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Multipurpose Town House on Křížová Street, Brno
Rozinek, Jiří ; Joura, Ivo (referee) ; Sochor, Jan (advisor)
The project of multifunctional building on Křížová street solves building over a gap at the end of the street next to the Mendel Square. The idea was to create a building that would usefully complement the existing block structure. The concept of urban multipurpose derives from the specific shape of the parcel as defined in the terms on which stands the main dark structure. This mass is penetrated by irregular cell structure of flats, which grid influences the whole interior layout. The whole building has four floors of underground parking, a ground floor with a café and shops and six floors of residential apartments from studio flats to 3 bedroom flats and luxury apartments on the roof.
Revitalization Program of Floral Garden in Kromeriz
Rozinek, Jiří ; Foretníková, Ladislava (referee) ; Mléčka, Jan (advisor)
revitalization of flower garden in Kromeriz
Reproductive disorders in dogs
Szabová, Martina ; Rozinek, Jiří (advisor) ; Karlasová, Barbora (referee)
This labour is about reproductive disfunctions of dogs males and females. Prevention and early diagnostics can help to start with medical cure and finaly reinstate animal. Vaginal cytology is cheap, simple, considerate method, which helps define stage of females cycle or diagnose some patological conditions of organism. Bacterial cultivation of vagina or uterus shows natural microflora or pathogenical microorganism, who cause inflammation or sepsis. Sonography helps to find tumors,infections, mineralization or cysts. The most common tumors are males prostate tumor or females tumor of mammary glands. New studies speculated about global genetic expresion of classification tumors depends on specific examples. Pyometra is one of the most common reproduction disease of females before they reaches ten years. It is an inflammation of uterus with cumulated septic fluid inside and mostly graduaded to ovariohisteroctomy. High concetration of chemokine helps to better diagnose inflammation of organism. Brucella cannis is serious disease, which seriously harms juveniles. In that case we talk about zoonosis which harms humans as well. Common tests who help us to diagnose problems are ELISA, PCR or serology. Canis herpes is expanded around whole world and its prevalency antibodies are very different. For detection of virus is mostly used VNT test, ELISA, PCR or hemaglutination. Abnormal sexual diferentiation is mostly disorder of females reprodaction system, abnormalties of chromosomes and defects on fenotype. Abnormal chromosomes we can categorize as syndrome XXY, syndrom XO, syndrom XXX or real hermaphrodites and chimers. Individuals with defects at gonades have chromosomes XX or XY, but their sexual glands are in contradiction with chromoses. Fenotype problems at individuals mostly have same chromoses as their sexual signs, but their fenotype does not fit to their sexual glands. For example pseudohermaphrodism.
Feeding dogs the natural way
Beranová, Daniela ; Rozinek, Jiří (advisor) ; Libuše, Libuše (referee)
The bachelor thesis has the character of literary research. Focusing on feeding dogs the natural way. It is divided into several chapters. The first chapter describes the digestive tract of the dog, its parts and operations which it provides. First described digestive system overall, and its importance for the body of the dog. The first part of the digestive system is the head portion, which include the mouth, including teeth, and pharynx. In the pharynx the digestive crosses paths with breathing. Epiglottis separates the head portion from the front intestine, which starts and continues through the esophagus into the stomach. It is connected to the small intestine, which parts are duodenum, jejunum and ileum. Small intestine enters the large intestine. It has three distinct parts: cecum, colon and rectum. Rectum narrows the anal canal, which ends anus. Further additives are described intestine organs and their functions. They are the liver and pancreas. The second chapter focuses on the fact that the dog is a carnivore. Briefly summarized the emergence of dog domestication of the wolf and his digestive system, since it is still very similar. Changing digestion is a process that requires several hundred years. This section also describes what nutrients are important in the food contained a brief description. Another important part of the food is fresh water. The third chapter is a division of commercially produced feed. They are divided according to water content and the method of preservation, according to the quality of raw materials and by ages, sizes and breeds workload. The next section summarizes the book by Dr. Hans-Ulrich Grimm. He is a journalist and author of several books that reveal the truth about industrial foods and certain brands in the industry. The main part deals with the natural food for the dog. Is it a combination of meat, vegetables, fruits and sometimes other supplements, such as dairy products, cereals, herbs and much more. This chapter summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of feeding a natural food. Finally, the work distinguishes the difference benefit the dog fed first industrially produced feed, then the natural food.
Performance Comparison of Geldings and Stallions in Horse Racing
Johánková, Dominika ; Rozinek, Jiří (advisor) ; Jiří, Jiří (referee)
The castration of a stallion is a significant intervention into his anatomy, physiology, temperament and behavior. Combination of physical and character traits of racehorses and interplays with the jockeys is necessary For excellent athletic performance and success on the race track. People hold a discussion how the castration of the stallion affect its athletic performance and success on the racetrack. In this thesis, we want to confirm that the castration of an excellent racing stallion will not affect its subsequent athletic performance and success on the race track. Therefore, the results will be compared with several groups of stallions and geldings in a steeplechase with the longest tradition in the Czech Republic - the Velká pardubická. It will also have a respect to the experience of trainers and riders on the differences of training with stallion or gelding. The results of this research may lead to new specific arguments in this unending debate. The introductory section summarizes the findings of the anatomy and physiology of the reproductive system of a stallions. These are essential for the understanding of the following section, which describes procedures for castration of a stallions, possible complications and its effect on the physiology, physique and character of the individual. Velká pardubická steeplechase is rightly regarded as the toughest horse race in continental Europe, whose history began in the 70s of the 19th century. The race course changed several times in the past, due to both World Wars and later with regard to the safety of horses and riders. Currently, the race course measures 6,900 meters and has 31 obstacles. The Velká pardubická was attended by 1,043 horses, some of whom participated in the race several times. Overall, there were 1,658 starting horses - 455 stallions, 397 mares and 806 geldings. All these horses were divided into 5 groups. The horses were evaluated based on the ranking from first to fifth place. All data were entered and subsequently analysed in the statistical program SAS Enterprise Guide 4.3. For each period were realized descriptive statistics of each sex and data set. Two-sample tests were used for comparing the athletic performance of stallions with geldings.
Condition comparison of laminitic horses with healthy horses
Vitnerová, Dana ; Rozinek, Jiří (advisor) ; Jakub, Jakub (referee)
Laminitis (commonly called founder) is the second most frequent reason to euthanize the horse after colic. It is a general system disease, which has many causes and risk factor and leads to significant changes in the anatomy of the hoof. If the horse fall sick, therapy is not always without aftereffects. A major part of horses affected by laminitis remain disabled and eventually must be euthanized. Experts believe that obesity is one of the risk factor for laminitis. Body condition is the actual nutritional status of the horse. Body condition may change during the life and it is mainly influenceable by way of breeding and management. This theses was tasked to compare the body condition of laminitic horses with healthy horses and find out whether laminitis is a potential risk for healthy horses. In theses are information about 63 horses, 31 horses with laminitis and 32 healthy horses. The results showed that 60,32 % horses (38/63) are designated as fat or obese (BCS 3,5 to 5), 20 horses with laminitis and 18 healthy horses. In ideal body condition (BCS 2,5 to 3) is 33,33 % (21/63), 8 horses with laminitis and 13 healthy horse. In bad body condition (BCS 0 to 2) is 6,35 % horses. From these results we can estimate that majority of horses (56,25 % healthy horses) is unnecessarily overfed, horses have not adequate exercise, they are in higher body condition. In these horses is higher probability for inception of laminitis. The statistical result showed that a group of horses with laminitis and a group of healthy horse are similar in BCS values. However both groups are different from the ideal BCS. Their BCS value (3,39) is higher than optimal (BCS 3). From this results we can conclude that obese horse does not always suffer from laminitis and also the horse in ideal body condition can fall sick with laminitis. Higher risk for laminitis is a horse overfeeding intensive spring grazing or excessive amount of concentrated feed than the nutritional status of the horse.
The most frequent disease of German boxer
Augstenová, Jennifer ; Rozinek, Jiří (advisor) ; Karlasová, Barbora (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with the most frequent disease of German boxer. The history and description of the boxer breed is shortly described at the beginning. German boxer is very popular type of dog. It is a breed that has been originally used for hunting and fight with wild animals. Later was boxer trained as a police dog. Now it is mostly kept as family companion due to its great personality. In next part of the thesis, every new chapter begins with anatomy of organ where disease occurs. Then there are described the most frequent diseases of German boxer based on consultations with veterinary and scientific literature. Sympthoms, prevalence, diagnosis and potential treatment are described, mostly with pictures. Spondylosis deformans which affects German boxer the most, must have X-ray examination. Dilated cardiomyopathy and arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy of the right ventricle are responsible for the most bereavement of dogs of all the described diseases.
Beast of prey herpesvirus infections
Zabranská, Dominika ; Karlasová, Barbora (advisor) ; Rozinek, Jiří (referee)
Viruses are a very heterogeneous group of microorganisms, which in many characteristics is different from bacteria. In 1957 André M. Lwoff formulated a general virus definition. Virus´s genome is the most important part of the virus from a biological point of view. Virus´s genomes can be divided in two groups according to their properties - DNA viruses and RNA viruses. General strategies of viral replication are very similar and they consist of several stages, which may be different in an order and duration. In 1973 International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses was established, it has been still working as a primary source of information regarding the latest taxonomy of viruses. The name "herpesvirus" is derived from the word creeping (lat. herpes). Herpesviruses are large enveloped DNA viruses with two complementary strands. Replication of the virus takes place in a cell´s nucleus. A characteristic feature of the herpesvirus disease is a lifelong latent phase of the infection. Serious infection stages are observed primarily at young animals, fetuses, immunocompromised patients or as an associated disease in the course of other infections. Canid herpesvirus 1 and Felid herpesvirus 1 are classified in the genus Varicellovirus, in the subfamily Alphaherpesviridae and the family Herpesviridae. Canid herpesvirus 1 (CaHV1) is a virus infecting mainly genital and respiratory parts; in a lesser extent it also causes eye diseases. It causes death mainly to newborn puppies. CaHV1 is a very demanding in terms of temperature and it can be killed by common disinfectants. It may be transmitted in several ways, including transplacental transmission from mother to fetus. The virus is ubiquitous with worldwide distribution. Since 2003 a vaccine for pregnant females has been available. The host range is generally limited to the family Canidae. Felid herpesvirus 1 (FHV1) infects domestic and wild felines from the family Felidae. It is relatively unstable in the external environment, very sensitive to common disinfectants and high temperatures. Placental transmission from mother to fetus has not been confirmed. FHV1 is mostly excreted in the eye, nasal or oral secretions. The virus mainly infects the respiratory tract, conjunctiva and corneal epithelium. FHV1 is one of the most frequent and important viral pathogens of domestic cats throughout the world. Serious infection stages are observed primarily at kittens or debilitated animals. Several types of commercial vaccines against Felid herpesvirus 1 are available on the market.
Chiropractic and osteopathy as handling techniques of alternative medicine in horses
Pusztaiová, Gabriela ; Karlasová, Barbora (advisor) ; Rozinek, Jiří (referee)
This thesis discusses branches of alternative medicine, chiropractic and osteopathy in horses in particular. It is a method called manual therapy. They fall under the alternative medicine because they have not been recognized as legitimate medical procedures yet, despite the fact that extensive medical studies proving their healing effect on a living organism have been conducted abroad especially. The first part of my work deals mainly with the anatomy and physiology of the horse. Above all it describes their entire musculoskeletal system. It lists the most frequent pointers for the application of these manual techniques to a particular problem. The second part focuses on the explanation of the effects of these methods on different areas in terms of the topography of a horse. Finally, I mention contra-indications, during which the art of chiropractic or osteopathy should not be performed on a sick animal.
Revitalization Program of Floral Garden in Kromeriz
Rozinek, Jiří ; Foretníková, Ladislava (referee) ; Mléčka, Jan (advisor)
revitalization of flower garden in Kromeriz

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