measurement of chosen parameters with calculation of measurement uncertainties of a component was realised. The thesis also describes the whole calibration process and terminology used in calibration, as well as the calibrated instrument, it´s parameters and usage in practice. The measurements were realized on premises of Intemac Solutions s.r.o. Obtained data were than processed using MS Excel, Gwyddion and TalyMap software. At the end of the thesis, practical recommendations are formulated.

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