Original title: The conundrum of resource sharing in Zimbabwe: case of academic libraries
Authors: Chisita, Collence Takaingenhamo ; Fombad, Madeleine
Document type: Papers
Conference/Event: 16th IFLA ILDS Conference 2019: Beyond the Paywall, Praha (CZ), 2019-10-09 / 2019-10-11
Year: 2019
Language: eng
Abstract: Resource sharing has gained impetus among academic libraries as they seek novel and innovative ways to provide for the dynamic and complex needs of users. Zimbabwe is not an exception to the global trend of resource sharing in support of teaching, learning and research as evidenced by the establishment of sector-specific library consortia. This article explores the challenges and opportunities encountered by academic libraries in their endeavour to provide quality services. It will examine how library consortia, namely the Zimbabwe University Library Consortia (ZULC) and the College and Research Libraries of Zimbabwe (CARLC), have been able to provide for the information needs of their users at a time when budgets are low or inadequate and subscription costs to journals remain unaffordable. The article will examine the extent to which library consortia are exploiting information and communication technologies (ICTs) and trendy initiatives, for example Open Access (OA). It will also examine how academic libraries, through resource sharing platforms, have been able to exploit ubiquitous technologies and build on from the traditional interlibrary loan (ILL). The article will recommend a strategy based on a model to strengthen access to scholarship through resource sharing.
Keywords: cooperation; information sources; libraries; library cooperation; networking; open access; resource sharing; informační prameny; knihovny; kooperace; otevřený přístup
Host item entry: ISBN 978-80-86504-40-7
Rights: This work is protected under the Copyright Act No. 121/2000 Coll.

Institution: National Library of Technology (web)

Permalink: http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-403509

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 Record created 2019-10-07, last modified 2023-12-11

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