National Repository of Grey Literature 27 records found  previous11 - 20next  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 
The relationship between level of imagination and performance in white water slalom.
Heger, Tomáš ; Bílý, Milan (advisor) ; Busta, Jan (referee)
Title: Relationship between level of imagination and performance in wild water slalom. Tasks: The main task of this work is to assess the existence of a dependence between the duration of the imagination of performance and performance itself. Furthermore, to find out which of the two ways of imagination is more accurate for the imagination in water slalom. The first way is the imagination without movement. Proband imagines the track at rest without moving. The second way is the imagination associated with movement. Here, the proband combines the idea with paddling on flat water. Techniques: Predictive correlation research method. We compared the results using correlation analysis. Results: The results from the model training in Prague Troja were processed using basic descriptive statistics and to determine the relationship between the imagination and the performance of the competitor by correlation analysis using Spearman's correlation coefficient. The statistically significant dependence (rs = -0.280, resp. rs = -0.183) between the times of imagination and the times of real rides was not proved for the set of competitors in the C1 men category (N = 9). The average time difference between imagination without movement and real run was 9.45 s. The average time difference between imagination...
Performance aspects in white water slalom
Bílý, Milan ; Süss, Vladimír (advisor) ; Pollert, Jaroslav (referee) ; Tomajko, Dušan (referee)
Title: Performance aspects in white water slalom Aim The study is a summary of articles published between the years 2006 - 2011. The aim is to present the researched issue of top - level sport in the example of white water slalom. Articles are arranged in accordance to the factors of sport performance. The first thematically include articles concerned with conditioning factors of performance, then continue articles analyzing somatic factors and at the end there are listed papers on psychological preparation and psychological factors. Methods These articles were mostly case studies which have been conducted on a sample of national team athletes or top athletes in the Czech Republic. The exception is the articles 5.3 and 5.4, which are descriptive studies on a large sample of top world class athletes. The studies used a survey and testing. Results The individual articles addressed the importance of performance indicators in white water slalom, applied to the selected factors. Results of studies are always subjected to deliberately selected files of athletes, top-level competitors in the Czech Republic and abroad. The results, therefore, cannot be generalized and applied to a population of white water slalom racers, but can show some patterns that could be accepted in practice.
Muscle imbalances in white water canoeing measured by TMG
Hapák, Michal ; Šteffl, Michal (advisor) ; Bílý, Milan (referee)
Title: Muscle imbalances in white water canoeing measured by TMG Aims: The aim of this paper was to select the endangered muscle groups, to identify possible imbalances using tensiomyograph (TMG 100) and to define hypotheses about the influence of training load in water slalom on the development of imbalances in the selected specific muscle groups. Methods: This work has a character of a qualitative research. Specifically, 6 case studies were carried out, appended by control measurements after one year, in which emphasis was placed on the detection of characteristic muscle imbalances that could arise as a result of specific training activities in water slalom. To measure these muscle imbalances, we used tensiomyograph (TMG 100). Results: Among the measured participants, we found that during a one-year training cycle, significant changes in the functionality of individual muscle groups have occurred. The most endangered groups, ie the groups with the most significant changes, included BB, DEL, LD and TRM. There have been also notable changes in the functional symmetry of the elbow joint, where 4 out of 5 participants have deteriorated during the year. It was also found, that women might be more prone to imbalances as an effect of the specific activity compared to men. Key words: white water...
Technique on C1 in White water slalom
Foukal, Pavel ; Bílý, Milan (advisor) ; Busta, Jan (referee)
Title: Technique on C1 in White water slalom Objectives: The aim of the bachelor thesis is to describe the current concept of the technique on C1 category and create as an attachment video samples of the individual techniques, which will also be available electronically. Methods: At work we used the analysis method. Applied it in the analysis of the individual ways of going thru the slalom gates. We focused on key aspects of the all different techniques and attempted to describe them. Results: This work represents the contemporary concept of the technique and tactics of paddling on C1 and together with the annex is an output which can serve as a methodical material to canoe slalom competitors and coaches. Keywords: canoe, canoe slalom, upstream gates, downstream gates, technique, tactics, video analysis
Relationship between selected specific and general indicators of strenght in white water slalom competitors in C1 men category
Říha, Martin ; Bílý, Milan (advisor) ; Baláš, Jiří (referee)
Title: Relationship between selected specific and general indicators of strength in water slalom competitors in category C1 Objectives: The aim of the study was to find out the relationship between the maximum strength tests at the gym and the explosive force test when paddling on flat water. Another aim of the thesis was to compare the measurement with results in selection races to Czech national team 2018. Methods: The test battery for general force tests included the bench press test, the attachment on the bench, the one arm attachment on the bench and the one arm pull up on the bar. To test the explosive force on a flat water we used a three-axis piezoelectric load cell 9137. Dewesoft Sirirus and Dewesoft, Dewetron, were used to diagnose the course of force. Correlation analysis was used to determine the relationship between the measurements. The degree of dependence was determined by the correlation coefficient value. Results: A strong dependence rate (r = ≥ 0.7) was demonstrated in the water test and the one arm attachment on the bench. There was no evidence of a strong degree of dependence on bench - press exercises (r = 0,63), the attachment on the bench (r = 0,58)and the one arm pull up on the bar (r = 0,04). The paddlers who achieved the best results in specific and general strength...
Analysis of techniques in wild water kayaking during competitions in wild water slalom
Buchtel, Michal ; Bílý, Milan (advisor) ; Süss, Vladimír (referee)
Title: Analysis of techniques in wild water kayaking during competitions in wild water slalom Objectives: 1. To analyze race runs of the best world kayakers in top competitions in wild water slalom in frequency of use of individual types of strokes and technics of passing through upstream and downstream gates 2. Determine the percentage of using forwards and driving strokes in competition runs of best world kayakers Methods: Observationally descriptive study based on organized, non-behavioral observation of a targeted sample of the population of athletes, specifically a group of top kayakers. Sequence video analysis in the Darthfish computer program, based on the recording of predefined technical elements that appear in the competition runs of the best world kayakers. The observation was done by one professional expert by intra-observating method. The data was processed in the Microsoft Excel computer program using basic statistics. The individual outputs were described in details. Results: Top world kayakers are mostly using sweep technique when passing through the upstream gates in competitions There is a high share of forwards strokes against driving strokes in competition runs of top world kayakers Key words: wild water slalom, technique, tactics, competition, passing gates, video analysis
Comparison of results spiroergometric examination competitors in whitewater slalom on the crank ergometer and in canoeing
Říha, Martin ; Bílý, Milan (advisor) ; Kovářová, Lenka (referee)
Název: Porovnání výsledků spiroergonometrického vyšetření závodníků ve vodním slalomu na klikovém ergometru a při jízdě na kanoi. Cíle práce: Cílem práce bylo zjistit vztah mezi funkčními ukazateli aerobní zátěžové diagnostiky při pádlování na klidné vodě na kanoi a při klikové ergometrii horních končetin. Metody: K získání dat jsme využili standardizovaný zátěžový test ergometrie horních končetin na klikovém ergometru a spiroergometrické vyšetření při pádlování na klidné vodě dle stejného zátěžového protokolu. K testování bylo použito v obou případech zařízení Cortex Metamax 3B a sporttesteru Polar RS 800. Ke zjištění vztahů funkčních ukazatelů bylo požito korelační analýzy. Míra závislosti byla určována podle Pearsonova korelačního koeficientu. Výsledky: Výsledky práce poukázaly na rozdíly mezi pádlováním na kanoi na klidné vodě a testem klikové ergometrie horních končetin. Průměrné hodnoty funkčních ukazatelů se lišily v rozmezí 5,60 - 14,71 %. Korelační analýza prokázala silnou závislost u 3 ze 6 sledovaných funkčních ukazatelů: r= DF 0,761, VMAX r= 0,903, O2tep r= 0,921 u zbývajících třech ukazatelů byla prokázána nízká míra závislosti VO2max r= 0,095, SF r= -0,552, VT r=0,348, LA r=-0,290. Klíčová slova: Kliková ergometrie, jízda na kanoi, spiroergometrie, vodní slalom, zátěžová diagnostika.
Pavlík, Matouš ; Bílý, Milan (advisor) ; Kolář, František (referee)
Title: Canoeing in the Czech Republic 2004 - 2013. Objectives: The aim of the thesis has been to draw up the history of the Czech canoeing between 2004 and 2013. Methods: Standard methods have been used in the thesis, especially the chronological method. The actual gaining of materials has been achieved through a combination of the direct, indirect and progressive methods. Results: The content of this work deals with the organizational and competition activities of canoeists in the Czech Republic in the given period. Keywords: Kayak, canoe, canoe sprint,canoe slalom, wildwatercanoeing, Czech Canoe Union, International Canoe Federation, European Canoe Association, history.
Comparison of the results of aerobic exercise testing while kayaking and crank ergometry of upper limbs
Busta, Jan ; Bílý, Milan (advisor) ; Novotný, Petr (referee)
Title: Comparison of the results of aerobic exercise testing while kayak paddling whith crank ergometry of upper limbs. Aims: The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between the results of aerobic execise diagnostics of 6 elite kayakers (white water slalom) when paddling of flat water with crank ergometry of upper limbs. The results obtained when paddling on flat water were also compared with results obtained when paddling in the pool with counter (bachelor thesis). Based on the results we wanted to answer the question about the possible use specific forms of stress diagnosis (spiroergometry) in routine practice of training proces. Methods: We used standardized laboratory spiroergomtry stress test at crank ergometry of upper limbs and spiroergometry stress test when paddling on flat water of the same protocol. To obtain the functional values of physiological indicators in both test we used mobile spiroergometry equipment Cortex Metamax 3B and sporttester Polar. Feedback of probands were identified based on suervey with closed questions. Results: Testing kayakers reached when paddling on flat water the average functional values: heart rate (HR) 188,5 (±8,77) beats per minute, maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max.) 56 (±6.31); maximum ventilation (VMAX.) 127.31 l.min-1 (±15.16);...
Determining dependencies between the explosive power of the upper extremities and performance in sprint on kayak of white water paddlers.
Fusek, Radomír ; Bílý, Milan (advisor) ; Novotný, Petr (referee)
Title: Determining dependencies between the explosive power of the upper extremities and performance in sprint on kayak of white water paddlers. Aims: Determine the relationship between the explosive power of upper limbs and trunk, as demonstrated by selected exercises in the gym with a performance at the sprint distance of 40 meters in calm water. Methods: Explosive power of upper limbs and trunk were tested through devices Myotest® Pro 2 in exercises bench - press, bench - pull and pull - ups. Sprint on 40 meters was measured manually by three timekeepers, the final time was the average time. Relationship between performance in the sprint and explosive strength was assessed through Pearson correlation coefficient. Results: There was found moderate degree of dependence in some indicators of explosive power detected by Myotest® Pro 2. Specifically, the maximum force in the exercise bench - press (-0.42) and the pull-up (-0.42) and the maximum repetition speed at an exercise bench - press (-0.51). For other indicators, there was no evidence or only a very low level of correlation dependencies. The results, however, evident that the sprint fastest probands achieved in the majority of the measured values explosive force well above average results. Since it was a pilot research, we can not draw firm...

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