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The Protection of Human Rights of Users in Istitutions for Disabled People
This thesis deals with the protection of human rights of users of the social services, namely in relation to the users of the institutions for disabled people. The theoretical part characterizes mentally disabled people who are the target group for the present thesis. Furthermore, it describes the above-mentioned social services institutions and the way and the mechanisms for the provision of the protection and control of human rights of the users in such institution. The examples of the possible infringement of human rights in the institution for disabled people form a constituent part of the thesis. The practical part focuses on the possibility of the enhancement of the situation as far as human rights in such institutions are concerned. It considers the situations where the violation of rights can occur, dealing with education in social services and it sums up concrete procedures how to act in case of this violation has already happened.
Check on effect interventional kinetic programme on development personalities with mental handicap in Constitution social care Slatiňany
Bachelor thesis in its theoretical level deals with the theme of mental disability in general, closely related to the motion activities. The practical part was already tested an interventional kinetic programme designed for people with this form of disability. It was applied to a group of clients of the Constitution social care, the moderate degree of mental disability, for sixteen weeks, and its effect then qualitatively evaluated according to the results of tests kinetic and social skills. Based on these indicators was confirmed by a positive effect this programme on development personalities with mental handicap as well as the possibility of its realization in terms of the Constitution social care.
Freetime activities of pupils with a handicap in practical and special primary schools in Region Český Krumlov and České Budějovice
My thesis deals with the free time of mentally handicapped children who attend practical and special primary schools. The theoretical part describes especially the problems of free time and a mental handicap. I also included the integration of mentally ill people into the society and a short excursion to the system of educational institutions for mentally ill pupils. The objective of the thesis is the find out about the offer of free time activities in after-school institutions for the pupils of practical and special schools in the districts of Český Krumlov and České Budějovice and to find out if the pupils participate in these free time activities. The next objective is to find out if after-school institutions offering these free time activities sufficiently inform the pupils of practical and special primary schools on the offer of hobby groups and if the use of this offer depends on the financial situation of a family. The last objective is to find out about the offer of free time activities in terms of practical and special primary schools. The research was carried out by the help of a questionnaire for the parents of pupils from practical and special primary schools and further by the help of two controlled interviews. The first interview was carried out with the headmasters of practical and special primary schools and the second was carried out with the representatives of free time institutions. Everything took place in the districts of Český Krumlov and České Budějovice. From the collected data the following facts resulted: free time activities in after-school institutions are available for the pupils of practical and special primary schools and the offer of hobby groups in these schools fulfills the needs of pupils who are interested in these groups. An exception is The Practical Primary School in Loučovice which does not offer any hobby groups. It would be appropriate to open a hobby group there. The research also proved that the necessity of payments for after-school hobby activities is not the reason why some children do not participate in them. The main problem lies in the information net between free time institutions and a school and subsequently between a school and parents. The situation is that the pupils attend only hobby groups in terms of a school even if they could have wider range of choice in after-school institutions.
Importance of Children´s Centers for Psychical Support of Clients and their Families
Work deals with children's centres. These cenres are focused on help for both healthy and disabled children from one year. Centres are very helpful for such children and their parents. They learn there how to behave in a society and to acquire new abilities and skills. In the theoretical part I describe the mental retardation, mental disability issues and disabled students. I am also interested in the Centre ARPIDA and the Centre Kaňka to their aims and therapies that are provided here. In the practical part I have tried to find out the importance of these centres for people using their services
Leisure time activities of children at special basic school and practical basic school.
The present Bachelor Paper is focused on leisure time activities of the pupils of primary schools - both practically-oriented primary schools and the special ones. As follows quite unambiguously from the theoretical assumptions, a meaningful use of leisure time by youth is affected by a number of factors. Literature specializing in the subject tells us a major role is played by the system of values and attitudes, but no less by the milieu where the youngsters are brought up. The Paper aimed to find out whether the parents of pupils attending the practical and special schools in Písek, Strakonice and Milevsko knew enough about organizations catering to the leisure time of children. Moreover, the Paper investigated the number of children engaged in the offered activities and examined the organizations they went to to spend their free time. The survey relied on three types of questionnaires: the first one was intended for parents of children going to the practical and special primary schools; the second one for employees of these schools; and the third one was designed for employees of organizations involved in providing the free time activities. The results returned in the questionnaires were then treated to statistical evaluation. Data obtained in Písek, Strakonice and Milevsko disproved my first hypothesis. My second hypothesis was proved true in its first part, but disproved in the second part. The results thus evaluated lead to this conclusion: parents of pupils attending the practical and special primary schools in Písek, Strakonice and Milevsko are not sufficiently informed on organizations catering to the leisure time of children. Attributable to this lack of information is the fact that most of pupils at the practical and special primary schools attended only hobby groups organized by the schools though they could choose from many more such hobby groups as their parents were ready to pay for them.
Kinetic education in basic school special as part of key component educational competence (pertinence application interventional kinetic programme to the practice)\\
The focus of my thesis is an introduction of interventional physical training into the gym lessons at primary schools in the whole South Czech district. Research was performed in fifteen schools where mentally handicapped people are educated. The program contained simple physical games, psychomotorical and yoga exercises, with the aim to develop physical capability and ability of mentally handicapped pupils. The program was applied for five months and verified with the use of initial and final measurement. The acquired data were statistically processed and evaluated.
Check interventional programme for integration personalities and development health mentally affected by the help of kinetic activities in Soběslav.\\
MUDROVÁ, Kateřina
This diploma project is engaged in attest to an interventional move programme for integration of mentally affected people. I was testing this programme once a week for five months in terms of one hour at the Special school in Soběslav. This five months running cycle was suspended by holidays. The experimental group was created with 12 pupils between 8 and 17 years old with a middle mentally handicapped from this school. Due to using the standardized tests I tried to find out whether pupils could improve their abilities in these chosen criteria of motoric competence. Children were tested before and after application of the interventional programme. For compare was used other group at basic school in Soběslav too. This group was created with 12 pupils between 10 {--} 18 years old with middle major mentally handicapped. Statistical methods were used to data evaluation .
Recognizing of rights of mentally disabled individuals and school integration.
The attitude of society towards persons with mental disabilities and recognizing their rights and dignity are important evaluation aspects of the society. The Czech Republic follows modern European trends that provide the mentally disabled with the same extent of activities as people without disabilities. As a topic of my thesis I have chosen the mentally disabled children´s right to education. The thesis addresses attitudes of primary school headmasters as well as attitudes of the staff of special education centers for children and youths with mental disabilities to integration of pupils with mental disabilities into a regular primary school. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with important documents discussing the rights of individuals with mental disabilities. It describes not only mental disability and its degrees, but in particular education of children with mental disabilities in schools set up for pupils with special educational needs and the possibility of integrating these pupils into mainstream education. The theoretical part is followed by the practical part. The objective of the thesis was to identify the attitude of primary school headmasters as well as that of the staff of a special education center for the mentally disabled staff to the integration process of children with mental disabilities into mainstream primary schools and implementation of the right to education of children with mental disabilities. The research was conducted by the interrogation method using anonymous questionnaires. The results show that a majority of primary schools headmasters in the South Bohemian region support the right to education of pupils with mental disabilities in the form of their integration into regular classrooms. All the respondents, both primary school headmasters and the special education center staff, give the priority at education to individual learning abilities of each child with a mental disability. At the integration of a pupil with a mental disability into a regular primary school the crucial criterion is health and social motivation, not economic motivation. This thesis can be used as a survey of current attitudes and opinions of primary school headmasters and special education centers´ staff on the possibility of pupils with mental disabilities integration into mainstream education.
Integration personalities and support development health near mentally disabled individuals by the help of kinetic activities
In work we're appraised influence interventional kinetic programme on development health and integration persons with mental infliction of. Experimental inquiry proceeds in fifteen establishment of South Bohemia, whose clients are people with mental infliction of (primary school special, special classes at basic schools or special classes at institutions welfare for mentally disabled youth). Interventional programme faced the development kinetic abilities and skills pupils with mental infliction of and to development their sociability. Programme included simple game, psychomotor and yoga exercising inclusive basic musically rhythmical activities. Experimental inquiry take part in quite 244 persons with mental infliction of, kinetic programme pass 149 individuals from monitored specimen for a period of five months (half school year). Given hypotheses direct to the areas following roadsings kinetic and social competence. Numeric data was statistically processed and teamed with.
Work conditions of people with mental disability living in institutional care
The goal of my bachelor thesis on a topic: ``Work conditions of people with mental disability living in institutional care{\crqq} was to map this situation in residence social care institutions for people with mental disability in South Bohemia region. The goal was achieved. Contemporary world trends in care for people with mental disability prefer to class employment opportunities into the area of educational occupation in social care institutions. The problem of employment is one of the most serious questions regarding people with mental disability. A fulfillment on a labor market influences several factors in their lives. It is not only the economic situation and social statute but also self-realization. There are several forms of occupational and social fulfillment for people who are disadvantaged on labor market. These are supported employment, protected jobs or protected workshops. For achievement of the goal of the thesis a method of qualitative research, technique of structured interview with open questions was used. First target group were employees of residence social care institutions for people with mental disability in South Bohemia region. Second target group were employees from organizations dealing with supported employment in South Bohemia region. From the results of the thesis is clear that the institutions and organizations are interested in occupational fulfillment of their clients. They are trying to create jobs. But the supply is still insufficient. In connection with this thesis we can set following research questions. 1. In what direction will be a progress in attitudes of our society about the problems of employing people with mental disability in the meaning of financial, legislative and social securing of the problems? 2. Whether the employment of people with mental disability will be a part of companies{\crq} strategy (within company philanthropy)? The thesis should help to compare the situation of given problems in each residence social care institutions in South Bohemia region.

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