Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 4 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
Evaluation of Company Financial Performance and Proposals of Improvement
Tancár, Jakub ; Olekšáková, Dagmar (oponent) ; Čižinská, Romana (vedoucí práce)
Bachelor’s thesis analyses financial situation of the company Lesy mesta Levoča, spol. s r.o. within the period 2004 – 2007 in quarters by using of selected methods of the financial analysis. On the basis of the results of the financial analysis gives proposals and recommendations, which will lead to company’s improvement in the future period.
A Critical Evaluation of Organisation's Functioning and Proposals of Improvement
Tancár, Jakub ; Olekšáková, Dagmar (oponent) ; Škapa, Stanislav (vedoucí práce)
The master’s thesis offers complex and critical evaluation of Lesy Mesta Levoca, spol. s r.o. functioning. The analysis is focused on company’s strategy, competitive position and financial health of the company. Financial analysis is based on quarterly accounting statements in the period from 2004 till 2010. On basis of analyses’ results the thesis offers recommendations that could lead to better position of the company in future.
Evaluation of Company Financial Performance and Proposals of Improvement
Tancár, Jakub ; Olekšáková, Dagmar (oponent) ; Čižinská, Romana (vedoucí práce)
Bachelor’s thesis analyses financial situation of the company Lesy mesta Levoča, spol. s r.o. within the period 2004 – 2007 in quarters by using of selected methods of the financial analysis. On the basis of the results of the financial analysis gives proposals and recommendations, which will lead to company’s improvement in the future period.
A Critical Evaluation of Organisation's Functioning and Proposals of Improvement
Tancár, Jakub ; Olekšáková, Dagmar (oponent) ; Škapa, Stanislav (vedoucí práce)
The master’s thesis offers complex and critical evaluation of Lesy Mesta Levoca, spol. s r.o. functioning. The analysis is focused on company’s strategy, competitive position and financial health of the company. Financial analysis is based on quarterly accounting statements in the period from 2004 till 2010. On basis of analyses’ results the thesis offers recommendations that could lead to better position of the company in future.

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