Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
Strategic Decisions on the Investment Project
Žďárská, Zuzana ; Orsavová, Miloslava (oponent) ; Škapa, Stanislav (vedoucí práce)
This diploma work "Strategic Decision Making on the Investment Project Military Barracks Slatina" is about the application of decision analysis methods for a solution to the decision problem of the revitalization of brownfield Military Barracks Slatina. In the theoretical part, the basic terminology, methods and procedures, related to problems of decision situations, are explained. In the practical part, the important strategic decision connected with the matter of a specific area of Brno's revitalization is solved. Through the application of these procedures, the optimal option for solution according to the decision methods is proposed.
Strategic Decisions on the Investment Project
Žďárská, Zuzana ; Orsavová, Miloslava (oponent) ; Škapa, Stanislav (vedoucí práce)
This diploma work "Strategic Decision Making on the Investment Project Military Barracks Slatina" is about the application of decision analysis methods for a solution to the decision problem of the revitalization of brownfield Military Barracks Slatina. In the theoretical part, the basic terminology, methods and procedures, related to problems of decision situations, are explained. In the practical part, the important strategic decision connected with the matter of a specific area of Brno's revitalization is solved. Through the application of these procedures, the optimal option for solution according to the decision methods is proposed.

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