National Repository of Grey Literature 30 records found  beginprevious21 - 30  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Pathological gambling in croupiers of Prague casinos: Exploratory-correlative questionnaire survey
Staněk, Pavel ; Vacek, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Vopravil, Jiří (referee)
The aim of the study was to describe the relationship of Prague croupiers casinos to gambling and their potential pathological gambling. Research questions were used tracking circumstances of creation and the development of pathological gambling, its existence and possible causes and their own perception of the respondents. As the method was exploratory-correlation questionnaire survey to obtain data the combination of a questionnaire and SOGS own closed questions. The current population was employed in Prague croupiers casinos and a sample, obtained using the technique of total choice, off the respondents, who replied to questionnaire. Data were processed by mathematical-statistical methods of analysis in SPSS. From the final results is it evident, that the number of probable pathological gamblers among dealers of Prague casinos is much higher than the prevalence of this phenomenon in the general population. In the casino is 33 % of the respondents and in general population is estimated only 1% of pathological gamblers. The reasons for could be clarified this. Keywords: Pathological gambling, gambling, casino, crupier, pathological player Powered by TCPDF (
Driving under the influence of alcohol in the general population
Kaprasová, Kateřina ; Štefunková, Michaela (advisor) ; Vopravil, Jiří (referee)
Je faktem, že alkohol je aktuálním a celosvětovým problémem. Statistiky nám ukazují, že asi čtvrtina úmrtí, se přisuzuje alkoholu za volantem. Proto se ve své výzkumné práci zabývám problematikou řízení motorového vozidla pod vlivem alkoholu u obecné populace. Zajímají mě důvody, které vedou řidiče k usednutí za volant a profil rizikového řidiče. V práci píši o účincích alkoholu na člověka a psychologických aspektech. Popisuji také možnosti prevence v dopravě a zároveň informuji o aktuálních statistikách nehodovosti v ČR pro rok 2011 a 2012.Cílem práce je zjistit všeobecnou rozšířenost řízení pod vlivem alkoholu mezi českými řidiči. Dále sestavit profil rizikového řidiče a důvody, které řidiče k řízení pod vlivem alkoholu vedou. Moje první hypotéza je, že muži řídí pod vlivem alkoholu častěji než ženy. Druhá hypotéza je, že mladší řidiči budou řídit častěji. A poslední hypotézou si chci ověřit, jestli řidiči s nižším vzděláním, budou řídit pod vlivem alkoholu častěji. Metodou výzkumu jsem zvolila dotazník o uzavřených a otevřených otázkách. Dotazník byl předán respondentům v písemné formě elektronickou cestou, ale i osobně. K dotazníku jsem přikládala průvodní dopis, který respondenty informoval o cíli výzkumu a anonymitě šetření. Výzkumného šetření se zúčastnilo celkem 114 respondentů. Z toho 70...
Promoting the Tobacco Control Law No. 379/2005 in the City of Vsetín: a Pilot Project Based on the Cooperation of an NGO and the Local Department of the Czech Police Force
Habarta, Jiří ; Štefunková, Michaela (advisor) ; Vopravil, Jiří (referee)
This paper outlines the development of a pilot project that involved cooperation between a civic association and the local police department in the area of promoting the tobacco control law no. 379/2005 in the city of Vsetín. In the theory chapter I describe the effects smoking of tobacco has on the human body with a particular attention to the effects on children. The next section is about the field project "Children Don't Smoke", which the NGO carried out in the city of Vsetín, and its specific stages. The following chapter details each stage: the planning meetings of the members of the NGO and the police force, the information campaign and the evaluation process. Finally, in the conclusion I summarize the experience of the NGO with the state administration in applying the law in the area of tobacco control.. Powered by TCPDF (
The impact advertisement on usage of alcohol in Slovak republic
Körmendy, Martin ; Běláčková, Vendula (advisor) ; Vopravil, Jiří (referee)
The bachelor's thesis deals with the impact of alcohol advertising in relation to the user. The aim of this work is to prove or disprove the assumption that advertising for alcoholic beverages affects patterns of alcohol use. The survey is done by questionnaire aimed at determining the extent to perceptions of specific advertising campaigns presented in the mass media, social media and direct marketing, that is analyzed with regard to specific patterns of alcohol use. I give, collect and evaluate anonymous questionnaire by myself. Quantitative results is processed in the form of a pivot analysis, in which we compare the impact of advertising on more or less risk alcohol users. The first part is theoretical, focusing on the impact of advertising on the individual, assessment of legislation aimed at limiting the negative impact of advertising, in the second part of this work results is evaluated and it is discussed the effectiveness of control measures. The results of questionnaire research did not unambigously demonstrate the influence of the advertising on comsumption of alcohol, however according to them we can observe that individual consumers choose the brand of alcoholic beverages according to the advertising.
Kheil, Adam ; Zajíček, Miroslav (advisor) ; Vopravil, Jiří (referee)
Czech Republic same as many other countries has a national debt. Each state is looking for ways how to reduce their national debt and at best completely repay it. One of the potential sources of money for the state can be taxing the prostitution industry. Everybody knows what prostitution is but nobody can imagine how big the amount of money that revolves in this shadow market is and how many people work in this industry. This business is very well hidden especially to tax authorities in most countries and it is very sophisticated. Nobody neither politicians in the Czech Republic do not want to speak about this topic and try to find a common solution beneficial to all parties. This paper focuses more on prostitution in brothels and flats which sex workers renting for their work which specially in Prague and cities near to borders with Austria and Germany. During research I spoke with owners of the brothels and sex clubs in the Prague and their employees (sex workers) with porn actors who also have a lot of information and data on this topic. I also interviewed sex workers who have their own flats where they work which are still more frequently seen in the Czech Republic. I collected all data and estimated the value of the market with sex service in the Czech Republic and how big impact this shadow economy has on the GDP. I focus primary on Prague, the largest market for prostitutes in the country also due to the large number of tourists. Prostitution has tendency to decrease in most of the regions except of Prague. Also women who work as sex workers more years try to find ways how to tax their incomes to get pension in the future. Owners of the brothels would like to somehow also legalize system of prostitution because problems which they have with local authorities had rising tendency. Estimates show that each year prostitution business earn more than 8 billion Czech crowns which is 0.2% of GDP, but if we counted third parties the amount can be more than doubled.
Economic and social statistics by gender perspective
Stanislavová, Barbora ; Sixta, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Vopravil, Jiří (referee)
Gender statistics should play an important role in any analysis, because many indicators must be declared for men and for women separatelly. So, it is not just about demographic data, which are thus presented with a matter of course, but also the economic a social data, where is this sort often neglected. The subject of the dissertation "Economic and social statistics by gender perspective" is to provide a coherent picture of the need for gender statistics, because the data in this area for men and women are often very different and it is necessary to identify possible causes and options for their removal.
Estimation of drug trade as a part of illegal economy
Vopravil, Jiří ; Hronová, Stanislava (advisor) ; Seger, Jan (referee) ; Radimecký, Josef (referee)
Drug trade is a part of non-observed economy in the system of national accounts. Estimations of drug trade were made from demand side based on estimation of drug consumption. This needs estimations of drug users, which was possible to estimate from drug use prevalence in last year. Several surveys done in society were the data source. Other information from the surveys was information about frequency of drug use. Several research studies gave information about consumed drug quantity by one opportunity. Police and customs have a common database about drug seizures. The database is source for information about import and export of drugs, drug purities by production or import and by consumption or export. Police reports drug prices also. The physical indicators of the drug trade are recalculated by wholesale and retail prices into financial indicators, which are possible to record into system of national accounts.
Analysis of drug use in the districts of the Czech Republic
Kakaščík, Martin ; Arltová, Markéta (advisor) ; Vopravil, Jiří (referee)
The drug use is a big problem of today world. The impact of drug use affects all members of human society -- individuals, families, communities and even whole states. We can describe the situation of drug use by means of analysis of drug use in the particular districts of the Czech Republic. This diploma thesis focuses on the identification of the social, economic and demographic factors that contribute to the appearance of socially pathologic environment of drug use. The results of this thesis can be used for an identification of regions in jeopardy of drug use and for the reduction of influence of particular factors.

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