National Repository of Grey Literature 10 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Wumen´s Enterpreneurship - Limitation, Risks, Challenges
Vavrušková, Lucia ; Kosíková, Alexandra (referee) ; Putnová, Anna (advisor)
Master´s thesis is analyzing egual alternatives of women in term of business activities also macroeconomic indicators, which can zoom in situation on labour market. It represents acquisition for the future at the hand of specific arrangements.
Dendrologicko-ekologické hodnocení biocentra Soutok
Vavrušková, Lenka
This thesis deals with the dendrological-ecological assessment of the Soutok biocentre. Two permanent research plots (PRP) were established in the biocentre, where measurements were carried out in 2022. In these permanent research plots, the total number of individuals of each tree species was monitored and their dendrometric variables, which are height, thickness in 1,3 meter were measured. Attributes such as health, stability and vigour were also assessed. The results are presented in graphs and tables in the relevant chapter.
Biblical and socioscientific points of departure in the theology of gift
The presented work aims to outline some starting points of the gift theology. The first chapter follows the discourse of the gift in social science disciplines: especially phenomenological philosophy, ethnology, sociology of anthropology, economics. The second chapter, by working with concordance, presents the biblical basis of gift theology. The third chapter is an attempt to formulate a theological position to discuss the gift in the humanities.
A life consecreated servise of a inner prayer an experience of a consecrated widow Marie Ventová
The thesis deals with theoretical solutions and spirituality of devoted widowhood. It observes the evolution of devoted widowhood from ancient Israel to the present. It describes restoring of a status of devoted widows in the Pilsen Diocese. It records Marie Venta´s experience on her way towards inner prayer and devoted life. It introduces inner prayer according to St. Theresa´s of Avila teaching. It describes the courses and schools that accept inner prayer as a precious pastoral tool. It shows inner prayer as an essential expression and service of devoted widowhood.
Analysis of high school and university students' financial literacy
Vavrušková, Lucie ; Radová, Jarmila (advisor) ; Rajl, Jiří (referee)
The thesis' goal is to define basic terms associated with financial literacy - to clarify the important and somewhat inseparable role financial education plays in terms of financial literacy. Furthemore it aims to measure the current level of financial literacy achieved by students of public high schools and public universities. The theoretical section is aimed at different definitions of the term financial literacy, the significance of financial eduction in the Czech Republic and the related national financial education strategy. Its further aim is the current level of financial literacy and the role of subjects raising that level. The practical section consists of research survey via a questionare released at public high schools and public universities and its evaluation and comparison to recent survey by the Department of finance. The survey points to a relatively low level of financial literacy and the need for education in financial matters.
Služební poměr podle zákona č. 234/2014 Sb., ostátní službě
Vavrušková, Lenka ; Světlíková, Daniela (advisor)
Tato práce se zabývá služebním poměrem podle zákona č. 234/2014 Sb., o státní službě (dále jen "služební zákon"). Popisuje obecnou charakteristiku základních pojmů služebního zákona, vznik, změny a skončení služebního poměru. Výstupem práce je Návrh optimálního postupu služebního úřadu ve věci organizace služebních poměrů státních zaměstnanců, který vychází se skutečného stavu implementace služebního zákona ke dni 1.1.2016, z posouzení dokumentů vydaných v souvislosti s implementací služebního zákona a srovnávací analýzy administrativní zátěže připadající na zaměstnance ve služebním a pracovním poměru
Služební poměr podle zákona č. 234/2014 Sb.
Vavrušková, Lenka ; Světlíková, Daniela (advisor)
Tato práce se zabývá služebním poměrem podle zákona č. 234/2014 Sb., o státní službě (dále jen "služební zákon"). Popisuje obecnou charakteristiku základních pojmů služebního zákona, vznik, změny a skončení služebního poměru. Výstupem práce je Návrh optimálního postupu služebního úřadu ve věci organizace služebních poměrů státních zaměstnanců, který vychází se skutečného stavu implementace služebního zákona ke dni 1.1.2016, z posouzení dokumentů vydaných v souvislosti s implementací služebního zákona a srovnávací analýzy administrativní zátěže připadající na zaměstnance ve služebním a pracovním poměru
Wumen´s Enterpreneurship - Limitation, Risks, Challenges
Vavrušková, Lucia ; Kosíková, Alexandra (referee) ; Putnová, Anna (advisor)
Master´s thesis is analyzing egual alternatives of women in term of business activities also macroeconomic indicators, which can zoom in situation on labour market. It represents acquisition for the future at the hand of specific arrangements.
Real assets market
Vavrušková, Lucie ; Zetek, Pavel (advisor) ; Špániková, Kateřina (referee)
The thesis aims to illuminate the basic real active investment options of the art market. The current state of the art market and its implications for investments oportunities will be the first part examined (including the contemporary trending), followed by pros and cons of such investment endeavours. The empirical part of the thesis comprises of the examination of foundation of the art trade and its progress in the Czech Republic and a close look on the global market of the last few years. The thesis concludes with findings of the art market labeled as an alternative to more standard investments (good choice for a portfolio diversification) nevertheless the specific intrigues of the said market call for experienced investment personnel.
Validace metody pro stanovení kovů (Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Hg) v dřevokazných houbách
Vavrušková, L. ; Čurdová, E. ; Suchánek, M. ; Gabriel, Jiří
Validace metody je proces, který potvrzuje výkonnostní charakteristiky a omezení metody a identifikuje vlivy, které mohou tyto charakteristiky změnit. Validace charakterizuje jaké analyty je metoda schopna stanovit, v jakých metricích a za přítomnosti jakých interferujících složek.

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