National Repository of Grey Literature 18 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
To the importance of the philosophical questions of Master Jerome of Prague in the Hussite thinking
Pavlíček, Ota ; Herold, Vilém (advisor) ; Lášek, Jan Blahoslav (referee)
This thesis is focused on the philosophical questions of Master Jerome of Prague. It puts the accent on the till this time edited questions published by Jerome of Prague untill 1409. The thesis simultaneously deals with the life of this Czech master, who was master of liberal arts of the universities of Paris, Cologne, Heidelberg and Prague and so it also deals with his activities at these universities till the quodlibet disputation in 1409.
John Wycliffe, an Oxford professor and theory of ideas such as philosofic commence of the inpugnment on transsubstancial approach of the Eucharistie
Nevrkla, Jakub ; Herold, Vilém (advisor) ; Kučera, Zdeněk (referee)
The thesis deals with the live and work of John Wyclif - the English philosopher and theologian. The first part covers Wyclif's activities at Oxford University. A special emphasis is placed on the contents of education degrees within Medieval educational system, dating his stay at the university and the clash of Balliol and Merton College over Wyclif. The second part deals with the doctrine of ideas, emphasising the treatises De ideis and Trialogus. The third, concluding, part covers the topic of dispute over transubstantiation concept in Eucharist, which Wyclif grounded especially on extremely realistic conception of ideas.
Suárez's metaphysics. From the concept of being via transcendental unity to the kinds of transcendental unity
Heider, Daniel ; Sousedík, Stanislav (advisor) ; Herold, Vilém (referee) ; Mráz, Milan (referee)
The goal of the thesis is to present the metaphysical system, in its systematic origins, of the foremost representative of the period, that is frequently labeled as the second scholasticism, namely of Francis Suárez (1548-1617). The origins are represented by four basic themes that become the titles of particular sections in the thesis: The object and the nature of metaphysics, the concept of being, transcendentals and transcendental unity, and kinds of transcendental unity. In the first section the author deals with Suárez's conception of the object of metaphysics that determines the nature of Suárez's metaphysics as such. The ontological nature of metaphysics is assumed by the claim that the object of metaphysics is being inasmuch as it is real being. The formal object of metaphysics, that is determined ontologically, is connected with the Aristotelian abstraction of the third grade, according to which the peculiar feature of metaphysical investigation is the abstraction from all matter in being. The author shows that that very moment of abstraction is the means by which a metaphysician approaches his/her own formal object. However, the author claims that the appropriation of that approach, which in its diverse applications implies different types of abstraction, does not entail the disciplinary scission...
The apocalyptic visions of the Hussite period
Libichová Cermanová, Pavlína ; Šmahel, František (advisor) ; Rejchrtová, Noemi (referee) ; Herold, Vilém (referee)
Předkládaná práce se zaobírá problematikou podoby a role výkladů apokalyptických proroctví v husitském hnutí. Apokalyptická, a to biblická i nebiblická proroctví jsou tu chápána jako médium symbolické komunikace a jako nástroj interpretace soudobých událostí v rámci poslední etapy pozemské historie a obecně dějiny spásy. Proroctví dávala odpovědi na otázky po smyslu, poskytovala možnost vložit do uplynulých, probíhajících i očekávaných událostí řád a stanovit jejich cíl. Byla prostředkem, jak předvídat věci budoucí a jak porozumět pravému významu přítomnosti a minulosti. Středověká apokalyptická tradice poskytovala jednotlivým autorům pružný hermeneutický systém, do kterého bylo možno vložit a v rámci něho interpretovat prakticky jakoukoliv historickou událost. Apokalyptické proroctví poskytovalo metanarativ, který strukturoval, vysvětloval a legitimizoval aktuální historické dění. Jako hlavní pramen k poznání husitského apokalypticky zaměřeného myšlení je zde využit latinský Výklad na Apokalypsu čelního táborského teologa Mikuláše Biskupce z Pelhřimova (Expositio super Apocalypsim, Ms. ONB 4520). V tomto textu, sepsaném zřejmě v roce 1430, byly objasněny mnohé alegorické výjevy z Janova Zjevení jako vztahující se k táborskému dění. Biskupec vyložil v rámci apokalyptického schématu obecnou transformaci...
The Bohemian Reform Currents of the 14th Cent. And the Devotio Moderna
Smrčka, Jakub ; Lášek, Jan Blahoslav (advisor) ; Herold, Vilém (referee) ; Kejř, Jiří (referee)
České reformní proudy 14. století a devotio moderna Die böhmischen Reformströmungen des 14. Jahrhunderts und die Devotio moderna Devotio moderna bezeichnt die religiöse Gesinnung und Bemühung, die an bewusste individuelle Reflexion der Religionserfahrng mit praktischen Folgen gerichtet ist. Der Begriff devotio moderna wird im Rückblick durch die niederländische Bewegung dieses Namens, die zum konkreten theologischen und praktischen Begriffsinhalt beitrug, bestimmt. Aus ihn ergibt sich die allgemeine Begriffsabmessung als bewusste Glaubensreflexion des Einzelnen, Individualismus des innhaftigen Glaubenserlebnis und innere Erneuerung des Menschen, die als der Weg von Nachfolge Christi bezogen zum Ideal der apostolichen Urkirche verstanden werden. Die niederländische Devotio moderna war durch Wirkung Geert Grotes und der Generation seiner Nachgfolger, vor allem der Florens Radewijns, entstanden als eine aus der patristischen und mystisch- theologischen Überlieferung im Geiste des (Neu-)Augustinimus und der Neuen Frömigkeit schöpfende Bewegung. Ihre direkte Abhängigkeit auf irgeneiner Form von einer böhmischen Devotio moderna lässt sich nicht beweisen und ist auch nicht vorauszusetzen. Die böhmische und niederländische Devotio moderna weist Paralellen und Ähnlichkeiten aus, die sich erklären lassen durch das...
Reform preaching in late medieval Bohemia. A study on the earliest sermons of Jakoubek of Stříbro
Soukup, Pavel ; Šmahel, František (advisor) ; Herold, Vilém (referee) ; Krmíčková, Helena (referee)
Reform preaching forms a traditional narrative axe in historical discourses on the prelude to the Hussite Revolution. This dissertation analyzes in detail the techniques used to formulate and spread the reform agenda. Its core is an analysis of the oldest preserved sermons of Master Jakoubek of Stříbro. It is this almost unknown source, which is the subject of the dissertation central part. The two remaining sections attempt at a wider scope and more profound comparison, taking into account additional edited as well as unedited 80urces. In this way it is possible to draw some conclusions, the relevance of which exceeds the signification of a single manuscript. I consider the reform preaching in Bohemia one of the consequences of growing disfavour towards the moral status of the visible Church, and a part of attempts, increasing in number, at creating a new and more adequate relationship with the sacrum at both personal and sociallevel. The first section of the dissertation tries to circumscribe the reform currents one from the other. The main criterion is not that oftheir teachings, but rather that ofthe strategie s used on behalf of the realization of these teachings. From this point of view, I compare the preachers' movement in Bohemia in the second half of the fourteenth century with the Waldensians and...
John Wycliffe, an Oxford professor and theory of ideas such as philosofic commence of the inpugnment on transsubstancial approach of the Eucharistie
Nevrkla, Jakub ; Herold, Vilém (advisor) ; Kučera, Zdeněk (referee)
The thesis deals with the live and work of John Wyclif - the English philosopher and theologian. The first part covers Wyclif's activities at Oxford University. A special emphasis is placed on the contents of education degrees within Medieval educational system, dating his stay at the university and the clash of Balliol and Merton College over Wyclif. The second part deals with the doctrine of ideas, emphasising the treatises De ideis and Trialogus. The third, concluding, part covers the topic of dispute over transubstantiation concept in Eucharist, which Wyclif grounded especially on extremely realistic conception of ideas.
Suárez's metaphysics. From the concept of being via transcendental unity to the kinds of transcendental unity
Heider, Daniel ; Sousedík, Stanislav (advisor) ; Herold, Vilém (referee) ; Mráz, Milan (referee)
The goal of the thesis is to present the metaphysical system, in its systematic origins, of the foremost representative of the period, that is frequently labeled as the second scholasticism, namely of Francis Suárez (1548-1617). The origins are represented by four basic themes that become the titles of particular sections in the thesis: The object and the nature of metaphysics, the concept of being, transcendentals and transcendental unity, and kinds of transcendental unity. In the first section the author deals with Suárez's conception of the object of metaphysics that determines the nature of Suárez's metaphysics as such. The ontological nature of metaphysics is assumed by the claim that the object of metaphysics is being inasmuch as it is real being. The formal object of metaphysics, that is determined ontologically, is connected with the Aristotelian abstraction of the third grade, according to which the peculiar feature of metaphysical investigation is the abstraction from all matter in being. The author shows that that very moment of abstraction is the means by which a metaphysician approaches his/her own formal object. However, the author claims that the appropriation of that approach, which in its diverse applications implies different types of abstraction, does not entail the disciplinary scission...
To the importance of the philosophical questions of Master Jerome of Prague in the Hussite thinking
Pavlíček, Ota ; Lášek, Jan Blahoslav (referee) ; Herold, Vilém (advisor)
This thesis is focused on the philosophical questions of Master Jerome of Prague. It puts the accent on the till this time edited questions published by Jerome of Prague untill 1409. The thesis simultaneously deals with the life of this Czech master, who was master of liberal arts of the universities of Paris, Cologne, Heidelberg and Prague and so it also deals with his activities at these universities till the quodlibet disputation in 1409.
Štěpán z Pálče a pravzorový svět idejí
Herold, Vilém
In his quaestio Utrum Deus super mundum archetypum seu multitudinem idearum, quae sunt rationes vel concausae rerum mundi sensibilis, aeternaliter dominetur, presented by the Master Štěpán of Páleč at the Faculty of Arts of the Prague University before 1407-1408, the author defends the teaching of John Wyclif on Platonic ideas.

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