National Repository of Grey Literature 47 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Description of Slava, family feast, it's origins, functions and role in the Serbian society
Kopecká, Barbara ; Otčenášek, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Sochorová, Ludmila (referee)
Sláva, svátek domácího patrona v některých pravoslavných zemích,l patří bezesporu mezi nejvýznamnější okamžiky téměř každé rodiny v Srbsku. Jedná se o rodinný svátek, který slaví většina srbských rodin, a to na den svého patrona - světce. Přitom mezi jednotlivými srbskými regiony existují velké rozdíly ve způsobu slavení i v délce trvání tohoto svátku. O slávu jsem se začala zajímat při mém prvním studijním pobytu v Bělehradě v roce 2003. Zaujala mě natolik, že jsem si ji vybrala jako téma své diplomové práce. Svou práci jsem rozčlenila na část teoretickou a praktickou, jehož součástí byl terénní výzkum především v Bělehradě, ale také v jižním Srbsku a Vojvodině. V teoretické části jsem se zaměřila na deskripci tohoto svátku a na jednotlivé výklady původů slávy. Vycházela jsem přitom z literatury srbských etnografů a etnologů. Obsahem praktické části je terénní výzkum, který jsem prováděla na podzim roku 2003, v létě v roce 2004 a na podzim roku 2006. Výzkum je založen na zúčastněném pozorování, částečně strukturovaných rozhovorech s respondenty a dotazníkovém šetření. V 90. letech minulého století došlo v Srbsku k masové obnově slavení slávy, která byla oficiálně v bývalé komunistické Jugoslávii zakázána. Ve své práci se zaměřím na fenomén slávy a souvislost s národním cítěním Srbů včetně jejich vnímání...
An insight to bastard childs problematic in Bohemia, based on the research of selected Church birth records of Kostelec nad Černými lesy lordship between years 1785-1873
Bayerová, Vanda ; Sochorová, Ludmila (advisor) ; Štěpánová, Irena (referee)
The tittle of this dissertation is The Probe into Probleme of illegitimated Children in Czech on the Basis of Research selected ecclesiatistic Registers on Dominion Kostelec nad Černými Lesy between 1785 and 1873. This study presents one of the most prodigies in the family life of our ancestors. The first theoretical part is composed of ten chapters with more subchapters. The second chapter is about archive materials and literature by czech and foreign authors. The third chapter consists in description of historical and ethnological names of illegitimated children, their mothers, their fathers and abortus, pragnancy etc. The next essay talks about prenuptial sex, possibility of meeting young single people, opinions their parents and rural society on, for example, virginity. The fourth chapter is generally about illegitimated children and their parents, their nuptial and reasons of their positions in the society. The next essay consists in description of crime of the past - infanticide. The subsequent theme is about natality theories, especially malthusianism. The succeed part is about obstruction of weding for unwealthy rural and municipal people. The next chapter is specially ethnological and folkloral. This is called The unbaptisted children, abortus and infanticide in the folk traditions. At the end of...
Feminism and emancipation at the threshold of the 20th century. Anna Řeháková, Vlasta Pittnerová, two case studies
Potměšilová, Magdaléna ; Štěpánová, Irena (advisor) ; Sochorová, Ludmila (referee) ; Secká, Milena (referee)
Feminism and emancipation at the threshold of the 20th century Anna Řeháková, Vlasta Pittnerová, two case studies This PhD thesis deals with feminism and women's emancipation in Prague at the threshold of the 20th century. This work is a case study, based mainly on the biographical method. It is a concrete contribution to the history of emancipation and women's issues. The aim is to contribute to understanding the development of the women's movement in the Czech region on the border of the 19th and 20th century in a particular situation. Matter of this thesis is conceived as two case studies of two little-known personalities of the women's movement, their life and work today: a teacher and writer Anna Rehakova and writer and publicist Vlasta Pittnerová. The author conducted an analysis of the archival materials, memoirs, and inhe- ritances, the sources of contemporary women's own literary press and publications of both protagonists examined, as well as specialized books on the matter. On the basis of their work author demonstrates the development process in the women's movement, views the women and their fate. All of this, based on an example of life circumstances, attitudes and beliefs, as well as the formation of these two personalities not quite typical, active and taking part in the stream of...
Myth of P. Antonín Koniáš and its changes
Beneš, Pavel ; Kašpar, Oldřich (advisor) ; Sochorová, Ludmila (referee) ; Fiala, Jiří (referee)
Pojem "mýtus" - chápaný ve smyslu falešných, iluzorních představ -je používán i v následující disertační práci, jež si klade za cíl zdokumentovat a analyzovat problematiku genese, vývoje a funkce mýtu, s nímž je česká veřejnost již více než dvě staletí konfrontována, mýtu spojeného s osobností českého jezuitského misionáře, P. Antonína Koniáše. Smyslem této práce přitom není shora uvedený mýtus bořit, ale jen vykládat. Koniášovský mýtus je jen jedním z mnoha mýtů a stereotypů, vytvořených českou společností v období novověku a je třeba ho vnímat jako jejich součást. Tento mýtus, podobně jako mnohé další, procházel během své existence řadou proměn a svou roli sehrál i v rámci aktivit, souvisejících s národně - emancipačním hnutím. V souvislosti s tím budeme sledovat, jak byl P. Koniáš českou společností v různých etapách jejího vývoje vnímán. Výslovně zde hovořím o "české společnosti", protože veškeré mé dosavadní výzkumy nasvědčují tomu, že do širšího povědomí českých Němců tento misionář nevstoupil, ač sám německy kázal i psal a rovněž tak nejstarší zmínky o něm jsou vedle latinských pramenů psané právě v německém jazyce. Zaměření disertační práce odpovídá i její struktura. Uvedená tematika je sledována na pozadí proměn české společnosti od doby baroka po současnost, přičemž hlavní pozornost je soustředěna...
Czech social songbooks as a cultural phenomenon in the second half of the 19th and the first half of the 20th centuries
Svobodová, Věra ; Tyllner, Lubomír (advisor) ; Sochorová, Ludmila (referee)
This thesis is based on the catalogue of Czech social songbooks put together by the author in a form of a computer database for Department of Ethnomusicology, Ethnological Institute of Czech Academy of Sciences. Analyzis of these songbooks is complemented by taking research conducted in the past by wide range of scholars (E. Meliš, B Václavek, R. Smetana, M. O adlík, J. Plavec, V. Pletka, V. Karbusický, J. Kotek) into account. This provides basis for characterization of origin and developement of Czech social singing in the first half of the 19th century including characteristics of its key personalities (A. J. Puchmajer, J. J. Ryba, V. J. Tomášek, V. Hanka, F. M. Kníže, A. Jelen, J. K. Chmelenský, F. Škroup, F. L. elakovský, F. J. Vacek Kamenický, J. K. Tyl, V. J. Picek a K. Havlí ek Borovský) as well as characteristics of important publications (among others V nec ze zp v vlastenských, 1835-39, 1843-44). Following section provides an overview of the century long tradition of Czech social songbooks (1848-1948); the founding importance of Spole enský zp vník eský by J. B. Pichl (1851), later in musical cooperation with J. L. Zvona (1863) is highlighted. In the last chapter author thoroughly discusses the principles of the computer catalogue of songbooks and possibilities of its future use for other types of...
Social Life of Sofie Podlipská
Oudová, Radka ; Štěpánová, Irena (advisor) ; Sochorová, Ludmila (referee)
The aim of this thesis is based on historical and archival documents to describe social life of Sofie Podlipská. In the first part of this thesis is described the life of Sofie Podlipská. The further part is focused on her publications and translations. In the main part of the bachelor thesis I am concentrated on her work in associations and lecture activities in some representative woman institutions.
Magic fairytale and its metamorphoses in works of 17th to 19th century
Šestáková, Adéla ; Sochorová, Ludmila (advisor) ; Šalanda, Bohuslav (referee)
Abstact This bachelor thesis focuses on examining the development of fairytales with an emphasis on literary adaptations of magic fairytales of the 17th to the 19th century. It consists of theoretical and practical parts. The first chapter discusses the basic characteristics of fairytales, its definition, features, classification. Furthermore, the work deals with theories about the origin of folktales and ways of their analysis from a scientific point of view. At the end of the this part fairytales are analysed as a literary genre. The second part represents writers Charles Perrault, Brothers Grimm, Karel Jaromír Erben Božena Němcová. Each of these authors approaches to their fairytale works in a different way, which is described in this section. In chapters of each writer, we first learn about their biography, as well as the time in which they lived, along with its historical and social background and last but not least, with their literary production with an emphasis on fairytale work. The last chapter contains a practical part of thesis. There is comparison of two magic fairytales, that appear in the works of authors from the second chapter. First we meet with a history and short plot of the tales, followed by analysis of their characters and differences in the various versions, and ultimately the story...
Feminism and emancipation at the threshold of the 20th century. Anna Řeháková, Vlasta Pittnerová, two case studies
Potměšilová, Magdaléna ; Štěpánová, Irena (advisor) ; Sochorová, Ludmila (referee) ; Secká, Milena (referee)
Feminism and emancipation at the threshold of the 20th century Anna Řeháková, Vlasta Pittnerová, two case studies This PhD thesis deals with feminism and women's emancipation in Prague at the threshold of the 20th century. This work is a case study, based mainly on the biographical method. It is a concrete contribution to the history of emancipation and women's issues. The aim is to contribute to understanding the development of the women's movement in the Czech region on the border of the 19th and 20th century in a particular situation. Matter of this thesis is conceived as two case studies of two little-known personalities of the women's movement, their life and work today: a teacher and writer Anna Rehakova and writer and publicist Vlasta Pittnerová. The author conducted an analysis of the archival materials, memoirs, and inhe- ritances, the sources of contemporary women's own literary press and publications of both protagonists examined, as well as specialized books on the matter. On the basis of their work author demonstrates the development process in the women's movement, views the women and their fate. All of this, based on an example of life circumstances, attitudes and beliefs, as well as the formation of these two personalities not quite typical, active and taking part in the stream of...
Specifics of Serbian and Romanian oral folklore - fairy tales of magic
Krucká, Barbora ; Otčenášek, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Sochorová, Ludmila (referee)
The work is focused on mapping the historical circumstances of collecting oral folklore literature in the territory of Serbia and Romania and to cultural, religious, geographical and political influences that formed the folk traditions of these ethnic groups. It describes the role that oral folk literature played in the given environment. The historical circumstances and influences mentioned are then compared. The work provides an overview of translations of the anthologies of fairy tales from given languages into Czech. Then it focuses on a comparison of concrete fairy tales from chosen anthologies, comparison of particular fairy tale themes and elements of Serbian and Romanian fairy tales of magic.
Celebration of the Cult of St. Nicholas in Bari. Traditions and Rituals and their Significance for Local Inhabitants.
Zábranská, Agáta ; Sochorová, Ludmila (advisor) ; Pargač, Jan (referee)
in English The aim of present bachelor thesis is to observ, describe and analyze the phenomenon of the Cult of St. Nicholas in Bari, who is also patron saint of the town. The thesis discusses the tradition as a religious, cultural, historical and social event as well as its meaning for the local people, especially the young generation. The methods used in the thesis consisted of the analysis and interpretation of questionnaires, literature and field research. The thesis is also concerned with the mentality of the people from southern and easternmost part of Italy. Saint Nicholas represents the symbol of unity and identification for local people, as well as the bridge between eastern and western world. He is also seen as patron saint of dialogue and peace. The Cult and its celebrations still connect people, believers and also no-believers in these days and has also become important for many pilgrims from all over the world. The object was to observ rituals as a symbolic translation, processions and also to describe traditional costumes and local cuisine and entertainment. The conclusion of the thesis contemplates the meaning of the celebrations in present-day globalised and chaotic world and also how far the tradition has retained its religious and spiritual character and how far it has rather become...

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