Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
Apartment house with green roof
Maslanová, Ema ; Žajdlík, Tomáš (oponent) ; Šuhajdová, Eva (vedoucí práce)
The aim of the submitted bachelor thesis was to elaborate the project documentation of a new residential building with a green roof. The building is located in Brno in cadastral area of Husovice on plot 1431. The construction is designed as a detached four-floor building with a cellar on level ground. . There is also a parking lot with 18 parking spaces in the estate. In the basement there are cellar cubicles for each apartment. There is also a utility room, a lounge room and a pram room. The entrance to the building is on the first floor, where 2 apartments are situated. One of them is designated for people with reduced mobility, of size 3+KK and the other one of size 2+KK. The access to the walk-up vegetated roof is on the fourth floor. The structural system is a vertical transverse wall support system. The basement is made of monolithic reinforced concrete walls. Subsequent floors are made of ceramic masonry blocks. The internal load-bearing masonry in the above-ground floors is made of acoustic ceramic blocks. The ceilings on each floor are composed of ceramic beams made of ceramic inserts, in the staircase area there is a monolithic reinforced concrete slab. The staircase is monolithic reinforced concrete. The perimeter walls are insulated with the ETICS contact system above ground level. The roofing of the building is provided by vegetated flat roof.
Apartment house with green roof
Maslanová, Ema ; Žajdlík, Tomáš (oponent) ; Šuhajdová, Eva (vedoucí práce)
The aim of the submitted bachelor thesis was to elaborate the project documentation of a new residential building with a green roof. The building is located in Brno in cadastral area of Husovice on plot 1431. The construction is designed as a detached four-floor building with a cellar on level ground. . There is also a parking lot with 18 parking spaces in the estate. In the basement there are cellar cubicles for each apartment. There is also a utility room, a lounge room and a pram room. The entrance to the building is on the first floor, where 2 apartments are situated. One of them is designated for people with reduced mobility, of size 3+KK and the other one of size 2+KK. The access to the walk-up vegetated roof is on the fourth floor. The structural system is a vertical transverse wall support system. The basement is made of monolithic reinforced concrete walls. Subsequent floors are made of ceramic masonry blocks. The internal load-bearing masonry in the above-ground floors is made of acoustic ceramic blocks. The ceilings on each floor are composed of ceramic beams made of ceramic inserts, in the staircase area there is a monolithic reinforced concrete slab. The staircase is monolithic reinforced concrete. The perimeter walls are insulated with the ETICS contact system above ground level. The roofing of the building is provided by vegetated flat roof.

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