Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Applying Discounted Cash Flow Valuation Method to Assess the Investment Project of a Small Russia-Based Company
Reznichenko, Nadezda ; Buliatkin,, Evgenii (oponent) ; Sághy Estélyi, Kristína (vedoucí práce)
The aim of the thesis is the determination of investment cash flows generated from Finnish market development activities of a selected Russia-based small company, performing investment valuation using discounted cash flow method and presenting improvements which can rise the attractiveness for potential investors. It includes comprehensive investment valuation of the selected company at the seed stage of its` development, including the overview of current financial situation, usage a valuation model followed by stable growth and terminal value determination. Provided and copulated data serves as an example of complete valuation model for capital injections of future projects in the company, thanks to which the author is able to come to particular conclusions on the funding perspectives for the company. The results obtained through the analysis is assessed through the critical prism to be used as a basis for further suggestions on improvement.
Applying Discounted Cash Flow Valuation Method to Assess the Investment Project of a Small Russia-Based Company
Reznichenko, Nadezda ; Buliatkin,, Evgenii (oponent) ; Sághy Estélyi, Kristína (vedoucí práce)
The aim of the thesis is the determination of investment cash flows generated from Finnish market development activities of a selected Russia-based small company, performing investment valuation using discounted cash flow method and presenting improvements which can rise the attractiveness for potential investors. It includes comprehensive investment valuation of the selected company at the seed stage of its` development, including the overview of current financial situation, usage a valuation model followed by stable growth and terminal value determination. Provided and copulated data serves as an example of complete valuation model for capital injections of future projects in the company, thanks to which the author is able to come to particular conclusions on the funding perspectives for the company. The results obtained through the analysis is assessed through the critical prism to be used as a basis for further suggestions on improvement.

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