Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 23 záznamů.  začátekpředchozí14 - 23  přejít na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
Vývoj měnově politických režimů v ČR a vhodnost jejich použití
Frýbová, Kateřina ; Řežábek, Pavel (vedoucí práce) ; Zamrazilová, Eva (oponent)
Současná měnová politika je velmi diskutované téma. Hlavní pozornost je kladena na režim cílování inflace a otázky jestli je vhodný i v rámci nízko inflačních podmínek s nízkými úrokovým sazbami. Práce zkoumá měnově politické režimy, jak se vyvíjely cílované veličiny v režimu cílování inflace. Cílem práce je ověřit zda při sazbách poblíž technické nuly nedochází k systematicky větším odchylkám predikcí inflace od skutečnosti. Po porovnání všech měnově politických režimů, jejich výhod a nevýhod v současném vývoji je v práci konstatováno, že ačkoliv režim cílování inflace není bezchybný, nevýhody a úskalí ostatních režimů jsou mnohem závažnější. Přestože se velikost odchylky inflace v případě sazeb na nule zvyšuje, jedná se spíše o chybu v modelu a příliš optimistické prognózy ČNB, než že by chyby přímo souvisely s výší sazeb.
The monetary policy of the world's central banks in the context of the global financial crisis
Žoldák, Matej ; Pavlík, Zdeněk (vedoucí práce) ; Bolotov, Ilya (oponent)
Hlavním motivem práce je světová finanční krize v období 2008 a 2009. Konkrétně se práce zaměřuje na analýzu přijetých opatření v rámci měnové politiky vybraných centrálních bank. Kroky jednotlivých subjektů jsou zanalyzovány, porovnány a na konci práce shrnuty. Poukazuje se tu i na efekt působení těchto opatření na vybraných makroekonomických ukazatelích.
Economic Research Bulletin (2012, No.2). No. 2, Vol. 10, November 2012, Financial Stability and Monetary Policy
Česká národní banka
The importance of analysing the interactions between financial stability and monetary policy and its effects on macroeconomic fluctuations has risen substantially during the current financial crisis. This edition of the Research Bulletin is focused on five articles which analyse these interactions from various angles. The first article examines the effect of tighter macroprudential and monetary policies on output. According to this research, in comparison to monetary policy, macroprudential policy may be less costly, as it has less adverse effects on bank earnings. The second article examines to what extent financial frictions matter for macroeconomic fluctuations. The results suggest that the effect of financial frictions on macroeconomic fluctuations is sizeable only when financial stress is sufficiently high. The third article focuses on the relation between central bank finances and inflation. The article concludes that central bank losses are unlikely to represent a threat to price stability. The fourth article examines whether low monetary policy rates may increase commercial banks’ risk-taking. It finds that too low an interest rate may lead to a build-up of long-term risks to financial stability, but a lower interest rate during the life of a loan reduces its riskiness. The fifth article examines the interactions between bank capital and bank liquidity creation. The results indicate that greater capital requirements are beneficial for financial stability but may have an adverse effect on bank liquidity creation.
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Economic research bulletin (2012, No.1). Macroeconomic forecasting: methods, accuracy and coordination
Česká národní banka
The first article performs an empirical investigation of the accuracy of Czech quarterly GDP forecasts of various models which extract information from the available monthly indicators. The forecast performance of the eight models is compared mutually and with the historical near-term forecasts of the CNB’s staff. The second article assesses the practical usability of Bayesian fan charts for the purposes of CNB forecast evaluation and financial stability stress testing. The third article evaluates the accuracy of Consensus Economics forecasts by comparison with the alternative forecasts including those of international organisations. Furthermore, the impact of the recent crisis on forecast performance is investigated. The last article analyses the extent to which private analysts coordinate their forecasts with those produced by the Czech National Bank, and whether such coordination changes over time.
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Economic research bulletin (2010, No.1)
Česká národní banka
The first aticle formed the basis for the current CNB forecasting framework. The second one significantly shaped the discussions about the implications of the CNB’s losses. The third one established which methodologies and which data can be used to identify bubbles in the Czech housing market. The fourth introduced Beveridge curve estimates into the CNB’s policy documents. There are, of course, other papers that have influenced the CNB’s policy thinking. Some of them were featured in previous Bulletins and some are still work-in-progress. It is our hope that the CNB’s economic research will continue contributing to policy debates in the next ten years.
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Economic research bulletin (2009, No.1)
Česká národní banka
This issue tries to figure out which deviation factors were important in the Czech case. The presented articles propose several potential suspects: a series of shocks, the forecasting system and the decision-making system. The articles then suggest which methodologies could be used to decipher the deviation puzzle and provide empirical results for the Czech case. These results suggest that deviations of inflation from the target in the past decade cannot be explained by a single factor in the Czech case, and that the role of each factor changed over time. Anti-inflationary shocks are the most frequently identified source of the deviations. In the initial stage of inflation targeting, the forecasting system and the decision-making process also contributed. The analysis of factors contributing to deviations of inflation from the target provides useful lessons for improving the inflation targeting strategy. For example, a less rigid forecasting system seems to be more beneficial than a forecasting system that is changed only very rarely.
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Economic research bulletin (2006, No.1)
Česká národní banka
Why does research benefit central banks, and what type of research benefits them the most? Three members of the CNB’s Research Advisory Committee (RAC)1) – David Mayes, Carsten Detken and Nicoletta Batini – provide some answers to these questions. Central banks’ ability to attract the brightest young minds makes them one of the best hubs of applied economic research. Quality research serves as a reputation instrument demonstrating a central bank’s capability to handle future problems that may not simply replicate past experience. While established central banks may be able to achieve such reputation over the passage of time, “younger” central banks can demonstrate such capability both faster and more cheaply, based on evidence derived from their research. Successful central bank research programmes share some common traits. First, the management of the bank carefully selects research areas and projects based on the bank’s competitive advantage and its role in the global financial system. Second, ensuring quality output is of paramount importance, necessitating a welldesigned appraisal system and incentives for research. Finally, the bank ensures proper dissemination of research output.
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Economic research bulletin (2005, No.1)
Česká národní banka
The efficiency of macroeconomic policies depends on adequate business cycle approximation. The CNB’s approach is aimed at estimating the deviation of real GDP from its “inflation-non-accelerating” level. Such deviation – the output gap – reflects demanddriven inflationary pressures, where the Phillips curve is of primary importance. By contrast, the production function method reflects the supply-side or “capacity” view of the economy’s potential. The two approaches are subject to methodological disputes and deliver different quantitative results, thus leaving decision makers still with a considerable degree of uncertainty. That is why alternative approaches are being developed. The following articles illustrate this problem in more detail.
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Economic research bulletin (2004, No.1)
Česká národní banka
This issue of the CNB Research Bulletin begins with an outline of the forecasting model currently used by the CNB, including efforts aimed at its extension (Jaromír Beneš, Tibor Hlédik and David Vávra). Kateřina Šmídková goes on to present various methods of dealing with forecast uncertainty. Michal Skořepa then discusses the ways central banks’ future interest rates can be incorporated in their projections of future economic developments. And finally, Viktor Kotlán evaluates the relevance of using simple indicators, such as the yield curve, in the process of inflation targeting.
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Inflation targeting in the Czech Republic compared with the Visegrad countries
Gergelyová, Jana ; Mandel, Martin (vedoucí práce) ; Zbyněk, Štork (oponent)
Tato bakalářská práce je analýzou vývoje inflace v České republice a úspěšnosti měnové politiky ve srovnání s inflačním cílením v zemích Vyšehradské čtyřky. V první části jsem se zaměřila na vývoj centrálního bankovnictví a postavení centrální banky,hlavního aktéra měnové politiky ve vztahu k inflaci. Společným rysem zemí Vyšehradské čtyřky je měnová politika založena na cílování inflace. Predikce vývoje inflace ve srovnání se skutečným vývojem v období deseti let je předmětem praktické části, která je doplněna širokou škálou grafů a tabulek, které jsou převážně vytvořeny mnou na základě dat dostupných na webových stránkách centrálních bank jednotlivých zemí Vyšehradské čtyřky a statistického úřadu Evropské unie - Eurostatu.

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