National Repository of Grey Literature 37 records found  beginprevious21 - 30next  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Evaluation of the cabin thermal environment by the means of equivalent temperature measuring systems
Zrůst, Michael ; Šíp, Jan (referee) ; Fišer, Jan (advisor)
With increasing amount of vehicles on roads, the mobility of humanity and time spent in car cabins grows the signifikance of reaching and maintaining thermal comfort for passengers during long and also short journeys. With electric car industry growing there is an effort to lower the consumption of energy by HVAC systems to enlarge the reach of electric car and for combustion engine cars to lower the emissions coming from maintaining proper thermal comfort.
Thermal comfort of passengers at public transport stops
Junga, Petr ; Počinková, Marcela (referee) ; Rubinová, Olga (advisor)
This diploma thesis focuses on the evaluation of the thermal comfort of passengers at public transport stops, in the shelters of public transport, which are an integral part of urban technical equipment. This topic is gaining in importance especially with regard to climate change and related with increasing frequency of extreme weather events. First part of the diploma thesis is the theoretical part, dealing with public transport shelters from various theoretical points of view. The practical part of the diploma theses deals with experimental measurements of selected physical quantities in the interior and exterior of eleven public transport shelters in the city of Brno, during the six months of 2020 (cold and warm periods). The facts found by experimental measurements for individual shelters are compared and evaluated, with the final selection of the optimal model of the technical solution of the shelter.
Design of heating of retirement home
Kouřilová, Klára ; Vyhlídalová, Karolína (referee) ; Horká, Lucie (advisor)
The main aim of this bachelor thesis is design of a heating system of the retirement home. The theoretical part deals with ensuring of thermal comfort and possibilities of building temperature regulation. The second part of this thesis, the calculation part, includes design of panel radiators, dimensioning of heating system, design of hot water preparation and design of heat source. As the heat source is chosen gas condensing boilers for heating system and hot water system. The third part contains documentation for construction of heating system.
Assesment of the Thermal Environment in Vehicular Cabins
Fojtlín, Miloš ; Khoury, Roch El (referee) ; Havenith, George (referee) ; Jícha, Miroslav (advisor)
Ľudia žijúci vo vyspelých krajinách trávia väčšinu svojho života vo vnútorných prostrediach budov alebo dopravných prostriedkov. Z tohto dôvodu, záujem o výskum kvality vnútorných prostredím rastie, pričom hlavný dôraz je kladený na oblasti výskumu ľudského zdravia, produktivity a komfortu. Jedným z faktorov ovplyvňujúci kvalitu prostredí je ich tepelný aspekt, ktorý je najčastejšie popísaný teplotou vzduchu, radiačnou teplotou, vlhkosťou vzduchu a rýchlosťou prúdenia vzdu-chu. Zatiaľ čo tieto parametre je možné riadiť systémom pre vykurovanie, vetranie a klimatizáciu nezávisle na počasí, takéto zariadenia sa podieľajú na vysokej spotrebe energie a značnej uhlíkovej stope. V prostediach kabín áut a dopravných prostriedkov je riadenie parametrov tepelného prostredia komplikované z dôvodu ich asymetrickej a časovo premenlivej povahy. Táto situácia je obzvlášť kritická vo vozidlách na elektrický pohon s vlastnou batériou, kde je energia na úpravu vnútornej mikroklímy čerpaná na úkor dojazdu vozidla. Pre uvedené dôvody sa hľadajú nové, en-ergeticky účinnejšie spôsoby pre úpravu tepelných prostredí a zabezpečenia tepelného komfortu. Jedným z potenciálnych riešení sú zariadenia dodávajúce človeku teplo alebo chlad lokálne, ako napríklad vyhrievané a vetrané sedadlá a sálavé panely. Vzhľadom na to, že experimentálny výskum vnútorných prostredí je náročný s ohľadom na čas a potrebné vybavenie, trendy výskumu vplyvov takýchto zariadení na človeka smerujú k optimalizačným úlohám vo virtuálnych prostrediach pomocou modelov ľudksej termofyziológie a tepelného pocitu/komfortu. Avšak pre spoľahlivé výsledky modelovania sú potrebné presné vstupné parametre definujúce prostredie, odev, vplyv povrchov v kontakte s človekom (napríklad sedadlá) a pôsobenie systémov na lokálnu úpravu mikroklímy. Cieľom tejto dizertačnej práce je vytvorenie metodológie na hodnotenie tepelných prostredí v kabínach automobilov s ohľadom na pozíciu v sede a využitím technológii na lokálnu úpravu tepelných prostredí. Jedným z požiadavkov na takúto metodológiu je jej aplikovateľnosť vo virtuálnych ale aj reálnych prostrediach. V prípade hodnotenia reálnych prostredí, cieľom je vytvorenie demonštrátora, ktorý by bol využiteľný ako spätná väzba pre riadenie systémov pre úpravu mikroklímy na základe požadovaného tepeleného pocitu. Validita uvedenej metodológie bola demonštrovaná v typických podmienkach kabín automobilov (5–41 °C) a poznatky z tejto práce sú prenesiteľné do širokého spektra inžinierkych aplikácii. V oblasti osobnej dopravy a pracovných prostredí s vyššou tepelnou záťažou je táto metóda užitočná pre identifikáciu možných zdrojov diskomfortu. Navyše je táto metóda vhodná i pre rýchlo rastúci segment elektrických vozidiel, kde je možné sledovať tok energie potrebnej na dosiahnutie určitej úrovne komfortu a riešenie optimalizačných úloh za účelom úspory energie a predĺženie dojazdu. Obdobné aplikácie možno nájsť i v budovách a prostrediach s podobnými charakteristikami.
Coupling of Thermal Manikin with Human Thermophysiological Model
Doležalová, Veronika ; Toma, Róbert (referee) ; Pokorný, Jan (advisor)
thermal manikin, thermophysiological model, thermal comfort, climatic chamber, clothing thermal resistence
Heating of apartment buildings
Diatel, Jakub ; Horká, Lucie (referee) ; Počinková, Marcela (advisor)
The topic of this diploma thesis is heating of apartment buildings, where an attention was focused on thermal comfort in heated rooms. The first theoretical part brings results of CFD simulations which compare radiators with floor heating. The second part consits of practical application o the given building. There are two options in this project - heating by radiators or floor heating. The third part describes two experiments - measurement of indoor environment in two rooms and measurement of gas consumption in apartment buildings with different heating concepts. In the last part the mean radiant temperature is simulated. There are compared different kind of heating, which have impact to distribution of mean radiant temperature in the room. The personal software was created for deeper understanding of mean radiant temperature.
Local Control of Seat Ventilation and Its Impact on Human Thermal Comfort
Matuška, Jaroslav ; Toma, Róbert (referee) ; Fišer, Jan (advisor)
Diplomová práce je zaměřena na měření ventilovaného sedadla s ohledem na tepelný komfort člověka. Popisuje a shrnuje tepelný přenos lidského těla s okolím a termoregulaci člověka. Dále zachycuje a zhodnocuje vybrané přístupy hodnocení tepelného komfortu. Zabývá se komplexním přehledem tepelně komfortních jednotek v automobilu. Představuje použitou metodu měření tepelného komfortu u ventilovaného sedadla, načež analyzuje a vyhodnocuje jednotlivá získaná data.
Drivers clothing thermal resistance database for iHVAC system
Hrubanová, Kristýna ; Pokorný, Jan (referee) ; Fišer, Jan (advisor)
This diploma thesis is focused on measurement of thermal properties of clothes by thermal manikin and on application of results for prediction of thermal comfort in system iHVAC. First part of thesis is dedicated to research with relation to this topic and to definitions of main computational equations necessary for experimental measurement. The choise of method for measurement based on available standards is an important part of this thesis. The main focus of thesis lies on measuring 5 combinations of clothes at different calibration temperatures and same temperature of manikin surface. Then data are examined and also the analysis of uncertaities and repeatability is maked. According to assupmtion , the independence of value of heat transfer coefficient to ambient temperature is comfirmed and calculated heat resistance of every single clothes is compared to existing wardrobe for system iHVAC. The outcome of this thesis is specificied and completed virtual wardrobe which serves to prediction of thermal comfort in car.
An influence of usual room temperature on BMI or obesity prevalence in a population sample
The main aim of the diploma thesis is to determine if BMI (Body Mass Index) in humans is related to the indoor room temperature. Lower room temperature can lead to the activation of brown adipose tissue (BAT), thereby increasing energy expenditure. Because the thermal comfort is individual to some extent, the task is to determine whether there is a correlation between BMI and the frequency of perceived thermal discomfort. The research was attended by 202 respondents in the age range of 3 to 27. All were measured and weighed, and then the temperature habits were recorded through questionnaire. A group of students underwent more detailed data collection. For the evaluation of the data was used PCA (Principal Component Analysis) and regression analysis, for determining the influence of the room temperature, data were weighed by the coefficient of the thermal insulation during the night. The results showed that BMI, respectively the percentile BMI class of respondents in-creases with increasing average bedroom night temperature. Results are less clear for the age categories with no dependency between BMI and room temperature in the youngest age category, significant correlation in adolescent females and adult men, but not signifi-cant correlation in adolescent males and adult females. Evaluation of 87 responses from adolescent and adult respondents to the question regard-ing the frequency of subjective cold feeling showed that the more they felt the coldness in their dwellings, the lower was percentile BMI class and BMI in different age groups. Based on these results we can state that the room temperature during sleep is another sig-nificant factor influencing BMI and lowering the temperature in the homes could lead to the reduction of population obesity.
Measurement of Cabin Environment by Means of Thermal Manikin and Test Subjects
Toma, Róbert ; Tuhovčák, Ján (referee) ; Fišer, Jan (advisor)
In this thesis, there is processed design of test procedure for innovative HVAC system. This design was created in consecutive phases with use of thermal manikin Newton and climate chamber. Correlation between data from thermal manikin and tests subjects and possible design changes were evaluated after each phase. There are mentioned basics of human thermoregulation, factors which affect thermal comfort and ways in which is possible to measure and rate it with use of thermal comfort scales and comfort zones diagram. The thesis includes survey for testing thermal comfort and scales which are used to complete it. In the end, we mentioned some results alongside with our approach in evaluation of correlation between thermal manikin and test. There is also final design of test procedure for innovative HVAC system which would be used for its calibration and final functionality testing.

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