Original title:
Využití barev v marketingu
Translated title:
The meaning of colors in marketing
Kváčová, Monika ; Zeman, Jiří (advisor) ; Fialová, Jitka (referee) Document type: Bachelor's theses
cze Publisher:
Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze Abstract:
[cze][eng] Cílem této práce bylo prozkoumat preference barev z mezikulturního hlediska (včetně barevných kombinací) a také významy a hodnoty spojené s různými barvami, aby se posílila marketingová komunikace a aby bylo možné vytvořit si výhodu na trhu. Práce je rozdělena na dvě části - teoretickou a praktickou. Teoretická část se nejprve zabývá Barvou a lidským chování, dále mezikulturními významy, asociacemi a preferencemi a poté marketingovým výzkumem barev. Praktická část se zabývá autorčiným výzkumem a jeho výsledkyColour is an integral part of products, services, packaging, logos, and other collateral and can be an effective means of creating and sustaining brand and corporate images in customers' minds. Through eleven countries -- eleven different cultures from South, North, Central and Eastern Europe, North America, Asia and Africa, the study explores subjects' preferences for different colours (indicating the favourite one) as well as various colour combinations. Moreover, it investigates the meaning associations with an assortment of nine colours -- white, yellow, orange, red, blue, green, purple, brown and black. The results show cross-cultural patterns of both similarity and dissimilarity in colour preferences and colour meaning associations. The search for a "universally attractive" colour and colour combination point out to the colour blue and the blue-white colour combination that replicates the "blue phenomenon". However, it is suggested that every single colour communicates very unique messages that need to be understood in the first place before using the colour for any kind of marketing communication. The circumstantial findings imply that age and globalisation influence significantly the investigated topic of colour meanings and preferences.
brand identity; colors; Combinations of colors; environment; image of company; product; barevné kombinace; Barva; identita značky; podniková image; produkt; prostředí
Institution: University of Economics, Prague
Document availability information: Available in the digital repository of the University of Economics, Prague. Original record: http://www.vse.cz/vskp/eid/27099