National Repository of Grey Literature 427 records found  beginprevious21 - 30nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Neo-renaissance architecture in Prague and Florence within the cultural and historical context of the 19th century
Boháčová, Kateřina ; Czumalo, Vladimír (advisor) ; Hoftichová, Petra (referee)
The recovery of the historicist styles was caused by the inconsistence of the period that took the past as something perfect and incomparable, but at the same time wanted to be distanced from it. Architecture helped the people to cross the chasm between the period before and after the industrial revolution. The fact that one had around him modern buildings, in technical sense, that cited the past, could give him a feeling that he lived in the past and present at the same time. This thesis would like to present the architecture in the cultural and historical context of the 19th century and show a least a little bit of its connections with the society, ideas, preferences and abilities to face up to changes, and as well as to find the moments that led to the comeback of the renaissance period. It tries to show both critical and adoring views on historicist architecture that was appreciated in recent time. The first part of the thesis presents the historical and cultural situation in both countries because this fact could help to understand the ideological origins of the neo-renaissance architecture. It shows the opinions of the specialists on the historicist architecture. The thesis is focused on Prague and Florence and tries to discover the reasons why the renaissance style was in these countries so admired...
Modular architecture. History and Development
Slezáková, Jana ; Czumalo, Vladimír (advisor) ; Mezera, Petr (referee)
My diploma thesis deals with the unexplored topic, which is modular architecture. The work is devided in two main parts. At the first I explain the issue of the definition this part of architecture, the main principles and the term modular architecture. The first part focus on the historical kontext and mentions the important milestones in its development. The most important areas, which are mainly prefabrication, standardization, mobile and container architecture and architecture of the space age are explained in the following chapter. In the second part I focus on the 1960s and the 1970s years and I choose and select examples of the realized and unrealized projects and try to give overview their development. In the end I mention the tmportance and the specific of the modular architecture.
Horse in the frame of human culture
Reinbergerová, Anna ; Czumalo, Vladimír (advisor) ; Opletalová, Lenka (referee)
The dissertation "Horse in the history of human culture" presents a summary of a history of horse in the human culture. Horses have played a significant role in homo sapiensis evolution ever since it came to Eurasia. From beeing hunted for food, horses soon turned in the process of domestication into working, riding and driving animals of significant importance. In different cultures and epochs, different types of horses of different purposes have been emerging. But since its domestication, horses have allways been tellig a story of culture in its time and space. This is why this topic is a part of the wide array of interest of the therory of culture. In this dissertation, I chose to catch a relation of horses and culture in the historic circumstancies. I hoped to connect my experience with horses with scientific literature on this topic, historical facts and presently existing historical artefacts related to horses. In most of scientific and historical literature, many notes on horses may be find, but mostly they are interpreting the facts wrogly, and sometimes they are even wery far from the truth. the historicians usualy lack the needed knowledge of hipology, etology and zoology. It is common that mainly the horse illustrations are incorrectly described and understood. In the hipological literature, on...
The problematic of the culture in Ostrava (the opimon of professionals)
Vrtil, Ivo ; Matějů, Martin (advisor) ; Czumalo, Vladimír (referee)
Záměrem této práce je nastínit obraz kultury a kulturních významů, které tvoří současné město Ostrava a přilehlý širší region, specifický genius loci a jeho vytváření, a to zmínkou o historii města, dále pomocí vybraných kulturních prvků, ale především provedeného průzkumu mezi odbornou veřejností z oblasti kultury, který má za cíl pokusit se zmapovat jaký má a může mít kultura v současné době v tak specifickém městě, jako je Ostrava, význam a v jakém stavu jsou ostravské kulturní instituce. Historii zmíním od prvního osídlení v oblasti, první písemné zmínky a následný vývoj ve středověku až po význam industriální revoluce na konci 18. a především v 19. století. V tomto významném období se pokusím nastínit hlavní migrační pohyby a nálady obyvatel a jejich motivace, zmíním demografický vývoj oblasti Ostravska se specifickým způsobem bydlení a zvyky imigrantů, kteří přicházeli do tohoto regionu. Poukáži na významné, především stavební a městotvorné počiny v období tzv. první republiky, dále v období po roce 1948, pro srovnání rovněž spíše z hlediska urbanistického, až do ukončení těžby uhlí a výroby železa na území města Ostravy. Domnívám se, že tyto elementy kultury, které měly nebo mají pro město zásadní význam, pomohou v této diplomové práci syntézou vytvořit jako mozaika určitý vjem a povědomí o městě....
Czech Artists and their Fairy Tale Illustrations between 1990 and 2010
Kobrynová, Šárka ; Pech, Milan (advisor) ; Czumalo, Vladimír (referee)
Czech Artists and their Fairy Tale Illustrations between 1990 and 2010 This diploma thesis focuses on Czech artists and their illustrations of Fairy tales between 1990 and 2010. The introduction outlines goal of my thesis, methodological procedures and structure. At the beginning we deal with literary fairy-tale - with its origin, foundation, construction, implications and evidence of its existence in Czech Republic and abroad. The following chapters relate to illustrations generally. It dedicates to the history of illustrating books for children and young people in the 20 century. The main part of my thesis is focused on mapping cultural history traditions and innovation in fairy tales' illustrations between 1990 and 2010. The author finds that the period between 1990 and 1999 was linked primarily to the previous tradition. There were issued primarily selections of generally known fairy tales illustrated by affirmed artists. In contrast, according to the author in the period 2000-2010, the situation has changed. The main interest switched to a modern fairy tales, often authoring books, which were illustrated by young artists of new generation. In that time photographs were used as an illustration and other non-traditional techniques have begun to be very popular.
The term od culture in work of Václav Černý
Klinecký, Tomáš ; Czumalo, Vladimír (advisor) ; Matějů, Martin (referee)
Ve své diplomové práci se pOkusím o interpretaci některých myšlenek v díle literárního vědce a kritika, profesora Václava Černého. Mám za to, že se jedná o poměrně originální myšlenkovou soustavu, zvláště v českém prostředí, která zajímavým zpusobem přesahuje i do oboru, který na filozofické fakultě studuji. Proč? Víc než pro většinu jiných osobností je právě kultura v Černého díle chápana nejen jako soubor uměleckých artefaktu (s ohledem na jeho zaměření převážně literárních), ale často má rozměr kulturně antropologický, jak, doufám, doložím ve své práci. Tímto antropologickým rozměrem rozumím soubor otázek či postulátu, které si člověk klade v souvislosti se svojí existencí na světě. Stává se typem přemýšlení nad životním posláním a smyslem lidského života. Něco obdobného, dle mého názoru, představoval Černého přítel - Jan Patočka - v kontextu české filozofie. U Patočky se filozofie, stejně jako u Černého kultura, nestala jenom souborem myšlenek a tezí, ale především životním postojem. Ano, duvodem mi tedy zustává i to, že Václav Černý zustal celý život věrný základním imperativum, na kterých svoje chápaní kultury a člověka vystavěl. Větší část života byl právě pro tento zásadový postoj nejruznějším zpusobem perzekuován.
The Town and Nature
Tupá, Jana ; Czumalo, Vladimír (advisor) ; Lapka, Miloslav (referee)
This bachelor thesis analyzes relationship between town and nature within the city, the inner nature, and its changes during the history of Western culture. This relationship is revealing through culturological point of view, thus interdisciplinary. This bachelor thesis goes from fields of historical anthropology, philosophy, philosophical anthropology and architecture. I perceive town as one of the most important features of human culture, that this artificial living space created, and it's further influenced. The relationship of city and nature is treated as expression of natural forces with which the man met during its existence, in the form of architecture, and the transfer of the nature into this artificial world in the form of gardens and parks, as an inner nature. KEY WORDS Town Nature Inner Nature Human Culture
Culture of pedestrian cognition. Nature trails as a collage of a place
Svatá, Barbora ; Czumalo, Vladimír (advisor) ; Soukup, Martin (referee)
The culture of pedestrian cognition - nature trails as a collage of place. The title of my thesis is intended to involve transdisciplinarity. Any culturological study must neccessarily contain an interdiciplinary view. The frame of reference of various scientific disciplines is essential, whenever the relationship between city man and nature is discussed. The thesis comprises three main sections, as follows. The first thesis includes my general consideration of the problem, together with an introduction into the topics. This thesis describes the development of pedestrian cognition. An important factor of the relationship between walking and perception is in this case, the city. Contemporary relationships between the city man and the city nature, is studied in this chapter. My native city - Prague, happenned to be the study area for this purpose. I describe natural sights of Prague as important elements of her genius loci. The second section encompasses a brief history of strolling outdoor for the perception purposes. I am talking about history, evolution and the present of this phenomenon, which represents different kinds of fashion within the evolution of human walking in order to find knowledge, and I refer to the relation to nature for aesthetic enjoyment in different historical periods of human...
The grounding of landscape as a motive
Šolc, Jiří ; Czumalo, Vladimír (advisor) ; Czumalo, Vladimír (referee)
The goal of proposed thesis is basic delimitation and grounding of landscape as a motive (landscape-motive) concept. Landscape-motive is set against 'abstract landscape' of natural sciences, and against 'lived landscape'. Its grounding is developed on Heidegger's understanding of man-world relationship and on his concept of spaciousness. Among other sources of diverse social sciences the most important are Heidegger's Being and time and Patočka's study Space and its problems. Questions directly concerning landscape are mostly inspired by M. Andrews' Landscape and Western Art. Interdisciplinarity influences also methodology based on reading of various landscape related social-scientific texts through heideggerian concepts. Last chapter is to a great extent based on introspective speculations seeking support of several thematically realated philosophical theories.
Relation between the Czech and German culture. Folk culture of the Northern Pilsen region
Tureček, Martin ; Czumalo, Vladimír (advisor) ; Matějů, Martin (referee)
This diploma work is focused on the relationship between Czech and German folk culture in the Northern Pilsen region. In the first part we treat with inhabitation and structurizing of space in general paying special attention to one' s living in cultural landscape. In the second part we follow history of german settlement in Czechia, Moravia and Silesia. We highlight the most important events in this history presenting the milestones to the czech and german national interaction. Third part deals with history of Northern Pilsen region and also with history of both Czech and German nation in this region. In the fifth chapter we introduce the brief history of the folk costume, explain what it is and the we pay our attention to the Czech a German folk costume in the Northern Pilsen region separatelly. Next part describes folk architecture in the landscape close to the town of Plasy, Kralovice and Manětín. The final chapter of this diploma work is about small village chapels, sacellums, crosses and other diminutive relics of folk architecture in the region.

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