National Repository of Grey Literature 56 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Signal analyzer based on universal USB DVB-T receiver
Hoferek, Jakub ; Maršálek, Roman (referee) ; Derbek, Vojtěch (advisor)
This thesis deals with using a commercially available USB DVB-T tuner for spectrum analysis. In the first part, there are other possible platforms compared to income described hardware specific receiver tuner R820T and AD converter RTL2832. The next part is realized by a spectrum analyzer and a simple FM receiver. These functional units are created on GNU Radio and Matlab.
DAB Radio Receiver
Pišťák, Ondřej ; Götthans, Tomáš (referee) ; Dřínovský, Jiří (advisor)
This work is focused on design and construction of software defined radio that can play DAB+ standard. The received signal is processed by USB receiver RTL-SDR BLOF with 8 bits resolution A/D convertor RTL2832U and small single-board computer Raspberry Pi 3 (Model B). The work deals also with design and realization of control panel by which the radio is controlled. The LCD display is connected to Raspberry Pi and used for the screen information about currently playing radio program.
A Framework for generating Traffic in IoT Networks
Švehla, Ľubomír ; Staněk, Miroslav (referee) ; Polák, Ladislav (advisor)
The point of this master's thesis is to design a framework capable of receiving and processing and also generating and sending packets of BLE, Z-Wave and IQRF technologies. In addition to designing the software itself, it also deals with choosing suitable hardware. Selected hardware is SDR device HackRF~One. The software solution is implemented in C ++ and counts on the use of third-party tools.
RFID signal analyzer using USB DVB-T receiver based SW defined radio
Sládek, Ondřej ; Vychodil, Josef (referee) ; Derbek, Vojtěch (advisor)
This bachelor’s work deals with the development of software analyzer of RFID signals in the UHF band using a USB DVB-T receiver. First part of the work describes RFID systems generally with emphasis on EPC Class-1 Generation-2 standard. The work also analyses possibilities of using a USB DVB-T receiver to receive complex IQ signal and possible options for interfacing it with LabVIEW. The created interface is described as well as the LabVIEW application itself. Furthermore, examples of recorded RFID communication are shown and possible future use of the developed code for a radio-band scanner is demonstrated at the end of the work.
Wireless communication analysis using software defined radio
Štrajt, Martin ; Štůsek, Martin (referee) ; Pokorný, Jiří (advisor)
The work deals with the use of software-defined radio as a probe for monitoring the operation of wireless communication according to the IEEE 802.11a/g standard. In the theoretical introduction, the concept of software-defined radio as a hardware device with software programmable circuits enabling the transmission or reception of signals in theoretically any frequency band is introduced. The introduction also contains adescription of selected devices and the IEEE 802.11 protocol with its most used additionsand modulations. In the first part of the practical part of the work, wireless communication is capturedusing a wireless network card in monitoring mode. The intercepted communication was decrypted and this decrypted traffic was compared with the data captured by the probe within the network. These results then served as acomparative basis for software-defined radio capturing. The focus of this work is to verify the capabilities of software-defined radio and its use for sniffing wireless communicationin the frequency band 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. The attempt to use a software-defined radio here results from the scalability and adaptability that a wireless card cannot offer due to fixed hardware parameters. LimeSDR mini, LimeSDR and bladeRF 2.0 devices were used for capture. First, the configuration of the operating system, the installation of drivers and programs for control and work with selected devices are described. After verifying the functionality of the software-defined radio, a model of a signal decoder with the parameters of the IEEE 802.11g standard captured from the radio spectrum was put into operation. Finally, the data streams captured by the software-defined radio and the wireless network card were compared side by side. The results showed that the software-defined radio in the used configuration captures only a part of the total volume of transmitted frames.
Signal Analyzer Based on DVB-T USB Tuner
Belica, Martin ; Grézl, František (referee) ; Černocký, Jan (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with the detection and analysis of a radio signals with the DVB-T USB tuner. The first step of the analysis is to capture some radio signal, in this case using a USB tuner. The next step is the appliction of signal processing algorithms. The most important algorithm for analysis is a discrete Fourier transform that is used to obtain a signal spectrum. Finally, several demodulation and filtering algorithms are used to better interpret the analyzed signal to the user.
Signal analyzer based on universal USB DVB-T receiver
Hoferek, Jakub ; Vychodil, Josef (referee) ; Derbek, Vojtěch (advisor)
This thesis deals with using a commercially available USB DVB-T tuner for spectrum analysis. In the first part, there are other possible platforms compared to income described hardware specific receiver tuner R820T and AD converter RTL2832. The next part is realized by a spectrum analyzer and a simple FM receiver. These functional units are created on GNU Radio and Matlab.
Software-defined radio OFDM frame generation according to IEEE 802.22
Honek, Marek ; Gazda, Juraj (referee) ; Maršálek, Roman (advisor)
Tato práce navrhuje nový radio komunikační standard AWRAN určený pro přístup k radioamatérké síťi HAMNET která nevyžaduje volný LOS k přístupovému bodu. Dále se práce popisuje prototypovou implementaci zjednodušených rámců tohoto standardu na SDR a testovací aparaturou, která je používána pro tyto účely. V první kapitole je představen standard IEEE 802.22 WRAN, ze kterého AWRAN vychází. Jsou popsány pojmy jako OFDM a OFDMA, výhody a způsoby jejich použití. Dále jsou zde popsány také modulační techniky PSK a QAM, kódování pro detekci a opravu chyb přenosu a zdroje těchto chyb. V druhé kapitole je zevrubný popis parametrů navrhovaného standardu AWRAN. Jsou popsány OFDM parametry, struktura rámců a superrámců. Je popsán způsob co-existence více buněk AWRAN a přesná podoba čtrnácti řídících zpráv, které umožňují efektivní rozdělení zdrojů přenosového pásma mezi až čtyři základnové stanice a až 63 uživatelů pripojených ke každé z těchto stanic. Třetí kapitola popisuje strukturu zjednodušeního rámce, který byl implementován na testovací aparatuře RPX-100. Popisuje i aparaturu samotnou a její základní stavební hardwarové prvky i softwarovou knihovnu, která byla pro implementaci zjednodušeného rámce použita. V této kapitole je popsán i připravený testovací spoj a teoretický výpočet útlumu tohoto spoje. Čtvrtá kapitola se zabývá programy, které byly v rámci této práce vytvořeny. Dva z nich sloužily pro první seznámení s hardwarem a softvarovými knihovnami. Další program slouží jako generátor dříve popsaných zjednodušených rámců, které následne odesílá za použití SDR. Ten stejný program slouží i jako příjmač těchto rámců. Poslední připravený program provádí simulaci bezdrátového přenosu pomocí matematického modelu kanálu. Dále počítá závislost BER na SNR u takto simulovaného přenosu. V poslední kapitole jsou vypsány funkce, které byly nadefinovány a použity v programech popsaných v předchozí kapitole.
Software for the analysis of the remote-reading of the meters
Přívětivý, Radek ; Tříska, Martin (referee) ; Mego, Roman (advisor)
There are describes the principles of remote meter reading in the home and components of smart grids for reading these meters in the first part of master’s thesis. The next part of the thesis contains description of standard Wireless M-Bus and ZigBee. The next chapter is description of the circuit Realtek RTL2832U, which is part of the selected tuner. Another part is devoted to basic description of modulation focusing on the angle modulation – FM, FSK. In the final part is a detailed description of the received signal. AES encryption and created software.
Modelling and simulation of communication system receiver for unmanned aircraft
Hoferek, Jakub ; Prokeš, Aleš (referee) ; Maršálek, Roman (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with the simulation of the radio communication system for satellite control of unmanned aircraft, namely the command and control communication link – the forward link. The aim of the thesis is to create a simulator in the Matlab environment. The simulator includes a model of the transmitter, radio channel and receiver. Four-state CPM modulation with partial response and filtered symbol shape is used. The radio channel performs noise, frequency Doppler shift and time delay to the received signal. Subsequently, in the Acquisition Unit, the Doppler shift and time delay are detected and compensated. At the end of the thesis, the simulation results of the presented model are presented in the form of graphs đť¸s/đť‘0.

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