Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.04 vteřin. 
Test Driven Development for FPGA Designs
Halász, Dávid ; Strnadel, Josef (oponent) ; Šimek, Václav (vedoucí práce)
This bachelor's thesis describes, how test-driven development can be used in hardware, especially for FPGA development. The essential theory for understanding the context is described. Some available tools for assertion-based hardware verification and unit-testing are presented and demonstrated on a reference design. One of the introduced tools was selected and with that a test-driven developed SPI interface was created and successfully verified.
Test Driven Development for FPGA Designs
Halász, Dávid ; Strnadel, Josef (oponent) ; Šimek, Václav (vedoucí práce)
This bachelor's thesis describes, how test-driven development can be used in hardware, especially for FPGA development. The essential theory for understanding the context is described. Some available tools for assertion-based hardware verification and unit-testing are presented and demonstrated on a reference design. One of the introduced tools was selected and with that a test-driven developed SPI interface was created and successfully verified.

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