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Dynamics of Microparticles Optically Trapped in Vacuum
Svak, Vojtěch ; Čižmár, Tomáš (oponent) ; Marago, Onofrio (oponent) ; Brzobohatý, Oto (vedoucí práce)
A microparticle levitating in vacuum only by optical forces constitutes a mechanical system which is extremely well isolated from its environment, including its sources of noise. This unique feature provides the system with outstanding sensitivity on any change of surrounding conditions. We introduce a unique experimental set-up for trapping in vacuum which we built the Institute of scientific instruments of CAS in Brno. Subsequently we provide an experimental study of mechanical effect of circularly polarized light which, contrary to linearly polarized light, generates non-conservative contribution to the optical force field. We follow by presenting observation of optical binding of two particles in free space in vacuum which has never been realised before and show how the inter-particle interaction can be tuned and characterized. In the end we introduce a promissing method for optical force field estimation based on particles stochastic trajectory analysis.

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