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STU Innovation Center in Bratislava
Dvorská, Mária ; Obrtlík,, Jan (oponent) ; Májek, Jan (vedoucí práce) ; Hradil, Dušan (vedoucí práce)
The aim of the bachelor's thesis was to create documentation for the building permit and part of the documentation for the construction. The work follows the architectural study, which was developed in the subject AG35 - Atelier of public buildings. The theme of the studio work was the Campus STU Competition by Inspireli. The main idea of the idea competition was to design a representative center of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. The project includes the innovative STU science center, educational, social, multi-purpose and leisure spaces both indoors and outdoors and part of the rectory's workplaces. The Innovation Center serves students, pedagogues, researchers and employees of STU, as well as experts from practice, self-government and the public. The campus creates conditions for the interaction of the academic environment with practice and is an important communication space towards the public. This is helped by the opening of the complex and its connection with the main public spaces of the city. I designed a concept called "STUdents city", a city that has imaginary boundaries, while being open to the public, a city where students can find everything they need and can take it for them. During the new construction of the campus, I respond to the surrounding faculty buildings and the context of the place, and to make it open to the faculties materially and conceptually, and at the same time not to disturb them with its substance. I solved the problem of lack of light of the inner block by the potential of the sloping plot and by placing certain objects in the newly created terrain break, at the same time I ensured the supply of natural light and fresh air by means of atriums and skylights. When designing, I took into account the flexibility and variability of interior or exterior use. It was also important for me to use new technologies in the design for the technical school, such as facade glass that is environmentally frien
STU Innovation Center in Bratislava
Dvorská, Mária ; Obrtlík,, Jan (oponent) ; Májek, Jan (vedoucí práce) ; Hradil, Dušan (vedoucí práce)
The aim of the bachelor's thesis was to create documentation for the building permit and part of the documentation for the construction. The work follows the architectural study, which was developed in the subject AG35 - Atelier of public buildings. The theme of the studio work was the Campus STU Competition by Inspireli. The main idea of the idea competition was to design a representative center of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. The project includes the innovative STU science center, educational, social, multi-purpose and leisure spaces both indoors and outdoors and part of the rectory's workplaces. The Innovation Center serves students, pedagogues, researchers and employees of STU, as well as experts from practice, self-government and the public. The campus creates conditions for the interaction of the academic environment with practice and is an important communication space towards the public. This is helped by the opening of the complex and its connection with the main public spaces of the city. I designed a concept called "STUdents city", a city that has imaginary boundaries, while being open to the public, a city where students can find everything they need and can take it for them. During the new construction of the campus, I respond to the surrounding faculty buildings and the context of the place, and to make it open to the faculties materially and conceptually, and at the same time not to disturb them with its substance. I solved the problem of lack of light of the inner block by the potential of the sloping plot and by placing certain objects in the newly created terrain break, at the same time I ensured the supply of natural light and fresh air by means of atriums and skylights. When designing, I took into account the flexibility and variability of interior or exterior use. It was also important for me to use new technologies in the design for the technical school, such as facade glass that is environmentally frien

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