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Missa super Da syceram merentibus in the Polyphonic Gradual of the Literati Brotherhood at St. Michael's Church in the New Town of Prague.
Tůmová, Veronika ; Baťa, Jan (advisor) ; Hlávková, Lenka (referee)
This thesis is focused on the musical analysis of the anonymous five-voice mass ordinary Missa super Da syceram merentibus written in 1573 into the only surviving set of partbooks from the church of St. Michael in Prague, New Town (CZ-Pu, XI B 1, CZ-Ps, DA II 3). The mass ordinary is a parody mass and it is based on a sacred contrafactum of the chanson Je ne me puis tenir d'aimer by Josquin Desprez. The object of the thesis is the style analysis and a comparison with the repertory of the polyfonic music production in the second half of the 16th century.
Musical Life at the Parrish School of the Church of St. Bartholomew in Pilsen 1550-1620
Kotsu, Masako ; Baťa, Jan (advisor) ; Hlávková, Lenka (referee)
The aim of the thesis is to explore a lesser known chapter from the history of music in Pilsen. Her particular focus on the parish school at St George's Church Bartholomew in 1550-1620 stems from the fact that school choirs formed one of the key musical institutions of the Renaissance city. The work will summarize the current state of research and on the basis of preserved musical and non-musical sources will try to reconstruct the musical life in the St. Bartholomew school in the pre-White Mountain period and its relation to musical events in the parish church.
Musical Iconography within the Architecture of Renaissance Prague. On the example of the Royal Garden of Prague Castle
Bíro, Adrián ; Baťa, Jan (advisor) ; Šárovcová, Martina (referee)
The subject of this work is the music iconography, its transformations, and applications in the research of the history of musical culture. The author focuses on the definition and legitimacy of music iconography, which is based on basic art history practice and defines its research area on the basis of the excerpt of the scientific literature. This literature is subsequently examined and, on the basis of this, the author outlines the acceptance procedures and the direction for further research; the work also mentions the pitfalls the researcher should avoid. This is applied in the last chapter, which is focused on the music iconograms in the Royal Garden of Prague Castle, whose iconographic program - contained in Belvedere, Singing Fountain and Ballcourt - combines into a compact whole. Keywords Iconography; Iconology; Musical Iconography; Renaissance Architecture; Prague; Prague Castle; Royal Garden of Prague Castle ; Royal Summer Palace; Belvedere; Singing Fountain; Ballcourt
Song part of a convolut CZ-Ps, DA III 17
Hrábek, Šimon ; Baťa, Jan (advisor) ; Hlávková, Lenka (referee)
This bachelor thesis named "Song part of a convolut CZ-Ps, DA III 17" discuss a manuscript signed as DA III 17 and stored in library of Královská kanonie premonstrátů on Strahov. This manuscript has been for a long time almost ignored by musicological literature. The main point of this thesis is a codicological description of the manuscript, which is often refered incorrectly as missal ("Missale Pragense") and also introduction of its repertoire. The repertoire consists of hymns and also contain a number of religious unliturgical songs - in Latin (refered as cantio) and in Czech. Another significant point of this thesis is presentation of the song Jesus Christus nostra salus. The song is used for demonstration of general aspects of the development of the cantio genre. Jesus Christus nostra salus occurs in DA III 17 as a very special and unique variant. This circumstances lead to the last point - setting the DA III 17 variant of the song to the context of its genesis.
Music in the Literary Works of Selected Czech Humanists of 16th Century
Pacala, Frederik ; Baťa, Jan (advisor) ; Hlávková, Lenka (referee)
This thesis deals with the musical allusions in the literary works of Czech humanists of 16th century. The author presents the current applications of these sources in Czech musical historiography. Further attention is focused on the representatives of the humanist culture in the Czech lands, the possibilities of their connection with the musical culture and on the effort to point out their mutual ties and contacts. The second part of the thesis is focused on two specific personalities - Georgius Handschius and Jakub Srnovec - whose works illustrate the possibilities of deepening the use of this type of sources in musical-historiographical research. Keywords Georgius Handschius, Jakub Srnovec, Poetic Works, Music, musica, Humanism, 16th Century, Czech lands
Motet compositions by Carl Luython in the music print Selectissimarum sacrarum cantionum... fasciculus primus (1603).
Bilwachs, Jan ; Baťa, Jan (advisor) ; Hlávková, Lenka (referee)
This master thesis deals with the vocal compositions of rudolfine composer and organist Carl Luython. In his collection Selectissimarum sacrarum cantionum ... fasciculus primus, published in 1603 by the Prague printer Georg Nigrin, there are 29 sacred motets. Despite the partial knowledge about Luython's motets in the existing musicological literature is provided, a new revised view with regard to new findings concerning the genre of the motet is required. The master thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is devoted to the preserved copies of Sacrae cantiones and provides their description and the historical outline of the sources and their probable use. In the second chapter, the problems related to the function of the motet in the second half of the sixteenth century are discussed. The third chapter deals with the collection itself. Criteria for selecting the repertoire, its inner structure and content are considered, which are subsequently analyzed in more detail. The fourth chapter is composed of four case studies concerning the current problems of research. The first case is a motet O domus luminosa, the paraphrase of the Augustine text. In the second case, Luyton's relationship with the Corpus Christi brotherhood is pointed out by the motet Pange lingua. In the latter case the...
Václav Clemens Žebrácký - Idea unionis musicae et poeticae (1617). Edition and analysis.
Pacala, Frederik ; Baťa, Jan (advisor) ; Horyna, Martin (referee)
The main purpose of the thesis is a commented critical edition of treatise Idea unionis musicae et poeticae written by Václav Clemens Žebrácký. The treatise is a written version of the disputation presented on 8 March, 1617 in a great hall of Carolinum. The small print (9 ff.), preserved uniquely in the Castle library in K ivoklát (shelf-mark XLIV. f. 12, extra draft 33) has not been hitherto reflected in the scientific (musicological and non-musicological) literature. Apart from the critical edition of the Clement's treatise, the aim of the thesis is to pou it in the historical context and to point out its connection with the intellectual background outside of Prague. Keywords Václav Clemens Žebrácký, Johannes Lippius, Library of Castle K ivoklát, Charles University, music theory, poetica, musica
Missa Resurrectionis Domini in the Polyphonic Gradual of the Literati Brotherhood at St. Michael's Church in the New Town of Prague.
Krátká, Natálie ; Baťa, Jan (advisor) ; Hlávková, Lenka (referee)
The object of the thesis is the style analysis of the anonymous five-voice mass ordinary, which forms a part of the Officium Resurrectionis Domini written in 1578 into the only surviving set of partbooks from the church of St. Michael in the Prague, New Town (CZ-Pu, XI B 1a-d; E-Ps, DA II 3). The ordinary, based on several canti firmi (plainchant, sacred songs), consists of three parts - Kyrie, Gloria and Credo. Thorough analysis of the composition answers the question of the relationship between this composition and paschal ordinary written in 1594 in a manuscript CZ- Hkm Hr-22 and Hr-23. A version from Hradec Králové contains a number of motives consistent with the Prague version. The text of the thesis is accompanied with the transcription of both ordinaries. Keywords polyphonic mass ordinary, literati brotherhoods; Church of St. Michael (Prague, New Town), Church of Holy Spirit (Hradec Králové), musical sources, musical analysis
The motets from the collection Selectissimarum sacrarum cantionum of Carl Luython and their concordances. Critical edition and analysis of the chosen motets.
Bilwachs, Jan ; Daněk, Petr (advisor) ; Baťa, Jan (referee)
There are concordances to five motets from Carl Luython's collection Selectissimarum sacrarum cantionum... fasciculus primus in Bohemian and German manuscripts and early prints from the turn of the 16th and the 17th centuries, which were not sufficiently evaluated yet. Some records of the motets are not just mere copies of Luython's early-print collection but rather their reworkings. In my thesis I follow up previous research about Luython's motet works. In the first chapter the convolute XI 8ř47, which is the only source that includes a complete specimen of Luython's collection and which represents an evidence about the dissemination of Rudolphinian music, is described. The second chapter deals with the collection itself. The third chapter is divided into four subchapters, each of them dealing with a description of the source in which a certain motet by Luython is preserved, and with a subsequent comparison of all variants that were found. A critical edition draft of the five motets is included.
Carl Luython - The First Book of Madrigals 1582 (edition and analysis)
Hálečková, Šárka ; Daněk, Petr (advisor) ; Baťa, Jan (referee)
This work deals with Carl Luython's madrigal composition. Carl Luython was composer and organist at the court of Rudolph II. Part of this work is a critical edition of the first book of madrigals of Carl Luython and deeper analytical probe into the two selected madrigals: Due rose fresche a Io mi rivolgo indietro. Key words Luython, Petrarca, Rudolph II., Prague, madrigal, edition, analysis

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