National Repository of Grey Literature 28 records found  beginprevious21 - 28  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Use of cell cultures to testing of natural substances of plant origin
Ručková, Michaela ; Kostovová, Iveta (referee) ; Márová, Ivana (advisor)
The presented bachelor thesis is focused on preparing aqueous and oil extracts of plant origin, their characterization and testing of their cytotoxicity and genotoxicity. The theoretical part contains basic information about plants and kinds of spices or tea that were used. Description of used methods of liposome preparation and encapsulation of active substances, measurement of antioxidant activity, particle characterization, cultivation of cell cultures and the principle of cytotoxicity and genotoxicity tests used in this thesis is included. Phenolics and flavonoids content was determined using the spectrophotometry. Antioxidant activity was evaluated spectrophotometrically as well. By ultrasonic homogenization method, liposomes were prepared and active agents were encapsulated into these vesicles. Encapsulation efficiency and stability of active substances were measured by spectrophotometry. By DLS method, size of particles was determined. Particle stability was derived from the zeta potential value. Important part of the bachelor thesis was cultivation of human keratinocytes. The cytotoxicity of extracts and liposomes was assessed by MTT assay on human cell cultures. The genotoxicity of extracts and liposomes was defined using SOS Chromotest on model organism, genetically modified E. coli. In conclusion, the potential use of prepared liposomes in the cosmetic or pharmaceutical industry has been proposed.
An acellular genotoxicity assay of complex mixtures of organic compounds bound on size segregated aerosols.
Fikejzlová, Monika ; Rössner, Pavel (advisor) ; Machala, Miroslav (referee)
The main aim of this work was to compare the genotoxicity of organic extracts from different size fractions of aerosol particles (1-10 µm, 0,5-1 µm, 0,17-0,5 µm) collected by high volume cascade impactors in various localities of the Czech Republic differing in the extent of the environmental pollution (Březno - strip mine, Dobré Štěstí - highway, Praha - city center, Láz - background station). Genotoxicity was determined in acellular assay of calf thymus DNA (CT-DNA) with and without S9 metabolic activation by analysis of DNA adducts induced by extractable organic matter (EOM) from the particulate matter (PM) by 32 P-postlabeling and the ability of extracts to induce oxidative DNA damage was evaluated using the competitive ELISA test. The main finding of this work is that most of the observed genotoxicity is connected with fine particles (<1 µm). The concentration of carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (c-PAHs) in EOMs indicate that fine fractions bound the highest amount of c-PAHs in all sampling sites. This fact might be related to a higher specific surface of this fraction as compared with a course fraction and a higher mass as compared with a condensational fraction. As for aerosol mass, both fine and condensational fractions are effective carriers of c-PAHs. Similarly, the DNA...
Cytogenetic methods in genotoxicology
Bártů, Linda ; Langová, Martina (referee) ; Daňková, Pavlína (advisor)
We are constantly exposed to a variety of factors which may be a cause of DNA mutations. The influence of mutagens of physical, chemical and biological origin is studied by genotoxicology. Ionic radiation is among the most common physical mutagens, benzene, vinylchloride or some drugs represent the chemical mutagens, while some viruses and may act as biological mutagens. The repair mechanisms of double strand breaks can be divided into those that require HRR-homologous sequences and those that may use of microhomologies consisting of a short DNA sequence (NHEJ). Both mechanisms can lead to aberrations of chromosomes, if they are not precise. Acquired chromosomal aberrations include translocation, common in cancer cells; deletion; or the production of acentric fragments, dicentrics and rings. Chromatid aberrations includes chromatid breaks and chromatide exchanges. There are various methods for detecting/examining such mutations and these can be categorised according to the phases of the cell cycle. The basic method is clasic Giemsa stain which reveals the most of aberrations except translocations and inversions and numeric abnormalities in metaphasic cells. Another way of testing mutagenicity is determining the rate of sister chromatide exchange; or the so called micronucleus test used to measure...
Use of genotoxicity tests to characterization of some natural substances and particles
Tilšarová, Kamila ; Bokrová, Jitka (referee) ; Márová, Ivana (advisor)
In production of drugs, cosmetics, in food industry and other biotechnologies, testing of genotoxicity (that are changes in genetic information which are not inhereted) is one of the common steps in the process before distribution to the market. This bachelor´s thesis is focused on the characterization of extracts from chosen natural substances with respect to the content of polyfenols, flavonoides and antioxidant activity. These extracts were encapsulated into liposomes and chitosan particles. The aim was testing possible genotoxicity of whole extracts and particles on possible genotoxicity on the basis of SOS Chromotest performed on bacteria E. coli. This genotoxic assay did not show genotoxic effect of neither pure extracts nor tested liposomes.
Chemical and Physical Transformations of Humic Acids
Vlčková, Zoja ; Pospíšilová, Ľubica (referee) ; Janoš,, Pavel (referee) ; Pekař, Miloslav (advisor)
Tato práce představuje pilotní studii testující souvislosti mezi biologickými vlastnostmi a strukturou huminových kyselin extrahovaných z původního a modifikovaného jihomoravského lignitu, důl Mír, Mikulčice. V první části práce byly testovány metody vhodné ke zvýšení výtěžku huminových kyselin extrahovaných z lignitu. Oxidace lignitu v plynné fázi nepřinesla uspokojivé zvýšení výtěžku a byla instrumentálně poměrně náročná. Dále proto byla zkoumána jen oxidace v kapalné fázi a modifikace nízkomolekulárními organickými kyselinami. Modifikace organickými kyselinami byla inspirována procesy podporujícími biologické funkce v rizosféře, t.j. kořenový systém vylučuje exudáty způsobující změny v supramolekulové struktuře okolní organické hmoty čímž zlepšuje její mobilitu a prostupnost buněčnými stěnami. Primární struktura huminových kyselin připravených v této práci byla zkoumána prostřednictvím elementární analýzy a spektrálních metod (13C CPMAS NMR, EPR a UV-VIS spektroskopie). Navzdory tomu, že primární struktura vykazovala jen malé rozdíly, měření biologické aktivity a genotoxického potenciálu prokázalo, že huminové kyseliny a jejich humáty získané z lignitu s rozdílnou předúpravou vykazují odlišnou bioaktivitu. Proto byla dále zkoumána supramolekulární struktura vzorků ve zředěných roztocích, a to prostřednictvím vysokoúčinné vylučovací chromatografie, měření ultrazvukové rychlosti a hustoty. Testovány byly dva různé protionty – draselný a amonný. Získané výsledky potvrdily předpoklad, že pozorované změny v kvalitě humátů jsou závislé na protiiontu, koncentraci humátu v roztoku a také na metodě předúpravy původního lignitu. Obě zvolené metody předúpravy lignitu prokázaly svůj potenciál produkovat huminové kyseliny s rozmanitými biologickými vlastnostmi, aplikovatelné v zemědělství, životním prostředí a potenciálně i ve farmakologii.
Assessment of water mutagenicity
ECKER, Jacqueline
Since severe health and environmental problems are caused by mutagenic organic pollutants there are urgent needs for the determination of the mutagenicity of surface waters. This work summarizes the literature regarding the occurrence and determination techniques of organic pollutants with mutagenic potential. Additionally, some selected organic pollutants were quantified in surface waters. For pre-concentration Blue Rayon, a sorbent based on a copper phthalocyanine dye suitable for the concentration of polycyclic aromatic compounds with mutagenic potential, was used.
Genotoxicita jako kriterium účinnosti biodegradace barviv v odpadních vodách
Doležílková, I. ; Pavlíčková, Z. ; Malachová, K. ; Lednická, D. ; Novotný, Čeněk ; Šušla, Martin
The aim of this study was to evaluate the mutagenicity of three mixtures of synthetic dyes used in textile industry. Detection of mutagenicity was carried out with three samples containing residues of textile dyes obtained from textile company Jitex Písek. Two different biodegradation process were used for elimination of genotoxicity, biodegradation using the bacterial activated sludge and the enzyme systém of the ligninolytic fungus Irpex lacteus. The genotoxicity of the samples was detected by the Ames test with and without metabolic activation in vitro, using S9 liver microsomal fraction and cofactor mixture. Salmonella typhimurium His- strain TA98 was employed for detection of frameshift mutations in the Ames test. During two different biodegradation processes (using bacterial activated sludge and the ligninolytic fungus Irpex lacteus), the change of mutagenicity of the degradation products of dyes was monitored
Voltammetric determination of genotoxic compounds using solid amalgam electrodes
Barek, J. ; Čížek, K. ; Fischer, J. ; Navrátil, Tomáš ; Josypčuk, Bohdan
Possibilities of voltammetric determinations of genotoxic organic compounds for environmental purposes were studied. Traditional mercury electrode was replaced by solid amalgam electrodes. It is possible to conclude that the obtained results are comparable with those, obtained on other types of electrodes.

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