Original title: Výsledky výzkumu - Migrantky a nájemná práce v domácnosti v České republice
Authors: Sdružení pro integraci a migraci ; Ezzeddine, Petra
Document type: Monographs
Year: 2014
Language: cze
Publisher: Sdružení pro integraci a migraci
Keywords: imigration; migration of population; rights of aliens; cizinecké právo; imigrace; migrace obyvatelstva
Rights: This work is protected under the Copyright Act No. 121/2000 Coll.

Institution: Association for Integration and Migration (web)
External URL: http://www.migrace.com/docs/140925_vysledky-vyzkumu-najemne-prace-v-domacnosti-v-cr.pdf

Permalink: http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-187439

The record appears in these collections:
Miscellaneous > Nonprofit organizations > Association for Integration and Migration
Author works > Monographs
 Record created 2015-05-13, last modified 2024-09-12

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