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Laser Doppler vibrometry experiment on a piezo-driven slot synthetic jet in water
Broučková, Zuzana ; Vít, T. ; Trávníček, Zdeněk
The present study deals with a slot synthetic jet (SJ) issuing from an actuator into quiescent surroundings and driven by a piezoceramic transducer. The actuator slot width was 0.36 mm. The working fluid was water. The present experiments used flow visualization (a laser-induced fluorescence technique - LIF) and laser Doppler vibrometry methods (LDV). Flow visualization was used to identify SJ formation, to demonstrate its function, and to estimate SJ velocity. LDV was used to quantify diaphragm displacement and refine operating parameters. Phase averaging yielded a diaphragm deflection during the actuation period. Taking incompressibility and continuity into consideration, the velocity in the actuator slot and the Reynolds number of the SJ were evaluated as 0.21 m/s and 157, respectively. The present results confirmed a SJ actuator function at the resonance frequency of approximately 46 Hz, which corresponds closely with the theoretical evaluation. The LDV results corresponded closely with an estimation of SJ velocity by the visualization.
Dančová, Petra ; Trávníček, Zdeněk
The paper describes behavior of piezoceramic transducers, which are used like the actuators for synthetic jet array. This investigation focuses on a partial problem of the general task “a synthetic jet array interacting with a channel flow”. To choose similar transducers ensures right condition for these experiments.

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