National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
The Adamites in Bohemia: the formation of their image in contemporary literary works
Strupek, Jan ; Zilynská, Blanka (advisor) ; Libichová Cermanová, Pavlína (referee)
The presented work deals with the phenomenon of the hussite adamite sect, which arised from the Tabor chiliasm in 1420, and which was physically liquidated by the hussites themselves the following year, because of sectarians' radical religious ideas and practices. The contemporary sources have preserved the image of the hussite adamites as rapists and sexual perverts, who completely contradicted order of the medieval society. To this day, historians have not been able to confirm or refute the authenticity of this image. This work focuses on this literary image and, through a rigorous analysis and comparison of selected sources, follows how it was formed. At the same time, it places this image in the context of the phenomenon of heresiological clichés, thereby investigating whether the common view of a medieval people (especially the educated ones) on heretical groups, containing many stereotypes, was used in its creation. Key words: Husitism, Tábor, Adamites, Chiliasm, Heresy, Picards, Jan Žižka
Prague Manifest of Thomas Müntzer. Attempting to contemporary classification and analysis of the reform document.
Potočková, Mirjam ; Halama, Ota (advisor) ; Libichová Cermanová, Pavlína (referee)
The goal of this thhesis, Prague Manifest of Tomas Müntzer. Atempting to Contemporary Classification and Analysis of the Reform Doicument, is to prheshent Tomas Müntzher, primarily through his own work, thhe so-callhed Prague Manifest (Pražský manifhest). Müntzher wrothe this thext in 1521, at thhe hend of his stay in Praguhe, whherhe hhe - unsucchessfully - trihed to ghet thhe Czhechs to acchept his idheas. Hhe crheathed thrhehe difherhent vhersions of this thext, onhe in Latin, two in Gherman, onhe of which has bhehen prheshervhed also in an unfnishhed conthemporary Czhech translation. The corhe of this thhesis is an analysis of thhe main topics of onhe of thheshe vhersions. Apart from that, thherhe is a summary of thhe basic facts about Prague Manifest itshelf. Furthhermorhe, thhe thhesis dhescribhes thhe rheligious situation of Bohhemia in thhe timhe of Müntzher's arrival and thhe rheshearch rhesults of this visit of his. The wholhe thhesis is ophenhed with a brihef introduction of Müntzher's lifhe and work. A thentativhe translation of thhe analyzhed vhersion of Prague Manifest from thhe Gherman original is apphendhed at thhe hend of this thhesis.
The Magic in the era of Charles IV. and his heirs
Vozár, Zdenko ; Nejedlý, Martin (advisor) ; Libichová Cermanová, Pavlína (referee)
The question of magic in the later middle ages has a rather long tradition in the Bohemian historical milieu in the argument over the manuscripts of Kues. However, it is only one of the very aspects of the subject, and others were until now more or less neglected. Therefore I would like to bring a new fresh perspective and clearly define the field of research into its dynamic complexity. My argument is composed from three integrally interconnected parts. Firstly, I should bring forward the question: What is magic? The exact definition of this word is still not agreed upon despite the grand effort of scholars not only from the last decades. By examination of the word "magic" I have to have as a condition a very good referential background for it. With the second question, I concentrate on diachronic of the historical context and its dynamics of the transfer and contra-transfer of learned magic in Bohemia. At last, I am taking into account the close investigation of the written sources and the overall dynamics of the bigger European picture of the period. The main argument proposed by this thesis, is that the used sources are predating the Kues manuscript and that in the 14th century the unprecedented growth of the artistic faculty of the Prague university, as one of the first, brought into play the...
The apocalyptic visions of the Hussite period
Libichová Cermanová, Pavlína ; Šmahel, František (advisor) ; Rejchrtová, Noemi (referee) ; Herold, Vilém (referee)
Předkládaná práce se zaobírá problematikou podoby a role výkladů apokalyptických proroctví v husitském hnutí. Apokalyptická, a to biblická i nebiblická proroctví jsou tu chápána jako médium symbolické komunikace a jako nástroj interpretace soudobých událostí v rámci poslední etapy pozemské historie a obecně dějiny spásy. Proroctví dávala odpovědi na otázky po smyslu, poskytovala možnost vložit do uplynulých, probíhajících i očekávaných událostí řád a stanovit jejich cíl. Byla prostředkem, jak předvídat věci budoucí a jak porozumět pravému významu přítomnosti a minulosti. Středověká apokalyptická tradice poskytovala jednotlivým autorům pružný hermeneutický systém, do kterého bylo možno vložit a v rámci něho interpretovat prakticky jakoukoliv historickou událost. Apokalyptické proroctví poskytovalo metanarativ, který strukturoval, vysvětloval a legitimizoval aktuální historické dění. Jako hlavní pramen k poznání husitského apokalypticky zaměřeného myšlení je zde využit latinský Výklad na Apokalypsu čelního táborského teologa Mikuláše Biskupce z Pelhřimova (Expositio super Apocalypsim, Ms. ONB 4520). V tomto textu, sepsaném zřejmě v roce 1430, byly objasněny mnohé alegorické výjevy z Janova Zjevení jako vztahující se k táborskému dění. Biskupec vyložil v rámci apokalyptického schématu obecnou transformaci...
The use of apocalyptic figures in Jan Hus' work
Cermanová, Pavlína
The study focuses on the use of apocalyptic figures in the treatises and thinking of Jan Hus. The question if Hus could be perceived as an apocalyptic oriented theologian in in the centre of attention. The originally theologically defined hermeneutic tool of critic developed gradually into a means describing the actual situation of the fight against Antichrist. The apocalyptic concept was necessarily associated with Hus' ecclesiology.

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