Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 6 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
Magnus force acting upon a rotating sphere passing in an incompressible viscous flow
Beck, Dominik ; Martinec, Zdeněk (vedoucí práce) ; Čadek, Ondřej (oponent)
Jsou znovuodvozeny klasické výsledky hydromechaniky jako např. Stokesův a Kirchhofův zákon ve zjednodušené kompaktní vektorové symbolice. Tyto zákony jsou opraveny o první perturbaci malého Reynoldsova čísla a poté vizuálně porovnány s experimentem. Pro dokonalou rotující a pohybující se kouli obklopenou Newtonovskou vizkózní kapalinou je pro malé podélné rychlosti a malé rotace (malá Reynoldsova čísla) odvozena Magnusova síla z perturbační řady Navierových-Stokesových rovnic.
Motion of rotating spherical particles touching a wall
Chára, Zdeněk ; Vlasák, Pavel ; Keita, Ibrahima
The paper deals with an analysis of motion of rotating spherical particle in calm water, when the particle is in contact with a smooth, horizontal wall. The motion was visualized by a fast digital camera at 1000 frames/second. Based on software analysis the particle trajectories as well as rotational velocities were determined. Values of vertical, horizontal and rotational velocities were used as input parameters for numerical model and the results are compared with experimental data. Experiments were performed with glass particle of diameter 25 mm, initial values of rotational speeds varied from 500 to 3000 revolution per minute.
Experimental evaluation of the drag torque, drag force and Magnus force acting on a rotating prolate spheroid
Lukerchenko, Nikolay ; Keita, Ibrahima ; Kvurt, Y. ; Miles, Jiří
The drag torque, drag force and Magnus force acting on a spheroid rotating around its axis of symmetry and moving perpendicularly to this axis in initially quiescent water were studied using experimental data and numerical simulation. The prolate spheroid with ratio of the axes 4/3 was speeded up in special device, which ensured the required rotational and translational velocity in the given plane. A video system was used to record the spheroid motion in water. Using the video records the spheroid translational and angular velocities and trajectory of its center were determined and compared with the results of the numerical simulation. The dependences of the coefficients of the drag torque, drag force and Magnus force on the Reynolds number and dimensionless angular velocity were obtained.
Experimental investigation of drag force, Magnus force and drag torque acting on rough sphere moving in calm water
Lukerchenko, Nikolay ; Keita, Ibrahima ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Vlasák, Pavel
The paper describes the results of experiments with a rotating golf ball moving quasi-steadily in calm water. The motion of the ball was recorded on a digital video camera. The dimensionless drag force, Magnus force, and drag torque coefficients were determined from the comparison of the calculated translational and angular velocities and trajectory with experimental ones for the rough particle. The proper value of the correction coefficients were established from condition of the best fitting of the experimental trajectory by the calculated one.
Experimentální výzkum Magnusovy síly působící na hladkou kouli při vysokých Reynoldsových číslech
Kharlamov, Alexander ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Vlasák, Pavel
Článek popisuje výsledky pokusů s rotující hladkou kulovou částicí při kvazi-stabilním pohybu v klidné vodě. Pohyb částice byl zaznamenán digitální videokamerou a kinematické parametry pohybu částice numericky analyzovány. Bezrozměrný součinitel Magnusovy síly, Reynoldsovo číslo a spin parametr Γ (poměr obvodové rychlosti rotující částice a její translační rychlosti) byly vyhodnoceny z časových řad souřadnic a úhlů rotace částice. Magnusova síla byla určena v závislosti na Reynoldsově čísle a spin parametru pro oblast 3000 < Re < 42000 a 0,1 < Γ <7. Výsledky byly porovnány s literárními údaji a data byly aproximovány jednoduchou funkcí platnou pro oblast 0,5 < Re < 140000 a 0,1 < Γ <10.
Magnus and Drag Forces Acting on Golf Ball
Kharlamov, Alexander ; Chára, Zdeněk ; Vlasák, Pavel
The paper describes the results of experiments with a rotating golf ball moving quasi-steadily in calm water. The motion of the ball was recorded on a digital video camera. The Cartesian coordinates and the angle of rotation of the ball were determined from the records of motion. The dimensionless drag force coefficient, Magnus force coefficient and translational and rotational Reynolds numbers were calculated from the time series of the ball coordinates and the angle of rotation for each recorded frame. The calculated data were averaged over rectangular cells on experimental domain on the plane of translational and rotational Reynolds numbers, i.e. 1.2 104 < Re < 1.6 104 and 3.8 103 < Reω < 2.7 104. The coefficients were presented in tabulated form.

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