National Repository of Grey Literature 56 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
The death of God as the initiation of the man
Hála, Jakub ; Hošek, Pavel (advisor) ; Balabán, Milan (referee)
This work deals with the phenomenon of the death of God and with possible approaches how this issue was treated at ancient communities, in Judaism, Christianity and philosophy. Result of the work doesn't tell if God is dead or not, just gives brief description of this phenomenon in the history and context. The work aims to provide entrance to the problematic, to give inputs to think and let the reader to feel the problem, which is current just for the period of postCmodernism. This work enables reader to take a certain point of view about the matter. Powered by TCPDF (
Myths of the Contemporary Man: An Application of the "Mythic Reading" Method to the Selected Works of the World of the World Literature of the 20th and 21st Centuries.
Bargár, Pavol ; Balabán, Milan (advisor) ; Štampach, Ivan (referee) ; Trojan, Jakub (referee)
Present paper tries to offer an approach to the myth which would characterize the currentness of myth for the contemporary man. The paper begins with an attempt to grasp meaning(s) of the Greek term μυθος, its relationship to the term λογος in the course of history and a critical evaluation of definitions and interpretation methods on case studies of selected scientists in the field of myth theory. Subsequently, own definition of myth is proposed, following and elaborating the theories of P. Ricoeur, L. Coupe, D. Cupitt, and others. Myth is then perceived as a dialectics between narrative and mythic motives which are not unalterable but, in the context created by a story, they obtain always a new meaning. In such manner, myths form chains of interconnected versions that are open for future interpretations in the process of "radical typology." Myths are not restricted to the realm of religion, "radical typology" factors profane context into calculation. Individual links of the chains of myths can represent pieces of literature as well. It is the literary works of 20th and 21st century (M. Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita, G. Orwell's 1984, H. Murakami's Kafka on the Seashore, P. Auster's The City of Glass) that are in this paper interpreted as myths, the method of "mythic reading" being applied. It is...
Islamic Mission in the Christian World
Volný, Martin ; Balabán, Milan (advisor) ; Hošek, Pavel (referee)
This work pursues theme of the Islamic mission in the Christian world in terms historical and also contemporary. Powered by TCPDF (
Attitudes of the Christians towards Islam: History - Presence - Perspectives
Machálek, Vít ; Balabán, Milan (advisor) ; Štampach, Ivan (referee) ; Kropáček, Luboš (referee)
Attitudes of the Christians towards Islam: History - Presence - Perspectives This thesis studies the Christian attitudes towards Islam, both in history and at present time. It puts the topic in the wider context of relating to "otherness" of others and examines in the framework of the inter-disciplinary approach. First chapter introduces selected concepts of religious studies, psychology and social sciences, that concern the inter-religious relations. Second introductory chapter is based on comparative religion. It analyses main accords as well as divergencies between Christianity and Islam. Third chapter deals with the history of religions. It gradually analyses phases of history in the relations between the Christians and the Muslims and the attitudes taken by the Christians towards Islam. Fourth chapter depicts the relations between the Christians and the Muslims at present as well as in the recent past. It presents the Christian views of Islam in the period between the end of the Second World War and the year 2009. The closing chapter is dedicated to the present state relations between the Christians and the Muslims. It builds on previous chapters and analyses various paradigms from the history of the Christian attitudes towards Islam, which are current in present-day Christianity. It attempts...
Do We and Muslims Believe in the Same God?
Koreček, Tomáš ; Balabán, Milan (advisor) ; Hošek, Pavel (referee)
The thesis "Do we and muslims believe in the same God?" tries to find answer to the question whether Christians and Muslims share the faith in the same God. In five chapters. History, Dogmatics, Ethics, Religiousness and Conclusion, it presents selection of arguments for finding agreements, correspondence, differences and divergences between Christianity and Islam, particularly with focus on expressions of faith. The first chapter shows encounters Christians with Muslims in history from the beginning of Islam. The second chapter tries to compare principal dogmatic topics of both religions. The third chapter examines what ethics rules are for Christianity and Islam common and which are different. The fourth chapter describes expression of religiousness of Muslims and Christians. The fifth chapter answers the question how much Christians and Muslims share the faith in the same God. Powered by TCPDF (
Spiritual aspects in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter books
Široká, Alžběta ; Hošek, Pavel (advisor) ; Balabán, Milan (referee)
This thesis examines possible spiritual aspects in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter books. With help of secondary literatury and my own research this thesis seeks to corroborate the idea of embodied Christianity in these books and it also seeks to overcome some Christian's presumption, that Harry Potter is a book leading its readers to occult and practise magic. The thesis presents examples of parallels between Harry Potter and some Christian principles contained in the Bible. The plurality of opinions concerning propriety or impropriety of reading Harry Potter for Christians is described. At the close the thesis deals with the attitude of Czech Christian churches towards this phenomena. Part of the thesis is also an outcome from a questionary concerning people's opinion on spiritual aspects in Harry Potter books. Keywords Harry Potter, christianity, religious debate, magic, death, sacrifice
On the Transplantation of Buddha's Teaching to the West
Markoš, Ján ; Hošek, Pavel (advisor) ; Balabán, Milan (referee)
Západ objavil buddhizmus iba nedávno a nie je tomu ani pol storočia odvtedy, čo sa ľudia žijúci na Západe začali k tejto náuke masovejšie hlásiť. Udomácňovanie buddhizmu na Západe preto ani zďaleka nie je ukončeným dejom; ide o živý, práve prebiehajúci proces, ktorého možné dôsledky sú ešte v nedohľadne. Buddhizmus bol na Západ takpovediac "transplantovaný" z východného kultúrneho okruhu, kde je dlhé storočia doma; v súčasnosti plynú prvé chvíle po operácii; ešte nie je zrejmé, či Západ cudzie teleso vo svojom tele prijme, a ak áno, v akej forme a s akými komplikáciami.1 Prerastanie buddhizmu do západnej spoločnosti je dialógom ako na spirituálnej, tak na kultúrnej rovine. Pritom ide o dialóg ohromných rozmerov, či už ide o šírku preberaných tém, počet ľudí, ktorí sa na ňom zúčastňujú, alebo geografickú vzdialenosť miest, na ktorých prebieha. Máloktorý iný interkultúrny dialóg prebieha na tak veľkej škále, a zároveň v tak pokojnom duchu. Preto sa mi zdá, že analýza fenoménu buddhizmu na Západe môže okrem poznatkov o tomto konkrétnom jave priniesť i určitý vhľad do povahy interkultúrneho a medzináboženského dialógu ako takého.
Assyrian Religion with Regard to the Parallels and Differences in the Old Testament
Šašková, Kateřina ; Balabán, Milan (advisor) ; Pecha, Lukáš (referee) ; Prosecký, Jiří (referee)
My thesis deals with various manifestations of Assyrian religion and referes to many parallels or some diversities appearing in biblical texts related to the approximately coeval historical period. In the first chapter I describe the supreme Assyrian god Aššur whose characteristic was largely made according to the extant Mesopotamian texts and analysis of personal names containing the name of Aššur as theophorous element. I also deal with the functions of Aššur, his attributes and references to the other gods of Assyrian pantheon. The end of this chapter offers theories suggested by some scholars who suppose that the Assyrian religion tendet towards monotheism or even attained it. The second chapter deals wieth Aššurs temple, its history, organization and staff. The third chapter is related to the communication with gods. The first part of this chapter outlines the official cult which includes the kings person as high priest of national god and head of all temples in the whole empire, cultic rituals, care of the gods and oracular practices. Its seconad part characterizes personal piety manifested by faith in a personal god. using magical actions, fear of demons and trust in protective beings. The last chapter describes the Assyrian cultic calendar and festivals with and emphasis on the Aššurs temple in the...
The divine in poetic dwelling: The dimension of the divine in the late Heidegger
Ježková, Viola ; Hošek, Pavel (advisor) ; Balabán, Milan (referee)
The objective of this work is particularizing the relationship between man and divinity dimension. We may encounter this topic by the later Heidegger. Powered by TCPDF (
Easter, Crossroad of Traditions
Benešová, Eva ; Balabán, Milan (advisor) ; Hošek, Pavel (referee)
Easter is one of the major festivals of the Christian church. This master thesis deals with Easter and their colourful tradition. The first part of work is about Jewish festival Passover, Pesach. Christian Easter is connected to the Passover. The Passover festival arises from connection of two holidays Pesach and Matsot. Matsot was originally agricultural holiday and Pesach was nomadic feast connected with offering of the lamb. Later the festivals were coalesced and historicized. The festival has became a reminder of God's liberation of the Israelite from Egyptian slavery. The important component of Pesach is seder. Seder is a passover ritual feast. Jesus' last supper, where he instituted the Lord's Supper, has relationship with seder. The second part of this work deals with folk Easter custome in Czech republic. Origin of many customs is associated with pagan religion. Work outlines the bases of pre-Christian religion of Bohemia and Moravia. Spring was important term in bygone times. The country waken up in this time and it was necessary help this process to establish prosperity for following year. Lots of the Easter customs contains elements of agrarian and sympathetic magic. Some of pagan religious elements become a components of Christian Easter, for example egg. The painted Easter egg, sacred to many...

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