National Repository of Grey Literature 26 records found  beginprevious16 - 25next  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
High-average power picosecond mid-IR source
Vyvlečka, Michal ; Novák, Ondřej (advisor) ; Trojánek, František (referee)
1 Title: High-average power picosecond mid-IR source Author: Michal Vyvlečka Department: Department of Chemical Physics and Optics Supervisor: Ing. Ondřej Novák, Ph.D., Hilase centre, Institute of Physics of CAS Abstract: High average power wavelength tunable picosecond mid-IR source based on optical parametric generation (OPG) and optical parametric amplification (OPA) is being developed. The conversion system is pumped by an Yb:YAG thin-disk laser delivering 100 W of average power at 100 kHz repetition rate, 1030 nm wavelength, and 2-3 ps pulse width. Part of this fundamental beam pumps an OPG process in a PPLN crystal. The generated wavelength is determined by PPLN's poling period and temperature. Tunability of the signal wavelength between 1.46 µm and 1.95 µm was achieved, the signal beam of 20 mW was generated at 2 W of pump power, when double pass of the beams through PPLN crystal was used. The corresponding idler wavelengths were in range 2.18-3.50 μm. The signal beam was further amplified by OPA process in two KTP crystals, which was pumped by the fundamental beam. The signal beam was amplified up to 2 W at pumping of 38 W. Tuning of the output wavelength was realized by change of the phase-matching angle in KTP crystals. Tunability between 1.70-1.95 µm for signal and 2.18-2.62 µm for idler was...
Salts of heteroaromatic compounds for NLO
Basová, Miriam ; Němec, Ivan (advisor) ; Kubíček, Vojtěch (referee)
The main target of this bachelor's thesis is the preparation and characterization of novel compounds with expected non-linear optical properties. Starting material for the preparation of new salts was 2,4-diamino-1,3,5-triazine. These salts or co-crystals were prepared by the crystallization with selected inorganic and organic acids. The methods of infrared and Raman spectroscopy along with X-ray diffraction methods were used to characterize the prepared materials. Moreover, the NLO potential of selected molecules was proven by quantum − chemical calculations. These calculations were also used for the interpretation of the vibrational spectra. Finally, the structures with non-centrosymmetric assembly were examined for the second harmonic generation efficiency in powdered samples. Keywords: non-linear optics, 2,4-diamino-1,3,5-triazine, vibrational spectroscopy, structural analysis
Sum-frequency generation in far-UV spectral region
Martínek, Miroslav ; Kozák, Martin (advisor) ; Ondič, Lukáš (referee)
Nonlinear optics is the area of high field optics, where the dependence of polarization of matter on the electric field of optical radiation cannot be considered as linear. This has important implications for practise, since the superposition principle is no longer valid in nonlinear optics. Thus it is possible to influence light, propagating through material, by another intensive radiation. Nonlinear optical phenomena are important especially for laser technology because they allow to generate light at different wavelengths using various interactions. This thesis is focused on the study of the sum-frequency generation in the far ultraviolet (UV) region of the spectrum. As the radiation source the femtosecond laser system was used. The aim of the study was to theoretically describe generation by nonlinear wave equation and to calculate the dependence of phase-matching angle on generated wavelength. Theoretical results were then verified experimentally in the laboratory. Also the energy of generated pulses and sum-frequency generation efficiency were measured for pulses in spectral region 215-250 nm. The generated pulses will further serve to excite electron-hole pairs in the diamond.
Studium optických nelinearit v polovodičích a polovodičových nanostrukturách
Kozák, Martin ; Trojánek, František (advisor) ; Herynková, Kateřina (referee) ; Kužel, Petr (referee)
This Ph.D. thesis is focused on the study of optical nonlinearities and dynamics of excited charge carriers in monocrystalline diamond, nanocrystalline diamond and silicon. The dynamics of high density carriers in bulk diamond is investigated in detail (the transition from excitons and free carriers to electron-hole liquid or plasma). We study the picosecond dynamics of electron-hole liquid condensation using several techniques of time-resolved optical spectroscopy and demonstrate its evaporation by femtosecond laser pulses. We also propose two new optical techniques for measurement of lifetime, diffusion coefficient and surface recombination velocity of excitons in diamond. The results obtained by these techniques are described theoretically using diffusion equation and compared with the results obtained by the transient grating diffraction measurement. Further we study two- and three- photon absorption and nonlinear refractive index in diamond. In nanocrystalline diamond we study the second and third harmonic generation and its physical origin. In superlattices of silicon nanocrystals in SiO2 matrix we investigate the nonlinear transient absorption dynamics and carrier diffusion.
Krystalové inženýrství nových materialů pro nelineární optiku
Fridrichová, Michaela ; Němec, Ivan (advisor) ; Černošek, Zdeněk (referee) ; Schwendt, Peter (referee)
This thesis focuses on preparation of novel compounds suitable for nonlinear optics (NLO). In particular, the target property is the second harmonic generation (SHG) and the group of interest are salts of the cations with delocalized electrons which can serve as carriers of the NLO properties. In particular, four derivatives of the highly interesting molecule of guanidine were selected and their NLO potential was proven by quantum chemical computations. In total, twenty new structures were described and those with the noncentrosymmetric structure assembly were examined for the SHG efficiency. Four of the prepared compounds exhibited a noticeable SHG efficiency, two of them even comparable to urea. The most promising compound, the guanylurea hydrogen phosphite (GUHP), was examined in more detail while many interesting NLO properties were revealed. The results of this work are presented also in 10 attached publications which are an integral part of the thesis. Keywords: nonlinear optics, second harmonic generation, guanidine derivatives, guanylurea, N-phenylbiguanide, N,N-dimethylbiguanide, N,N,N˝-triphenylguanidine
Nové molekulární materiály pro nelineární optiku - příprava a detailní charakterizace
Mathauserová, Jana ; Němec, Ivan (advisor) ; Gyepes, Róbert (referee)
In this thesis both an experimental and computational study of selected prospective materials for nonlinear optics is presented. The main focus was put on 2-aminopyrimidinium hydrogen- phosphite (AMPPO3), a salt with high SHG efficiency and Type I. phase matching properties. AMPPO3 had been studied by our research group and its favourable qualities such as easy preparation, colourlessness, great water solubility and good crystallinity motivated further in- terest and the attempts for the growth of bulk single crystals from thermostated aqueous solu- tions as presented here. The products are meant to be probed by laser in a specific direction to determine the maximum SHG efficiency, so far the polarized microscopy study revealing the extreme dispersion effects is provided. AMPPO3 is an example of H-bond stabilized framework with both organic and inorganic building blocks. The computational study was led as to understand the structure which is typical for one of the classes of compounds exhibiting nonlinear optical properties. DFT implemented in parallel CP2K was used and for the comparison three other optically active materials of sim- ilar composition were studied - urea, guanylurea hydrogenphosphite and 2-aminopyrimidine- boric acid 3/2 cocrystal. After the constrained geometry optimization and cell...
Investigation of new materials for second harmonic generation
Brajer, Martin ; Němec, Petr (advisor) ; Žídek, Karel (referee)
In these bachelor thesis optical properties of materials are studied. This materials are purposefully prepared for effective second harmonic generation (SHG) and for its usage in optoelectronics. Specificely we will measure the first hyperpolarizibility. Non-coherent phenomenon of hyper-Rayleigh scattering will be used. Considering its incoherence, the effect is very weak. It's necessary to use a strong source of light, pulse laser and a sensitive detection device, photomultiplier. Samples are prepared in cooperating chemical laboratories of Faculty of Science of Charles University in Prague. Additionally, we will discuss participation of two-photon fluorescence in output intensity because of its interchangeability with SHG.
Preparation and characterization of novel molecular materials for nonlinear optics
Mathauserová, Jana ; Němec, Ivan (advisor) ; Nižňanský, Daniel (referee)
The main issue of this bachelor thesis is the investigation of salts and cocrystals of biuret and 2-aminopyrimidine in consideration of their usage in the field of nonlinear optics. The first attempt of this thesis was preparation of compounds combining biuret with organic or inorganic acids, urea and biguanide. The second part is focused on the searching of new salts of 2-aminopyrimidine and on further characterisation of its formerly prepared compounds. The methods employed to investigate the prepared materials include vibrational spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis. The theoretical quantum mechanical calculations were used to predict the nonlinear optical properties of selected molecules and also for the interpretation of the recorded vibrational spectra. Measurements of second harmonic generation efficiency of selected powder samples were performed.
Study of optical properties of organic materials for nonlinear optical applications
Hrbková, Silvie ; Hrabal, Michal (referee) ; Vala, Martin (advisor)
This work deals with a development of a method for determination of two-photon parametres and its application. The theoretical part includes a description of two-photon absorption processes, most frequently used methods to determine two-photon cross sections and a summary of molecules researched to date in the field. The molecules studied in this work are Rhodamin B and Rhodamin 6G in ethanol, which are applied as standards for the implementation of the method. After that, Diketopyrrolopyrroles U24, U37, U49 and U50 dissolved in DMSO, toluene, acetone and chloroform, are researched. Basic optical characteristics - absoption and emission spectra were experimentally acquired for all the materials. Two-photon characteristics were obtained using a picosecond laser and a Two-Photon Excited Fluorescence (TPEF) method. TPA cross-sections and TPA spectra of Rhodamin B and Rhodamin 6G were measured and discussed. Subsequently, this work focuses on absorption and emission solvatation processes of the selected Diketopyrrolopyrroles. These processes indicate their two-photon efficiency. Finally, TPA spectra of the substances are discussed. Contribution of this work is a developed method for measuring the two-photon characteristics suitable for further use. The outcomes achived, enable extensive research of the Diketopyrrolopyrrols characteristics with the use of the measured standards of the Rhodamin B and Rhodamin 6G.
Modelling of Pulse Propagation in Nonlinear Photonic Structures
Sterkhova, Anna ; Richter, Ivan (referee) ; Samek, Ota (referee) ; Petráček, Jiří (advisor)
V současnosti jsme svědky stále zvyšujících se nároku na rychlost přenosu a zpracování signálu a kapacitu pamet’ových zařízení. Proto se pozornost výzkumných pracovníku zaměřuje k plně optickým zařízením, která by mohla splnit zmíněné požadavky. Jednou z intenzívně zkoumaných možností je využití mikroprstencových optických rezonátoru. Při výzkumu je nutné využít numerických metod, které simulují šíření optického záření v dané struktuře. K tomuto účelu existuje celá rada metod, které se liší v efektivitě výpočtu, použitých aproximacích, i možnostech použití. Cílem této práce bylo vyvinout dvě jednoduché a praktické numerické metody pro modelování šíření pulzního záření v nelineárních vlnovodných strukturách. Přítom bylo požadováno, aby, na rozdíl od obecně známé a často využívané metody konečných diferencí v časové oblasti (FD-TD), bylo možné metody snadno aplikovat při studiu nelineárních struktur založených na mikroprstencových rezonátorech. Proto vyvinuté metody používají některé aproximace, zejména aproximaci pomalu proměnné obálky. Výhodou metod je vysoká rychlost a skromné požadavky na výpočetní zdroje. Obě metody vycházejí ze zkutečnosti, že naprostá většina nelineárních struktur založených na mikroprstencových rezonátorech se skládá ze dvou základních prvku: obyčejných vlnovodu a vlnovodných vazebních clenu. První metoda řeší vázané parciální diferenciální rovnice, které popisují šíření obálky pulzu ve struktuře. Přitom je použito tzv. „up-wind“ schéma vhodné pro parciální diferenciální rovnice popisující šíření vln. Druhá metoda vychází z první; rozdíl je v popisu vazby mezi dvěma vlnovody. Pokud se v první metodě uvažuje realistická vazba rozložená na určité délce, pak druhá metoda je založena na představě vazby nacházející se v jednom místě. Díky tomu je možné integrovat příslušné rovnice a dosáhnout výrazného urychlení výpočtu. Kvazianalytický charakter druhé metody umožňuje dále snadnou klasifikaci různých typu ustálených řešení. Vzhledem k těmto vlastnostem byla druhá metoda využita k výzkumu samovolné generace optických pulzu ve strukturách skládajících se z vázaných prstencových rezonátoru. Obě metody, které byly vyvinuty během této práce, představují rychlé a fyzikálně názorné alternativy k metodě FD-TD, a tak lze očekávat, že mohou hrát důležitou roli při výzkumu nelineárních vlnovodných struktur.

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