Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
Study of photovoltaic nanostructures using microscopy methods
Hertl, Vít ; Valenta,, Jan (oponent) ; Fejfar, Antonín (vedoucí práce)
At the beginning this master's thesis lays brief fundamentals to physics of solar cells, where the main processes influencing the sunlight-to-electrical energy conversion efficiency are mentioned. After that the literature research is presented giving overview of photovoltaic nanostructures (e.g. nanowires, nanocrystals), which allow to increase the efficiency of the solar cells when implemented. Further, the experimental characterization techniques of the photovoltaic nanostructures are presented, focused especially at correlative SEM and AFM, conductive AFM, EBIC and microscopical electroluminescence measurements. In the experimental part the results obtained from the following samples are presented: Microcrystalline silicon structures, the sample of interdigitated back-contact Si heterojunction solar cell (IBC-SHJ from project NextBase) and V-pits in the sample with InGaN/GaN quantum wells. Electroluminescence measurement was performed on the III-V semiconductors (InGaP, GaAs). Some characteristics of the III-V tandem solar cells that are hard to obtain by ordinary methods were computed from electroluminescence. Finally, the EBIC and microscopical electroluminescence measurements were compared for IBC-SHJ solar cell. Experiments on microcrystalline silicon revealed division of two current routes; through the AFM tip and into the sample with the electron beam serving as the current source.
Study of photovoltaic nanostructures using microscopy methods
Hertl, Vít ; Valenta,, Jan (oponent) ; Fejfar, Antonín (vedoucí práce)
At the beginning this master's thesis lays brief fundamentals to physics of solar cells, where the main processes influencing the sunlight-to-electrical energy conversion efficiency are mentioned. After that the literature research is presented giving overview of photovoltaic nanostructures (e.g. nanowires, nanocrystals), which allow to increase the efficiency of the solar cells when implemented. Further, the experimental characterization techniques of the photovoltaic nanostructures are presented, focused especially at correlative SEM and AFM, conductive AFM, EBIC and microscopical electroluminescence measurements. In the experimental part the results obtained from the following samples are presented: Microcrystalline silicon structures, the sample of interdigitated back-contact Si heterojunction solar cell (IBC-SHJ from project NextBase) and V-pits in the sample with InGaN/GaN quantum wells. Electroluminescence measurement was performed on the III-V semiconductors (InGaP, GaAs). Some characteristics of the III-V tandem solar cells that are hard to obtain by ordinary methods were computed from electroluminescence. Finally, the EBIC and microscopical electroluminescence measurements were compared for IBC-SHJ solar cell. Experiments on microcrystalline silicon revealed division of two current routes; through the AFM tip and into the sample with the electron beam serving as the current source.

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