Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 167 záznamů.  1 - 10dalšíkonec  přejít na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Experimental validation of granular flow kinetic theory under turbulent flow conditions
Haidl, Jan ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Matoušek, Václav
The mixed classical and extended kinetic theory of granular ows is used for modeling the characteristics of particles-water turbulent sheet ow. The open-source solver sedFoam v3.1 is used for the 1-D and 2-D ow simulations. The simulation results are compared to the experimental data measured in the open channel. After that, the simulation parameters are optimized to achieve the best possible agreement between the simulation and the experimental results. The unsatisfactory performance of the KT models and the observed simulation instabilities are discussed.
34th Symposium on Anemometry: Proceedings
Chára, Zdeněk ; Klaboch, L.
The main topic of the conference was focused on the experimental techniques applied in fluid mechanics. Conference took place after 3 years long break caused by COVID19.
Analýza pohybu bimodální suspenze u stěny potrubí
Chára, Zdeněk ; Matoušek, Václav ; Novotný, Jakub ; Konfršt, Jiří
V článku je pozornost zaměřena na proudění bimodálních suspenzí, kdy je kombinována hrubá frakce s jemnou s výsledným efektem snížení celkových tlakových ztrát. S využitím metod PIV a PTV je analyzováno proudění u dna potrubí. Tímto přístupem byly získány rychlosti jak bimodální směsi, tak také rychlosti jednotlivých částic hrubé frakce. Rychlosti hrubých částic byly vyšší než rychlosti jemné frakce.
Quantum turbulence in superfluid helium studied by particle tracking velocimetry visualization technique
Duda, Daniel ; Skrbek, Ladislav (vedoucí práce) ; Chára, Zdeněk (oponent) ; Skyba, Peter (oponent)
◆á③❡✈ ♣rá❝❡✿ ❑✈❛♥t♦✈á t✉r❜✉❧❡♥❝❡ ✈ s✉♣r❛t❡❦✉té♠ ❤é❧✐✉ st✉❞♦✈❛♥á ✈✐③✉❛❧✐③❛✲ ↔♥í♠✐ ♠❡t♦❞❛♠✐ ❆✉t♦r✿ ❘◆❉r✳ ❉❛♥✐❡❧ ❉✉❞❛ ❑❛t❡❞r❛✿ ❑❛t❡❞r❛ ❢②③✐❦② ♥í③❦ý❝❤ t❡♣❧♦t ❱❡❞♦✉❝í✿ ♣r♦❢✳ ❘◆❉r✳ ▲❛❞✐s❧❛✈ ❙❦r❜❡❦✱ ❉r❙❝✳ ❆❜str❛❦t✿ ❖s❝✐❧❛↔♥í ♣r♦✉❞➙♥í ✈ s✉♣r❛t❡❦✉té♠ ❛ ♥♦r♠á❧♥í♠ ❤é❧✐✉ ❜②❧❛ ③❦♦✉♠á♥❛ ✈✐③✉❛❧✐③❛↔♥í ♠❡t♦❞♦✉ s❧❡❞♦✈á♥í tr❛s♦✈❛❝í❝❤ ↔ást✐❝ ♣❡✈♥é❤♦ ❞❡✉t❡r✐❛ ♦ ♠✐❦r♦♠❡✲ tr♦✈é ✈❡❧✐❦♦st✐ s❡ ③❛♠➙➦❡♥í♠ ♥❛ ♠ír✉ ♣♦❞♦❜♥♦st✐ ↔✐ r♦③❞í❧♥♦st✐ ♠❡③✐ ❍❡ ■✱ ❦t❡ré ❥❡ ❦❧❛s✐❝❦♦✉ ✈✐s❦ó③♥í ❦❛♣❛❧✐♥♦✉✱ ❛ ❍❡ ■■✱ ❥❡➸ ❥❡ s✉♣r❛t❡❦✉té ❛ ❥❡❤♦➸ ❝✐r❦✉❧❛❝❡ ❥❡ ❦✈❛♥t♦✈❛♥á✳ ❱ ♣rá❝✐ ❥s♦✉ ♣♦♣sá♥② ✈ýs❧❡❞❦② tr♦❥✐❝❡ ❡①♣❡r✐♠❡♥t➲✿ ú♣❧❛✈ ③❛ r❡❧❛✲ t✐✈♥➙ ♣♦♠❛❧✉ ❦♠✐t❛❥í❝í ♣➦❡❦á➸❦♦✉ s r❡❧❛t✐✈♥➙ ✈❡❧❦ý♠ r♦③❦♠✐t❡♠ ✭sr♦✈♥❛t❡❧♥ý♠ s ✈❡❧✐❦♦stí ♣➦❡❦á➸❦②✮✱ st❛❝✐♦♥ár♥í ♣r♦✉❞➙♥í ✭❛♥❣❧✳✿ ✒str❡❛♠✐♥❣✏ ✮ ✈ ♦❦♦❧í r②❝❤❧❡ ❦♠✐t❛❥í❝í ❦➦❡♠❡♥♥é ❧❛❞✐↔❦② s ♥í③❦♦✉ ❛♠♣❧✐t✉❞♦✉ ✭✈③❤❧❡❞❡♠ ❦ ❥❡❥í ✈❡❧✐❦♦st✐✮ ❛ ❦❛✈✐t❛❝❡ ✈ ♦❦♦❧í ❥✐♥é r②❝❤❧❡ ❦♠✐t❛❥í❝í ❦➦❡♠❡♥♥é ❧❛❞✐↔❦②✳ ❍❧❛✈♥í♠ ✈ýs❧❡❞❦❡♠ ❥❡ ♣♦③♦r♦✈á♥í✱ ➸❡ ♦❞♣♦✈í❞❛❥í❝í ♣r♦✉❞➙♥í ✈ ❍❡ ■ ❛ ■■ s✐ ❥s♦✉ ♥❛ ✈❡❧❦ý❝❤ ♠➙➦ít❦á❝❤ ✈③á✲ ❥❡♠♥➙ ♣♦❞♦❜♥á✱ ③❛tí♠❝♦ ♥❛ ♠❛❧ý❝❤ ✈②❦❛③✉❥í ♥❛♣r♦st♦ r♦③❞í❧♥é st❛t✐st✐❝❦é ✈❧❛st✲ ♥♦st✐✳ ◆❛✈í❝ ✈ ♣➦í♣❛❞➙ ❍❡ ■■ ❥s♦✉ t②t♦ st❛t✐st✐❝❦é ✈❧❛st♥♦st✐ ✉♥✐✈❡r③á❧♥í ✈❡ s♠②s❧✉ ♥❡③á✈✐s❧♦st✐ ♥❛ ❞r✉❤✉ ③❦♦✉♠❛♥é❤♦ ♣r♦✉❞➙♥í ❛ ❥s♦✉ st❡❥♥é ❥❛❦♦ ✈ ♣➦í♣❛❞➙ t❡♣❡❧♥é❤♦ ♣r♦t✐♣r♦✉❞✉ s✉♣r❛t❡❦✉té ❛ ♥♦r♠á❧♥í s❧♦➸❦② ❍❡ ■■✱ ❝♦➸ ❥❡ ❦✈❛♥t♦✈ý ❞r✉❤ t❡♣❡❧♥é ❦♦♥✈❡❦❝❡...
Flow behaviour of sand-water mixture in horizontal and inclined pipes
Vlasák, Pavel ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Matoušek, Václav ; Kesely, Mikoláš ; Krupička, Jan ; Konfršt, Jiří ; Mildner, Michael
Pipelines transporting slurries in different industrial applications often contain inclined sections. The effect of pipe inclination, slurry concentration and mean velocity on the flow behaviour, deposition\nlimit velocity, and internal structure of a settling slurry was studied in an experimental pipe loop of inner diameter D = 100 mm. The slurry consisted from water and a narrow particle size distribution sand of mean diameter d50 = 0.55 mm. The experiments focused on the effects of the pipe inclination on solids distribution and deposition limit velocity. The concentration distribution in pipe cross-section was studied with application of a gamma-ray densitometer. The study revealed the stratified flow pattern of the medium sand-water mixture in inclined pipe sections. Experimental results show that the degree of the slurry stratification decreased with an increasing angle of inclination in the ascending pipe sections. The slurry stratification affected the deposition limit velocity. Mean in situ concentration for the descending flow was always lower than that for the ascending flow. The deposition limit in ascending pipe, in comparison with that in a horizontal pipe, slightly increased up to inclination angle about +25°, and then remained practically constant. For negative pipe inclination over – 30° no deposition limit was observed.
Effect of pipe inclination on local concentration and flow behaviour of settling slurry
Vlasák, Pavel ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Matoušek, Václav ; Kesely, Mikoláš ; Konfršt, Jiří ; Mildner, Michael
Settling slurry, consisted from narrow-graded sand of mean particle diameter 0.87 mm and water, was investigated on an experimental pipe loop of inner diameter 100 mm. The investigation was focused on the effect of the pipe inclination, slurry concentration, and velocity on concentration distribution, and deposition limit. The settling slurries tend to stratify, a layered structure is typical for a settling slurry flow. Slurry stratification is sensitive to pipe inclination, and differs for the positive and negative pipe inclination. Deposition limit increases with pipe inclination up to about 25°, and then remain nearly constant.
Měření rychlostních profilů nad depozitní vrstvou při dopravě suspenzí v potrubí
Chára, Zdeněk
Článek se zabývá měřením rychlostních profilů nad depozitní vrstvou při proudění suspenze pevných částic v potrubí. K měření byla použita optická metoda PIV s využitím vysokorychlostní kamery NanoSense.
33rd Symposium on anemometry: proceedings
Chára, Zdeněk ; Klaboch, L.
Proceedings of 33rd Symposium on Anemometry. The conference was oriented on the experimental techniques applied in fluid mechanics.
Effect of pipe inclination on flow behaviour of fine-grained settling slurry
Vlasák, Pavel ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Matoušek, Václav ; Konfršt, Jiří ; Kesely, Mikoláš
The effect of flow parameters of fine-grained settling slurry on the pressure drop-velocity relationship, deposition limit velocity and local concentration distribution was studied in an experimental pipe loop of inner diameter D = 100 mm with inclinable pipe sections for pipe inclination ranging from – 45° to +45°. The slurry consisted from water and narrow particle size distribution glass beads of mean diameter d50 = 0.18 mm. The concentration distribution was studied with application of a gamma-ray densitometry. The deposition velocity was defined as the flow velocity at which stationary deposit started to be formed at the pipe invert. The study revealed the stratified flow pattern of the studied slurry in inclined pipe sections, for slurry velocities below to the deposition limit sliding or stationary bed were created in ascending pipe sections. For low pipe inclination (􀄮 < ± 25°) the effect of inclination on local concentration distribution was not significant. Mean transport concentration for descending flow was lower than that for the ascending flow Deposition limit in inclined pipe was slightly lower than that in horizontal pipe. Frictional pressure drops in ascending pipe were higher than that in descending pipe, the difference decreased with increasing velocity and inclination.
Droplets breakage in flow conditions of an agitated tank
Kysela, Bohuš ; Konfršt, Jiří ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Šulc, R. ; Kotek, M.
Production of two immiscible liquid dispersions used in chemical or metallurgical industry is usually performed by a mixing process. The droplets of secondary liquid are predominantly dispersed by the shear flow forces to the primary liquid. It is well known, that the real droplet size distribution is limited by the physical properties of both liquids, the acting forces and residence time. This phenomenon is investigated experimentally or numerically simulated by several methods. In this study, the simplified mixing test case was studied. The single droplet dispergation was simulated using finite volume method and multiphase VOF (Volume-of-Fluid) model. The capability of the local remeshing method was investigated. The increase of calculation performance and the phases mass imbalance during automatic mesh refinement is summarized.

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