National Repository of Grey Literature 361 records found  beginprevious51 - 60nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Knowledge of 8th and 9th grade elementary school students about reproductive health
The Bachelor thesis entitled Knowledge of pupils in 8th and 9th grades in primary schools about reproductive health focuses on the level of awareness of pupils aged 13 -16 about the issues of menstruation, safe sex, contraception, pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. The theoretical part of the bachelor's thesis describes health and its division into reproductive and sexual. It also describes the reproductive organs of women and men, menstrual periods and menstrual devices, sexual intercourse, and the possibilities offemale and male contraception, as adolescents need to know how to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. There are therefore individual chapters devoted precisely to sexually accurate diseases, pregnancy and abortion. The final chapter deals with the education of pupils on reproductive health issues and the role of midwives in the educational process. In the research part of the bachelor s thesis, a quantitative method was chosen as the method of research investigation. The data was collected through a questionnaire distributed to respondents on the social networking site Facebook. The questionnaire consisted of 36 questions, of which 23 were closed, 12 were semi-closed and 1 was open. The data obtained was processed and evaluated using Microsoft Excel and SPSS computer programs. Graphs showing the responses of boys and girls in the 8th and 9th grades of primary schools have been produced for each question. The research pool consisted of 101 respondents. Of the 8th grade, a total of 36 respondents were 7 boys and 29 girls. Of the 9th grade, a total of 65 respondents were 13 boys and 52 girls. The aim of this work was to find out what boys and girls of the 8th and 9th grades had knowledge about reproductive health, i.e. menstruation, safe sex, contraception, pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. 3 hypotheses have been established for the research part. The first hypothesis was to determine whether girls in 8th grade had greater knowledge of reproductive health than boys in the same year. This hypothesis has been disproved. The second hypothesiswas to determine whether girls in the 9th grade had greater knowledge of reproductive health than boys in the same year. The second hypothesis was disproved. The third hypothesis looked at whether 9th graders had greater knowledge of reproductive health than 8th graders. This hypothesis has been confirmed.
Frequency of blood groups at the AB0 blood group system in patients diagnosed with gestational diabetes mellitus
The bachelor's thesis "Frequency of blood groups at the ABO blood group system in patients diagnosed with gestational diabetes mellitus" focuses on the issue of blood groups at the ABO blood group system and gestational diabetes mellitus. Today, the number of pregnant women diagnosed with gestational diabetes mellitus is still growing. This is mainly due to the increasing age of pregnant women, which is the current trend. Another risk factor is an overweight, which more and more Czechs and especially Czech women suffer from, as a result of their unhealthy lifestyle. The context between the blood group at the ABO blood group system and the diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus has not yet been sufficiently investigated in the conditions of the Czech Republic. The main aim of the study was to determine whether there is a connection between the blood groups at the ABO blood group system and the diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus. The aim has been met. The results of the study show that there is no connection between the blood groups at the ABO blood group system and the diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus. In the investigative part of the bachelor's thesis, a set of pregnant women´s blood samples was examined in laboratory examinations. The blood group from the blood group system ABO (A, B, AB and O) was identified for each woman. Pregnant women were also examined for diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus - that is, whether or not pregnant women were assigned a diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus. The frequency of diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus at particular blood groups of the ABO blood group system was statistically evaluated, for example, using the chi-square test and Fisher's exact test. The investigative results of the bachelor thesis can serve as an information source and can be used for other investigative purposes.
Influence of stress on women during pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium
The subject of interest of this bachelor thesis is the impact of stress factors to women's health during pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium. The first aim of this bachelor thesis was to find out what is the most common stress cause for women during upmentioned periods. The second aim was to explore the women's ability to cope with stress. This thesis is divided into two parts - teoretical and practical. The theoretical part provides information about pregnancy characteristics (its duration, symptoms, signs and changes in the female body and organs during pregnancy). In subchapters related to pregnancy is the attention paid to prenatal diagnosis and stress factors during graviditas. The theoretical part also includes information about childbirth and its detailed periods. The subchapters considering childbirth provide summary of preparations for a delivery and the stress sources during the act itselves. The theoretical part also deals with the information about puerperium. This part is devided into subchapters which také into account breastfeeding difficulties, newborn care, stress factors affecting women in the puerperium, and psychological changes of women during puerperium. The final passage of the theoretical chapter discusses the definition of stress. The description of midwife role is possible to be found in each subchapter. The practical part of the bachelor's thesis founds its basis on a qualitative research in the form of individual semi-structured interviews. The survey was held from February to April 2021 and the group of analysed specimens consisted of 11 women not earlier than two months after they gave birth. To make the research anonymous the women were marked Ž1 - Ž11. All the interviews were held at the women's household with their approval. The research was going on in a covid-19 epidemic era, therefore all the restrictions such as face mask wearing and two meter distancing must have been kept during the visits. All the dialogues have been recorded, literally rewritten and analysed with women's assent. All the reached data have been treated by open coding, "pencil and paper" method (Švaříček et al., 2014). As the main categories for purpose of data evaluation have been marked: Pregnancy stress, birth stress, post-partum stress and their appropriate subcategories. The topics mentioned in "Pregnancy stress" are Covid-19 pandemic, partner's support, maternity clinic attendance and antenatal course. Aspects affecting the birth itselves are maternity hospital staff behaviour and partner's presence in the delivery room. The last category includes themes of breastfeeding and newborn care. On basis of the first, previously discussed, goal of this bachelor thesis was established the question which considers what is the most common stress cause during pregnancy, birth and six weeks post-partum. The result of this research indicates, that the women are most often stressed out because of the current coronavirus pandemic situation and prenatal diagnosis. The women are also worried about miscarriage or preterm birth. As the reasons of stress during the delivery were indicated hospital staff bad behaviour or a fear of being lonely and experiencing the feelings without partners. The investigation on the last category displays that over the post-partum period the women are worried about breastfeeding difficulties and insufficient childcare skills.The second question of the research followed up in what ways the stress impacts the women. From the survey it is possible to ascertain that all the involved women, except Ž1 were not affected by the stress in a long-term run. The specimen "Ž1" stated that her postnatal feelings and stresses had made her to shut herself off from her surroundings.The results of this bachelor thesis could be possibly used for scholar seminar purposes as a source of information for midwives. The other possible usage for this document would be a provision of needed information for pregnant women.
Knowledge of adolescent girls about pregnancy, childbirth and contraception.
The bachelor's thesis entitled Knowledge of adolescent girls about pregnancy, childbirth, contraception, focuses on the level of awareness of adolescent girls about pregnancy, childbirth and contraception. The theoretical part of the bachelor's thesis deals with the developmental stages of man from conception to old age. A special chapter is devoted to the period of adolescence and risky behavior of adolescents - at this stage of their lives, because the respondents are adolescent girls. Furthermore, the theoretical part contains the period of pregnancy, the stage of childbirth and types of contraception. Because it is very important for adolescent girls to receive information about contraception, pregnancy and childbirth, the last chapter mentions the importance of educating adolescent girls by midwives and their communication together. In the research survey, a quantitative method was chosen and data collection took place in the form of a non-standardized questionnaire, which was published on social networks. The questionnaire consisted of 28 questions, of which 19 were closed and 9 semi-closed. The data obtained by the research survey were processed and evaluated using a computer program Microsoft Excel. Graphs were created for each questionnaire, which shows the answers of adolescent girls. The research group consisted of 71 respondents aged 16 to 20 years. The aim of this work was to find out whether adolescent girls have knowledge about pregnancy, childbirth and contraception. Six hypotheses were established for the research part. The first hypothesis was to find out whether adolescent girls aged 18-20 have more information about pregnancy than girls aged 16-17. This hypothesis was refuted. The second hypothesis was: Adolescent girls aged 18-20 have more information about childbirth than girls aged 16-17. The sec- ond hypothesis was also refuted. Third hypothesis: Adolescent girls aged 18-20 have more information about contraception than girls aged 16-17. This hypothesis was con- firmed. Fourth hypothesis: Teenage girls in secondary medical schools have more knowledge about pregnancy than teenage girls in grammar schools and high schools with- out a high school diploma. The fourth hypothesis was confirmed in the research. The fifth hypothesis was to find out whether adolescent girls in secondary medical schools have more knowledge about childbirth than adolescent girls in high schools and high schools without a high school diploma. This hypothesis was refuted. The last, sixth hypothesis was: Teenage girls in secondary medical schools have more knowledge about contracep- tion than teenage girls in grammar schools and high schools without a high school di- ploma. This hypothesis was refuted.
A midwife's personal experience with pregnancy and labor
A midwife's personal experience with pregnancy and labor Bachelor theses is focused on personal experience with pregnancy and labor of midwife. Defined in the theoretical part of the Bachelor theses is the profession of a midwife, her competencies and role in prenatal counselling and during labor. Subsequently, the theoretical part contains the characteristics of pregnancy and physical and mental changes that are closely related to pregnancy. Last but not least, the theoretical section describes childbirth and all periods of childbirth. For Bachelor theses there were two goals, the first goal was to identify if professes of midwife affect their own pregnancy and labor experience. The second goal was to identify if their own pregnancy and labor experience affects a midwifes approach to pregnant women and women after childbirth. Based on set goals, the research questions were created. The first research question focused on how the midwifes profession affected the experience of her own pregnancy and labor. The second question examined how the midwife's own pregnancy and labor affect her approach to providing care to a women within her competencies. To obtain the results of a qualitative research survey, two research sets were created. The first research group consisted of midwives who practiced the profession of a midwife in primary care and had been pregnant and gave birth at least once. For the second research group, which consisted of midwives, the criterion of performing the profession of midwife in the delivery room was determined, as well as at least one experienced pregnancy and childbirth. The survey itself took the form of individual semi-structured interviews, which took place during a personal meeting in the period from March to May 2021. Before the start, all informants gave their approval to the interviews and their recording to the mobile phone and also their data processing. The obtained data was analyzed and the main categories and subcategories were created based on the results. After evaluating the data with midwives working in primary care, 3 main categories were set (Perception of own pregnancy, Prenatal counseling, Return to work) and 6 subcategories (Own experience with pregnancy, Influence of own pregnancy on the profession of midwife, Prenatal preparation, Course of care in prenatal counseling, Access of medical staff, Changes in the care of pregnant women). After evaluating the data with the midwives who worked in the delivery room, 3 main categories were set (Perception of own childbirth, Provision of health care, Return to work) and 5 subcategories (Course of own childbirth, Experience of own childbirth, Place of childbirth, Access of medical staff, Changes in the care of women in labor). The first research question was devoted to how the profession of midwife influenced their pregnancy and labor. The research found that midwives during own pregnancy were influenced by their profession mainly in the perception of care for themselves in the prenatal counseling and in the perception of the approach of medical staff for themselves. The second research question dealt with the influence of their own pregnancy and labor on the approach to pregnant women and childbirth after returning to work within their competencies. It was found that after returning to work, midwives were affected by their pregnancy and thus perceived certain changes in the approach to pregnant women. The experience of giving birth also had an effect on the performance of their profession after returning to work.
Urinary tract infections in pregnancy
This bachelor thesis deals with urinary tract infections in pregnancy. Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most common infectious diseases in the human population. During pregnancy, this disease can cause undesirable complications for both the mother and the fetus, which could be fatal in serious cases. The work is divided into theoretical and empirical part. The theoretical part deals with the anatomy and physiology of the urinary tract, changes in the urinary tract during pregnancy, urinary tract infections and its diagnosis, midwife care for women with urinary tract infections, prevention of urinary tract infections and midwifery education. In the empirical part of this work, two goals were chosen. Firstly, to find out the level of pregnant women's knowledge about the prevention of urinary tract infection and secondly to find out their level of knowledge about the risk to the fetus and mother in urinary tract infection during pregnancy. We wondered whether or not pregnant women knew how to behave to prevent a urinary tract infection, and also whether they knew the risks associated with the infection. Based on these goals, two hypotheses were chosen. H1: Pregnant women with higher education are more informed about the prevention of urinary tract infections than pregnant women with lower education. H2: Pregnant women with higher education are more aware of the risks to both the fetus and the mother caused by urinary tract infections than pregnant women with lower education. The research was conducted in a quantitative form, using a questionnaire. The evaluation of the questionnaire was carried out with the help of the right-tailed Student's t-distribution. The research group consisted of 237 pregnant women who were active on online social groups for pregnant women. Respondents who filled in at the beginning of the questionnaire that they were not pregnant were not included in the research group. Most respondents were from the age group of 21-30. This group consisted of 74.68% of respondents. Most respondents (45.57%) stated their highest achieved education to be the secondary education completed with a General Certificate of Secondary Education. 84.39% of respondents knew the concept of urinary tract infection. 73.00% of respondents knew that UTI is mostly caused by bacteria. 88.19% of respondents knew cranberry as a crop that helps prevent UTI. 92.83% of respondents knew that daily showering helps prevent UTI. The research confirmed both hypotheses to be true - H1: that women with higher education are better informed about both the prevention of urinary tract infections and the H2: risks to the fetus and the mother from urinary tract infections during pregnancy. The output of this work is an information leaflet, which briefly summarizes the risks to the fetus and mother in urinary tract infections during pregnancy and draws attention to the prevention of urinary tract infections. The results of this work can serve as an information source for pregnant women, women of reproductive age, midwives and to educate students of midwifery.
The role of physiotherapy in pregnancy
MIXOVÁ, Gabriela
This bachelor thesis deals with the pregnancy and the role of physiotherapy in pain relief of musculoskeletal system during this period. The bachelor thesis includes theoretical and practical part. The goal of the theoretical part is to provide basic information about pregnancy and changes in the reproductive system, respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, circulatory system and especially changes of musculoskeletal system, which accompany this period. Further in this part there can be found anatomy and kinesiology of the pelvic area, the spine area and the foot area. The theoretical part also deals with suitable and unsuitable physical activities in the pregnancy, principles of exercise during the pregnancy and finally the art deals with physiotherapeutic methods, which can be used in the pregnancy. The goal of the practical part is to assess the effect of the physiotherapy on problem solving of musculoskeletal system in pregnancy. Three pregnant women in the II. - III. trimester were used in the practical part. Women underwent a total of eight therapies 1x in 1 - 2 weeks. The case reports include anamnesis and initial examination. Further in this part there are described individual therapies designed for each respondent individually. An interview with the patient was conducted at the beginning of each therapy. During the interview I was examining what changed since the last meeting. After completion of all therapies an output kinesiological examination was performed and the results of the therapy were evaluated. The pregnant women may use this bachelor thesis for drawing inspiration for pain relief of musculoskeletal system. Further the bachelor thesis could be useful for both professionals and laypersons, who are interested in the issue.
Watsu as a part of comprehensive rehabilitation in pregnancy
TUŠEROVÁ, Magdalena
This bachelor thesis deals with Watsu therapy and the possibilities of including this therapy in the rehabilitation of a woman during pregnancy. Pregnancy is a period when a woman's body has to cope with significant changes in a relatively short time. These changes can subsequently cause many problems, not only musculoskeletal pain. The thesis aimed to describe the course of physiological pregnancy and changes in the musculoskeletal system of the pregnant woman. Another goal of the work was to create a set of exercises that are suitable for pregnant women. From this set, I created a brochure according to which women can exercise. The work also includes information about Watsu therapy and its effects on the human body. The work is divided into the theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part of the thesis describes Watsu therapy, its history, course and conditions for practising therapy. The second part of the theoretical part describes the specifics of including Watsu therapy during pregnancy. The next part describes the physiological course of pregnancy, embryonic and fetal development, changes in the maternal organism on the reproductive organs, musculoskeletal and respiratory systems of women and mental changes accompanying pregnancy. I also present physical activities and rehabilitation possibilities in pregnancy and the rehabilitation plan according to trimesters in the theoretical part. The practical part of the bachelor thesis contains the research methodology and characteristics of the research group. Due to the long-term closure of swimming pools due to the Covid 19 pandemic and the time and cost of therapy, I conducted research with two pregnant women. In the research, I observed the immediate effect of Watsu therapy on women's body, focusing primarily on the musculoskeletal system and psyche. In the discussion, I present information about the Watsu educational program and the Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association.
Maternity of homeless woman's
This bachelor's work is dedicated to a little discussed topic, which is pregnancy and motherhood of homeless women. These women move among us every day, but few people pay close attention to them and some, perhaps, pretend they don't exist. It is difficult to know why or what circumstances have just brought them this to life. On the basis of interviews, the main goal of this research was to determine which methods of social work within the social services framework have a positive influence on homeless women living with a child in moving them towards a normal way of life. Ideally, facilitating their long term independence of the social security system. In introducing the issue, I will focus on the problems that women or girls bring to the streets, the nature of their motherhood and pregnancy, which is mostly unplanned. I also focused on what future mothers have at starting point, what services they can use, both for themselves and for the unborn descendant. The work is then divided into a theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part is further divided into sections that address the definition of basic concepts; short history of the forms of and causes that contribute to homelessness; and a brief discussion of social exclusion, which directly belong to this issue. The following chapter is devoted only to homeless women themselves. The theoretical part is the basis of the practical part, which follows and sets out the rationale for the choice of the research questions. A research tool consisting of 21 questions was created to answer these questions forming the main part of the semistructured interview. Given the purpose of the work, I considered it appropriate to choose qualitative research, which examines the issues in more depth. The research sample consists of 8 respondents who were intentionally chosen for the issue. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to highlight the problematics of homelessness, especially women's homelessness, to the general public. I do believe there is not enough attention to this issue. Homelessness is an extremely delicate matter in every society and dealing with it is partially on ability of perceiving it by the general public. It is necessary to talk about causes and consequences of homelessness. It is not possible to turn away from this topic and it is necessary to talk about it, write about it and also think about it.
Health of pregnant women in the chosen region
This bachelor thesis deals with the topic of the health of pregnant women from the South Bohemian region. The aim of this thesis is to ascertain the attitude of pregnant women from the South Bohemian region to their health. This bachelor thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical, respectively. In connection with the focus of the bachelor thesis, the theoretical part provides basic information about health and healthy lifestyle. Further, the roles of the midwife in the prenatal clinic and the education of pregnant women are described. The practical part of the thesis was conducted using the method of qualitative research survey, specifically using the form of semi-structured interviews. The questions I prepared in advanced were supplemented with sub-questions in order to collect more thorough information. The examined cohort consisted of 10 women from the South Bohemian region. Prior to the beginning of the interviews, the women were provided with information about the topic, the aim of the bachelor thesis and further use of the collected data. The pregnant women were assured of the anonymity of the interviews. In order to maintain the anonymity, the examined women were marked by the abbreviation Ž1 to Ž10. The collected data was analysed using text coloring. For the data evaluation, 3 categories and 12 sub-categories were established. The data collected during the research survey could be used as auxiliary material for the education of pregnant women in prenatal clinic.

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