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Imprisonment of minor offenders
VÁVROVÁ, Kateřina
Youth criminality is a constant problem which a number of specialists, legislative bodies, and the whole public deal with. A number of negative phenomenons occurring in the area of this population, e.g. spreading of drugs among younger and younger age groups and related increase of criminality undoubtedly play a leading role. However, it is known that bare repression is ineffective and means of educational activities are much more effective. Occurrence of social pathological phenomenons, their dynamics and changes are an indivisible part of the society. Grounds enabling occurrence of these phenomenons change very little. Heritability, constitutional factors, family, school, peer pressure, inappropriate spending free time as well as media influence and ethnical origin have an impact. Responsibility of the youth for unlawful acts is laid down by the Act No. 218/2003 Coll., on the Liability of Youth for Unlawful Acts and on Justice in Matters of Youth and Amending Certain Acts (Act on Justice in Matters of Youth). The purpose of the Act is defined particularly from the view of prevention of unlawful activities of the youth that is a basic group to which the attention of the whole justice and society is to be paid, so that every member of this group who committed an illegal act, no matter he is a juvenile or a child younger than fifteen years, is treated in accordance with this Act, he contributes to rectifying the injury resulting from the unlawful act within his strengths and abilities, a convenient and appropriate measure is imposed on him, and he finds a social asserting corresponding to his abilities and intellectual and moral development as a definitive result. Preventive activities aimed against youth criminality always and in the whole scope require respecting basic children rights and rights for privacy of their family. Children rights must be observed from primary to tertiary prevention, from searching threatened children and their families to treatment of guilty children. The most significant tool of social prevention is education of children in families and education of children at school. The aim of the thesis was to find out grounds leading to custodial detention of a juvenile offender and to find indications which could help to positively or negatively affect educational impact on the juvenile in the prison.
Health and social situation of illegal drug users and help them provided by relevant social and health centres in the Czech Republic
Health and social situation of illicit drug users and the aid they receive from the respective social and healthcare institutions in the Czech Republic This thesis is composed of two main parts: theoretical and practical. Theoretical part contains chiefly categorization of illicit drugs, where we learn how they are divided according to their origin, effects, and their chemical composition, as well as their seriousness for the society. The thesis also maps the development of the illicit drug scene before and after 1989 and also discusses the importance of the year 1994{---}considered a breakthrough{---}since even before the convertibility of the Czech currency, it witnesses a massive invasion of high-quality and cheap heroine import. Furthermore, the harmful effects of drug abuse and their categorization is presented. Health hazards are correlated with data covering the HIV and viral hepatitis diffusion in the Czech Republic. This part also contains a list and description of institutions dealing with illicit drug abuse and issues connected with it. An analysis of social, health, and economic situation of illicit drug users, those filed in a L/K center. In conclusion, the thesis deals with the illicit drug use policy in the Czech Republic, where prevention, repression, prohibition and regulations are discussed, within the framework of sample of other national drug policies. The reader will find here the description of individual illicit drugs as well. The thesis aims to map the activities of K-centers, and the way their work{---}in its result, the aid to illicit drug users{---}is being made harder by the low-threshold institutions. Low-threshold institutions were chosen to represent the group of relevant institutions since they are attended by the illicit drug users most often, as well as being the first institution of this kind the users come to. The author also explored what suggestions of improvement the centers present. Three hypotheses were set: 1. The offer of services is broad in K-centers 2. Low-threshold institutions lack resources 3. Low-threshold institution representatives hold serious reservations to the illicit drug use policy in the Czech Republic The data were collected in questionnaires and secondary analysis of data from annual reports of K-centers. The questionnaires were filled in by low-threshold centers representatives. The data confirmed the set hypotheses. In the discussion, the author debates the results of his research and discusses expert literature, while explaining difficulties that he encountered composing this thesis. The conclusion deals with the suggestions for improvement, particularly of the illicit drug use policy and sums up the thesis.
Prevention of HIV/AIDS at basic schools in Pilsner region
The widespread epidemic HIV/AIDS still remains a confirmed and terminal disease without any currable vaccine and therapy. The only means of protection to resist an infection and HIV spread is a patient´s education, motivation and proper prevention, whose essential tool for everybody is getting information. Especially young people are threatened by the attack of that infection, so mainly basic school should participate in the HIV/AIDS prevention. The first aim of my thesis is to find out, whether and what preventive activities are accomplished at basis schools in Pilsner Region. The research work has a qualitative character. The applied method was a questionaire which was sent and applied to 31 organizations associated in Forum of non-governmental organizations at National Comisssion for HIV/AIDS problem solving in 2006. Another applied method was the derived analysis of data and documents. The second aim of my thesis was to find out basic pupil´s knowledge about HIV/AIDS infection. A qualitative research was chosen to achieve objective results. A questionaire was a research method. 319 pupils from 8th and 9th classes created a selective group. HIV/AIDS problems are always included in some school subjects at all the basic schools. Tution of the appropriate topic is provide only by school teachers and outweighs the use of supporting preventive programmes. Increased demands on school teachers education about HIV/AIDS result from that fact. Basis school pupils have basic knowledge about HIV/AIDS infection. Most pupils acquired information about HIV/AIDS at basic schools. Pupils consider a condom to be a hundrer-per-cent protection to resist veneral diseases. Despite the knowledge of this danger pupils don´t feel threatened by HIV/AIDS infection. Results of my thesis proved that as for information handover, the prevention accomplished at basic schools is efficient. Pupils´ have information about HIV/AIDS. If they act up to them even in possible risky situations that is another question. Since it is a serious problem, it seems to be necessary to keep acting this prevention whose part should be not only the information handover, but also the action at pupil´s behaviour and their responsibility.
The bachelor work deals with social pathological phenomenon of bullying at basic schools. The bullying is very complicated appearance which can be researched from various angles of view. I´ve concentrated at teacher´s opinions and especially their readiness at bullying solving. The bachelor work is concerned of comparisson resulting outcomes from two absolutely different environment - the country and Prague . In the theoretical part I tried to zoom in whole mechanism of bullying with its participants, development, diagnostics and prevention. In the practical part I´ve elaborated gained research results and done my best to find the connection in respondent´s attitudes to given topic. There were used the citations of Czech prime specialists as well as foreign author´s literature.
The prevention of seniors´injuries The injuries of people at seniors age have become one of the serious issues of today´s medicine, presenting not only the health problem but also the social one. The most seniors´injuries associates with falls and slips. The second main cause for injuries are the traffic accidents, the next one following upon are the accidents, which happen often at home during the casual activities. The intoxication at the old age is not rare either. The prevention of the falls and potential injuries is based on reduction of hazards of accident occurrence. The prevention, which leads to continuing reduction of the accident rate at seniors age corresponds with the goal no. 5 that is stated in the World Hospital Organization {\clqq}Health 21`` Document. The chosen exploratory method was the quantitative sociologic research based on on-the-spot requiries by the use of question form. The research sample of population consisted from seniors from 65 years old up (130 correspondents) chosen randomly in the region of České Budějovice within the year 2005. The data were all compiled in the Organization For Injuries Preventions in South Bohemia software program. Seniors faced the health hazard and injuries mostly at homes, which are mostly caused by restriction in movements. The most casual ones are the falls. The protective instruments and equipment, which might reduce the injury risks (for example non-barrier entries, skidding devices, bars and so on) still are not the standards for seniors today. The knowledge and understanding the emergancy phone numbers is not sufficient either. The possibilities of prevention for seniors are various, but have not been much exploited yet. It seems the seniors should be firstly adressed by public health employees, which they are in casual contact with and they usually rely on. The topic of prevention of injuries should be also more discussed at education programs destined for seniors.
Accident frequency and its social effects
VLÁSEK, Vladislav
The thesis ``Accident frequency and its social effects{\crqq} focuses on traffic accidents caused by trespassing the law of speed limit and on social effects induced by accident frequency. Every year approximately one thousand people die on the Czech roads, other thousands of traffic accident victims face lifelong injury consequences. Apart from direct loss of lives, health and property, the traffic accidents carry a lot of other hardly denumerable costs starting at financing trip of ambulance, continuing with health care service expenses followed by convalescence, eventually social benefits for disabled and impacts on relatives of traffic accident victims. The aim of this work is to map the situation of serious traffic accidents where participants are seriously injured, or die and to infer the most serious social effects of these traffic accidents. To gather information in order to meet the objective of this hypothesis and to prove it a quantity research has been carried out. Secondary analysis of data from the records of Police of Czech Republic and the Ministry of the Interior has been chosen as a method to help verify the correctness of presumed hypothesis. In order to map the most serious social impacts, dialogs with randomly selected traffic accident participants who suffered lifelong consequences of their injuries were performed. The primary file contains participants of traffic accidents that happened in the Czech Republic and are registered in the registry of Police of Czech Republic in the period 2003-2006 and where the participants died, were seriously or lightly injured. Our hypothesis proven, that the most serious consequences of traffic accidents happen due to exceeding the speed limits . Also the most serious social impacts of traffic accidents were mapped.
The Seniors Injuries in the Institutional Care
The environment, where we live, that means the dwelling environment, influences the quality of our lives very important. This space is more important for the seniors, because their abilities, which help them to move easy in our world, go down. The injuries represent a grave and special element in morbidity of the seniors. They happen more frequently, more weak is the health and functional disposition of the seniors. Compared to a younger age, their treatment is more complicated, longer and brings worse attainments and higher costs. Grave injuries are yoke together with higher mortality, than similar hurts in younger age. In this diploma work the author has tried to assess the prevention of the injuries of the seniors in the rest homes and to chart the factors, which most influence this adaptation. In the first part of the work, she alludes to attitude to the old people during the history and she mentions the actual situation in view at the old age. Other chapters treat of dividing of the periods of human life, bio-psycho-social changes in old age, most frequent health problems and their prevention, rehabilitation. In the second part of the work, the author is engaged in the survey in the rest homes. She locates in chosen institutions, if the living and life of the seniors is primary assured so, that the injury risk is minimal. For obtaining of the necessary data, the author has used a method of questioning and observation. Three of the rest homes were randomly chosen in the south-bohemian region. The author has used a quantitative research to get this data. The hypothesis, if the rest homes have equipment, which minimizes the injuries risk, was confirmed.
Patients satisfaction with nurses care in primary care
Patient{\crq}s satisfaction is the main indicator of the quality in given care. The results of this work showed that primary care users are satisfied with the nurse's care given in surgery GP.
Information feeding about prevention of veneral diseases in primary gynecological care
HANUŠOVÁ, Jaroslava
The paper tried to get information of sexually transmitted diseases given in primary gynekological.
Childrens obesity and food habits of family
Thesis deals eating habits of children from 12 to 15 years of age and possibilities of the treatment are being considered. Over the last year, the children obesity has increased rapidly and caused an individual a lot of health problems. I tis not only a question of the cosmetic imperfection. The obese children suffer mainly from mental, physical and, in adulthood, socioeconomic difficulties. The prevention against obesity and its treatment lies in the increased physical activity and in the principles of healthy eating. The aim of this paper is to refer to the danger of the mass occurence of the obesity in children and adults in the Czech Republic and make the public familiar with a possibility of the rational nutrition and with the connections in the change of life style.

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