Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 18 záznamů.  předchozí11 - 18  přejít na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
Měření velikosti kapek ve dvoufázovém systému
Kysela, Bohuš ; Konfršt, Jiří ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Kotek, M. ; Šulc, R.
The in-situ measurement method of droplet size in an agitated vessel based on droplet visualisation and image analysis were developed. The image analysis was enhanced by the finding edges algorithm and circularity analysis. The proposed method was validated by the measurements of precise solid particles and used for liquid-liquid mesurements in an agitated vessel.
The minimum record time for PIV measurement in a vessel agitated by a Rushton turbine
Šulc, R. ; Ditl, P. ; Fořt, I. ; Jašíková, D. ; Kotek, M. ; Kopecký, V. ; Kysela, Bohuš
In PIV studies published in the literature focusing on the investigation of the flow field in an agitated vessel the record time is ranging from the tenths and the units of seconds. The aim of this work was to determine minimum record time for PIV measurement in a vessel agitated by a Rushton turbine that is necessary to obtain relevant results of velocity field. The velocity fields were measured in a fully baffled cylindrical flat bottom vessel 400 mm in inner diameter agitated by a Rushton turbine 133 mm in diameter using 2-D Time Resolved Particle Image Velocimetry in the impeller Reynolds number range from 50 000 to 189 000. This Re range secures the fully-developed turbulent flow of agitated liquid. Three liquids of different viscosities were used as the agitated liquid. On the basis of the analysis of the radial and axial components of the mean- and fluctuation velocities measured outside the impeller region it was found that dimensionless minimum record time is independent of impeller Reynolds number and is equalled N. t(Rmin) = 103 +/- 19.
Local velocity scaling in T400 vessel agitated by Rushton turbine in a fully turbulent region
Šulc, R. ; Ditl, P. ; Fořt, I. ; Jašíková, D. ; Kotek, M. ; Kopecký, V. ; Kysela, Bohuš
The hydrodynamics and flow field were measured in an agitated vessel using 2-D Time Resolved Particle Image Velocimetry (2-D TR PIV). The experiments were carried out in a fully baffled cylindrical flat bottom vessel 400 mm in inner diameter agitated by a Rushton turbine 133 mm in diameter. The velocity fields were measured in the zone in upward flow to the impeller for impeller rotation speeds from 300 rpm to 850 rpm and three liquids of different viscosities (i.e. (i) distilled water, ii) a 28% vol. aqueous solution of glycol, and iii) a 43% vol. aqueous solution of glycol), corresponding to the impeller Reynolds number in the range 50 000 < Re < 189 000. This Re range secures the fully-developed turbulent flow of agitated liquid. In accordance with the theory of mixing, the dimensionless mean and fluctuation velocities in the measured directions were found to be constant and independent of the impeller Reynolds number. On the basis of the test results the spatial distributions of dimensionless velocities were calculated. The axial turbulence intensity was found to be in the majority in the range from 0.388 to 0.540, which corresponds to the high level of turbulence intensity.
Evaluation of the turbulent kinetic dissipation rate in an agitated vessel
Kysela, Bohuš ; Konfršt, Jiří ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Sulc, R. ; Jašíková, D.
The design of agitated tanks depends on operating conditions and processes for that are used for. An important parameter for the scale-up modelling is the dissipation rate of the turbulent kinetic energy. The dissipation rate is commonly assumed to be a function of the impeller power input. But this approach gives no information about distribution of the dissipation rate inside the agitated volume. In this paper the distributions of the dissipation rate inside the agitated vessels are estimated by evaluations of the CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics). The results obtained from RANS (Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes equations) k-epsilon turbulent model and LES (Large Eddy Simulations) with Smagorinsky SGS (Sub Grid Scale) model are compared. The agitated vessels with standard geometry equipped with four baffles and stirred by either a standard Rushton turbine or a high shear impeller were investigated. The results are compared with mean dissipation rate estimated from the total impeller power input.
Formování kapek v systému dvou nemísitelných kapalin
Kysela, Bohuš ; Konfršt, Jiří ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Šulc, R. ; Jašíková, D.
Velikost kapek při míchání dvou vzájemně nemísitelných kapalin závisí především na působení vnějších sil. Smyková napětí působící na částici v závislosti na fyzikálních parametrech (povrchové napětí, hustota, viskozita) ovlivňují konečnou distribuci velikostí tvořených kapek. V první fázi jsme se pokusili modelovat dvě reálné nemísitelné kapaliny voda-silikonový olej, které jsou dány svými vlastnostmi. A to na jednoduchém případě výtoku z kapiláry, kde jsme se snažili ověřit, zda a jak moc přesně lze modelovat chování tohoto systému s různými odchylkami fyzikálních parametrů. Dále jsme se snažili určit rovnovážné a mezní stavy v závislosti na zadaných fyzikálních vlastnostech.
Distribution of the turbulent kinetic dissipation rate in an agitated vessel
Kysela, Bohuš ; Sulc, R. ; Konfršt, Jiří ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Fořt, I. ; Ditl, P.
The design of the agitated tanks depends on the proposed operating conditions and processes\nfor that they are used for. Namely dissipation rate of the turbulent kinetic energy is important\nparameter for the scale-up modelling. The dissipation rate is commonly determined as integral\nvalue based on power input of the impeller, but without information about distribution inside\nthe agitated volume. The cumulative distributions of the dissipation rate within an agitated\nvessel are estimated by evaluations of the CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) results,\nwhere the data was obtained from RANS (Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes equations) and\nLES (Large Eddy Simulations). The simulations were performed for an agitated vessel\nequipped with four baffles and stirred by a standard Rushton turbine (tank diameter 0.3 m,\nimpeller diameter 0.1 m, off-bottom clearance half of tank diameter, impeller speed 200 rpm).\nThe values of the dissipation rate from the LES calculations were approximated by computing\nthe SGS (Sub Grid Scale) dissipation rate.
Způsoby vyhodnocení simulací proudění v míchaných nádobách
Kysela, Bohuš ; Konfršt, Jiří ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Šulc, R.
Optimalizace proudění v míchaných nádobách (tj. zařízeních používaných zejména v chemickém, potravinářském a zpracovatelském průmyslu) je jednou z cest, jak intenzifikovat výrobní procesy. Ačkoli se v míchaných nádobách nejedná pouze o proces řízený samotným prouděním, ale také přestupem tepla, hmoty, chemickými pochody atp., tak způsob proudění spolu s celkovou disipací energie v míchaném objemu bývá většinou určujícím parametrem pro zvětšování měřítka míchaného zařízení z laboratorních rozměrů na provozní. A právě využití CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) by mělo být optimálním nástrojem pro návrh těchto zařízení. Nicméně nejčastěji využívané simulace založené na RANS (Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes) modelech, stejně tak jako různými způsoby průměrované experimentální výsledky mají jistá omezení. Rozdíly mezi výsledky lze ukázat i na základě identifikace vírových struktur tvořených za Rushtonovým míchadlem. Pomocí λ2 kritéria jsou porovnávány výsledky získané z výpočtů s modelováním turbulence pomocí DES (Detached Eddy Simulation). Dále jsou také numerické simulace porovnány s experimentálními daty získanými z TR PIV (Time Resolved Particle Image Velocimetry) v oblasti míchadla.
Estimation of turbulence dissipation rate by Large eddy PIV method in an agitated vessel
Kysela, Bohuš ; Jašíková, D. ; Konfršt, Jiří ; Šulc, R. ; Ditl, P.
The distribution of turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate is important for design of mixing apparatuses in chemical industry. Generally used experimental methods of velocity measurements for measurement in complex geometries of an agitated vessel disallow measurement in resolution of small scales close to turbulence dissipation ones. Therefore, Particle image velocity (PIV) measurement method improved by large eddy PIV approach was used. Large eddy PIV method is based on modeling of smallest eddies by a sub grid scale (SGS) model. This method is similar to numerical calculations using Large Eddy Simulation (LES) and the same SGS models are used. In this work the basic Smagorinsky model was employed and compared with power law approximation. Time resolved PIV data were processed by Large Eddy PIV approach and the obtained results of turbulent kinetic dissipation rate were compared in selected points for several operating conditions (impeller speed, operating liquid viscosity).

Národní úložiště šedé literatury : Nalezeno 18 záznamů.   předchozí11 - 18  přejít na záznam:
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