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Finanční gramotnost chlapců ve vybraném diagnostickém ústavu
Hons, Jindřich ; Richterová, Magdalena (vedoucí práce) ; Kočí, Jana (oponent)
The theoretical part of my diploma thesis connects three separate themes.: Financial literacy, poverty prevention and diagnostic institutions, those are the initial points for the implemented research. The empirical part consists of research of a qualitative character. Selected procedures and techniques aimed at a more detailed description of financial literacy of pupils placed in the Diagnostic Institute for youth, Prague 2, Lublaňská 33. The resulting description has the character of a monograph, bonding the participant's life story with a description of money issues, managing the family budget, basic financial management, obligations and investments. The case studies capture the life strategies, mindsets and opinions of nine participants. The main method of this work is an interview based on worksheets. The main goal of this work is to confront the reader with an unusual life story of a teenager. The text evokes an interesting debate and also emphasizes the existential necessity of the twenty-first century to spread enlightenment and motivate people to increase financial literacy. KEYWORDS prevention, diagnostic institute, DIUS, financial literacy, casuistic

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