Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Growth of Escherichia coli on nanocrystalline diamond
Jurková, Blanka ; Kozak, Halyna ; Artemenko, Anna ; Ukraintsev, Egor ; Beranová, J. ; Konopásek, I. ; Kromka, Alexander
In this contribution, we compared the attachment of gram-negative model bacterium Escherichia coli to\nuncoated glass and glass coated by hydrogenated and oxidized NCD films. For attachment experiments,\ncontinuous cultivation in commercially available CDC Bioreactor was used. Antibacterial tests indicated\nhigher attachment of gram-negative model bacterium Escherichia coli to NCD surface compared to uncoated\nglass. We assign this effect to higher roughness of NCD surface compared to glass. Bacterial cells preferred\nthe hydrophobic surface of hydrogenated NCD surface to hydrophilic oxidized NCD for their attachment.
In situ XPS characterization of diamond films after AR.sup.+./sup. cluster ion beam sputtering
Artemenko, Anna ; Babchenko, Oleg ; Kozak, Halyna ; Ukraintsev, Egor ; Ižák, Tibor ; Romanyuk, Olexandr ; Potocký, Štěpán ; Kromka, Alexander
In this work, in situ XPS analysis of chemical composition of H- and O-terminated nano- and microcrystalline diamond (NCD and MCD) films before and after their sputtering by the Ar+ cluster ion beam was investigated. Scanning electron microscopy confirmed sputtering of all diamond surfaces with a rate about 0.5 nm/min. Raman spectroscopy and XPS revealed surface graphitization of diamond surface induced by sputtering. Moreover, XPS data showed the presence of about 0.7 % of Ar atoms on the investigated diamond surface after 66 min of sputtering. Also, oxygen residuals were still presented on the H-NCD surface after 66 min of sputtering. In contrast, no oxygen was found on the H-MCD surface just after 2 min of sputtering. Surface composition is discussed in respect to the diamond films growth parameters and surface structure.

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