Czech Scientists Database
Pejšová, Petra ; Hvězdová, Lenka Typ dokumentu: Postery Konference/Akce: 42nd LIBER Annual Conference, Mnichov (DE), 2013-06-26 / 2013-06-29
Abstrakt: [eng][cze] In our poster we will introduce the idea of creating a database of Czech scientists. The scientific community, professionals, government and the corporate sector need easy access to specific information on scientific personalities and related projects and grants. This demand comes from a member of the Czech Research, Development and Innovation Council with a goal to link research and commercial sectors in the area of human resources and support fast transmission of knowledge into practical fields. The system will facilitate contacts with scientists in specific fields. A scientist’s record should contain information about the institution, his/her current and prior institution affiliations, grants, in which he/she has participated, etc. At the same time, the database will serve institutions and companies to enter demands for specific projects. We prepared the project brief and carried out background research on 32 databases and systems for science and research in 14 European countries and the USA. We sorted the analyzed databases into groups and mapped the domestic and overseas situations, which we will present in detail. In the poster, we would also like to show that this kind of service can be provided by libraries. Libraries can adapt to their new role in research infrastructures. Now libraries can not only engage in collecting and accessing data but may also support the creation of data and their connection. Why was the National Technical Library (NTK) chosen? NTK has the ‘know-how’, professional staff and experience in the development and administration of databases, as well as experience with project management expertise to support knowledge databases. NTK has provided information services at a national level for many years and runs the national ISSN agency, the National Repository of Grey Literature, etc.Poster prezentuje ideový návrh databáze českých vědců, vytvořený na základě analýzy zahraničních databází vědy a výzkumu. Na tomto příkladu jsme demonstrovali novou roli knihoven, která se posouvá od poskytování informací k jejich tvorbě a publikování.
Klíčová slova:
informační systémy; Národní technická knihovna; profesní síť; výzkum; věda a výzkum; vědecká databáze; information systems; National Library of Technology; professional network; R&D; research; scientific database
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