National Repository of Grey Literature 29 records found  previous10 - 19next  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Volumetric Method for the Determining kg CO2 eq. and Energy Requirements for the Production of Power Tools at an Early Stage of Product Design
Sovják, Richard ; Sobotová,, Lydia (referee) ; Grall, Günter (referee) ; Křenek, Ladislav (advisor)
Emise kg CO2 eq. vznikají v různých fázích životního cyklu výrobku a mají významný vliv na globální oteplování. K posouzení těchto negativních vlivů slouží metoda Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), která umožňuje určit uhlíkovou stopu, energetické nároky na výrobu materiálů, výrobní procesy, transport, užití a konec životního cyklu. Tyto analýzy jsou časově náročné, nákladné na zaškolení a vyžadují hmotnostní a materiálové charakteristiky výrobků. Navržená metoda VEME (Objemová hodnotící metoda ecodesignu) využívá objemových vlastností výrobku a jeho strukturálního a materiálového složení. Pro dosažení cíle bylo analyzováno 134 kusů nářadí (vyrobeno 1989 až 2018) se začleněním do 10 typových skupin podle druhu nářadí. 3D skenováním byl určen objem výrobku s následnou materiálovou analýzou a po té byla použita metoda Oil Point Method (OPM), která je založena na LCA. Nářadí bylo posuzováno ve třech možných variantách konce životního cyklu (skládkování, spalování a recyklace 90 %). Ze získaných dat byla provedena simulace Monte Carlo pro každý vzorek nářadí n = 1 000 s 95% spolehlivostí. Byly stanoveny rovnice pro určení energetických požadavků na výrobu nářadí, emisí kg CO2 eq. (pro 11 světových zemí), údajů na balení a transport zboží. S 90% recyklací je možné uspořit až 32,4 % energie oproti skládkování. Ze všech 134 vzorků bylo 9,7 %, u kterých byla recyklace až o 6,2 % energeticky náročnější než skládkování. Důvodem jsou vysoké energetické nároky na recyklace materiálů. Nová metoda najde využití při navrhování výrobků v průmyslovém designu, ale i v oblastech ekonomického zhodnocení způsobu a místa výroby. Lze jej využít i pro rozšíření energetického štítkování výrobků, které by zahrnovalo energetickou náročnost výroby, transport a balení.
The influence of energy mix on environmental impacts of waste management
Dočekalová, Veronika ; Kočí, Vladimír (advisor) ; Trecáková, Tatiana (referee)
This paper presents energy mix of Czech Republic and its effects on environmental impacts of waste management. Three technologies: landfilling without energy recovery and landfilling and incineration with energy recovery are assessed using LCA. Results for 1 t of mixed municipal waste are compared in 9 impact categories: abiotic depletion, acidification, eutrophication, global warming, ozone layer depletion, photochemical ozone creation, human toxicity, terrestrial ecotoxicity, freshwater ecotoxicity. Landfilling without energy recovery was evaluated as the most harmful technology to the environment, incineration as the most environmentally-friendly one. The use of Czech energy mix made impacts of the energy recovery technologies look lower, contrary to burdens of landfill without energy recovery that resulted higher. The influence of energy mix composition change is discussed further.
LCA of NATM tunnel stamping method
Pokorná, Alice ; Kočí, Vladimír (advisor) ; Trecáková, Tatiana (referee)
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the environmental impacts of NATM tunnelling method using the assembly of LCA studies. Construction sector still has large potential for advancement, and therefore is a subject of interest for also for LCA studies. Underground constructions applies more with growing demands for space in infrastructure. If sustainable growth in construction is desired, it's important to have an idea about the environmental impacts of this sector. Sustainable growth requires methods and tools for measurement and comparison of impacts of human activities on the environment. These tools are provided by LCA studies, which also allow a proactive approach. The advantage of LCA is a preview of the entire life cycle of the product, so there is no shifting of problems between the individual stages of the product's life cycle. LCA study of cradle-to-gate type was selected to evaluate New Austrian tunnelling method. LCA study was done for one tunnel, length 850m with cross-section surface of 13,46m2 excavated by the NATM method, realized over the course of 18 months. GaBi 6 software tool was used for making of this study. Results show that the most important emission sources of NATM tunnelling method are production of cement, dumping of excavated material, production of reinforcing steel...
Life cycle assessment of buildings
Mrkvičková, Kristýna ; Kočí, Vladimír (advisor) ; Hák, Tomáš (referee)
This bachelor thesis is focused on life cycle assessment of building construction. All impacts will be modeled on residential house in professional LCA software. Every single component of the building was evaluated with regard to their impact on enviroment. The output list each category of indicators and evaluation of the impact. It shows which environmental categories are most affected by building and where it would be useful to optimizme it. The family house presented by the typical new building was chosen for evaluation process. The product system was simulated by the GaBi 4 software tool, then it was evaluated using the impact categories of the CML 2001 - Nov. 09 characterization model. The theoretical part deals with the LCA methodology, explains the different stages and describes categories of impact. Furthermore, the global trends are discussed in terms of assessing the building lifecycle. At the end, the LCA study has shown that the biggest influence on the environment is caused by the service life of a product's lifecycle and water treatment contributes the most on this result.
Office building JMC Brno
Honzl, Jakub ; Krupica, Roman (referee) ; Bantová, Sylva (advisor)
The aim of this master’s thesis is to elaborate the project documentation of an office building in Brno with nearly zero energy consumption. This building consists of 2 parts. First part is a two-storey building with a basement. In the basement are storages and mechanical rooms. On the first floor is a cafe and sanitary facilities. On the second floor is an open-space, two meeting rooms and a manager's office. Second part of the building are garages that has one above ground floor and one underground floor. The structural system of the building is RC frame, and it stands on grillage foundation. The office part is roofed with warm flat roof and external walls are insulated with insulating panels made of mineral wool. The garage part is roofed with green roof. This master’s thesis consists of 3 parts. First one processes the application for a building permit. Second part deals with technical equipment of the building namely design of boiler, ventilation and photovoltaic panels. Third part deals with life cycle assessment of different composition of floors. It compares these floors and evaluates them. And in the end the floor which has the best results is implemented back into the project.
Office building
Eryshova, Natalia ; Stránská, Zuzana (referee) ; Struhala, Karel (advisor)
The aim of this Master´s Thesis is to create project documentation for office building with nearly zero energy consumption. The topic of the Master´s Thesis is Office Building located in Brno Komárov. Thesis is divided in to 3 main parts. In a first part, constructional solution is proposed. Office building is designed for recruitment agency with capacity of 32 personnel that consists of 3 floors, green roof and green facade. Ground plan of designed building is in rectangular shape. On the first floor there is a reception, offices, registry, small kitchen and staff room. Second floor is similar to the first one but it has a conference room. Third floor is designed as staff room with coffee lounge. In second part of Master Thesis design of building services engineering systems is proposed. Building uses forced ventilation with heat recovery. Heating is provided by two condensing gas boilers. Supply of electric energy is partially ensured by photovoltaic power plant. In addition, rain water is effectively used in this building. In the third part evaluation of six designed compositions of floor with Life Cycle Assessment method is done. Software used to elaborate this Master´s Thesis are following: ArchiCad, DekSoft, GaBi, Excel and Lumion.
Assessment of Building in Terms of Carbon Footprint and Circular Economy
Budajová, Jana ; Vilčeková, Silvia ; Mésároš, Peter
The construction industry is the primary source of environmental impacts, especially the carbon footprint. Life cycle assessment (LCA) as an analytical method is used for quantifying the environmental impact of the investigated residential building. Life cycle costs (LCC) from the point of view of the circular economy create an economic model prioritizing reuse and recycling. The aim of this paper is to assess the residential building in terms of carbon footprint, using LCA analysis and circular economy, using LCC analysis. The residential building emits 1 756 tons of CO2e, which represents 41.35 kg CO2e/m2/year. The total estimated life cycle cost of the building in nominal terms is 1 694 699.61 €. This is the average total life cycle cost of 1 995.21 €/m2.
Ecological evaluation and labeling of electrical products
Kantorová, Aneta ; Šteffan, Pavel (referee) ; Szendiuch, Ivan (advisor)
This bachelor thesis is focused on the possibilities of reducing the negative effects of electrical products on the environment. After a general description of the current state, including activities aimed at awarding environmental labels, attention is focused on the possibilities of ecological evaluation of electrical products. Legislation according to the standards of the ISO 14020 series is applied for this that are focused on three possibilities of awarding eco-labels. In the practical part a procedure for awarding the ECO mark according to the ISO 14021 standard is proposed. This could be granted by the manufacturers themselves on compliance with the prescribed conditions as in the case of the declaration of conformity for the CE marking.
Life cycle assessment of landfilling
Kosová, Kristýna ; Kočí, Vladimír (advisor) ; Trecáková, Tatiana (referee)
This thesis is focused on the method of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in Waste Management in the Czech Republic. The aim of this work is creation of landfill model and evaluate the main material, energy and elementary streams with influence on the environment. The output is an overview of each impact indicator, assessment most affected environmental categories by landfilling. and where is appropriate the optimization. The thesis consists of two parts, theoretical and experimental. The theoretical part deals generally about LCA, landfilling and municipal waste, their production and the possibilities of further handling them. In the experimental part is evaluated and compare the impact of 1 tonne lanfilling waste per 1 calendar year on several Czech landfills. The next was created average landfill model and its comparison with database models. Key words Landfill, Life Cycle Assessment, Waste Management, Municipal solid waste
LCA of NATM tunnel stamping method
Pokorná, Alice ; Kočí, Vladimír (advisor) ; Trecáková, Tatiana (referee)
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the environmental impacts of NATM tunnelling method using the assembly of LCA studies. Construction sector still has large potential for advancement, and therefore is a subject of interest for also for LCA studies. Underground constructions applies more with growing demands for space in infrastructure. If sustainable growth in construction is desired, it's important to have an idea about the environmental impacts of this sector. Sustainable growth requires methods and tools for measurement and comparison of impacts of human activities on the environment. These tools are provided by LCA studies, which also allow a proactive approach. The advantage of LCA is a preview of the entire life cycle of the product, so there is no shifting of problems between the individual stages of the product's life cycle. LCA study of cradle-to-gate type was selected to evaluate New Austrian tunnelling method. LCA study was done for one tunnel, length 850m with cross-section surface of 13,46m2 excavated by the NATM method, realized over the course of 18 months. GaBi 6 software tool was used for making of this study. Results show that the most important emission sources of NATM tunnelling method are production of cement, dumping of excavated material, production of reinforcing steel...

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