Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 4 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Matematické transformace v dielektrické relaxační spektroskopii
Brida, Marek ; Rozsívalová, Zdenka (oponent) ; Frk, Martin (vedoucí práce)
Predložená práca pojednáva o problematike dielektrickej relaxačnej spektroskopie v časovej oblasti, zmerania absorpčných charakteristík a ich prevodu do frekvenčnej oblasti vytvorením frekvenčnej závislosti stratového čísla. Práca uvádza prehľad najpoužívanejších matematických transformácií a aproximácií, ktoré sa pre tento prevod používajú a vzájomne niektoré z nich porovnáva. Použitými matematickými metódami sú Fouerierová transformácia a Hamonova aproximácia. Meraným dielektrikom je drážková izolácia typu Isonom NKN 2039 a Isonom NMN 0967.
Dielectric Properties of Thin Tantalum and Niobium Oxide Layers
Abuetwirat, Inas Faisel ; Chobola, Zdeněk (oponent) ; Lelák, Jaroslav (oponent) ; Liedermann, Karel (vedoucí práce)
Dielectric relaxation spectroscopy is one of the useful methods in studying the molecular dynamics of materials. Owing to recent developments in instrumentation and advances in measurement technique, it is possible to obtain the dispersion of dielectric permittivity in a wide frequency range and for very different materials. The purpose of my work was to investigate dielectric relaxation spectra and conductivity of oxides of titanium, niobium, tantalum, lanthanum and hafnium for field emission cathodes. The objective of the research was to analyze the frequency and temperature behavior of these oxides, as well as their conductivity over a wide frequency and temperature range, and to attempt to determine the origin of the relaxation. As the original range of oxides has been very broad, focus was paid to tantalum (Ta) and niobium (Nb) oxides only, also with regard to their application in electrolytic capacitors. Electrical, thermal and mechanical (processing) properties of Ta and Nb oxides have already been well established. Little is known, however, about detailed mechanisms of their dielectric relaxation. The results acquired for Ta2O5 show a relaxation peak in the temperature and frequency range available, 187 K – 385 K, 1 Hz – 10 MHz. The loss peak frequency follows the Arrhenius law dependence with the activation energy of 0.048 eV. In conductivity spectra, Ta2O5 film exhibits a steady – state value at low frequencies and a monotonous increase at high frequencies that depends on temperature. The observed conductivity followed a slightly superlinear power law. The results acquired for Nb2O5 show a relaxation peak in a similar temperature and frequency range, 218 K – 373 K, 1 Hz – 1 MHz. The loss peak frequency follows the Arrhenius law dependence with the activation energy of 0.055 eV. For both films the relaxation peak approximately shifted toward higher temperatures with frequency (same activation energy). Niobium capacitor shows conductivity mechanism similar to tantalum capacitor.
Dielectric Properties of Thin Tantalum and Niobium Oxide Layers
Abuetwirat, Inas Faisel ; Chobola, Zdeněk (oponent) ; Lelák, Jaroslav (oponent) ; Liedermann, Karel (vedoucí práce)
Dielectric relaxation spectroscopy is one of the useful methods in studying the molecular dynamics of materials. Owing to recent developments in instrumentation and advances in measurement technique, it is possible to obtain the dispersion of dielectric permittivity in a wide frequency range and for very different materials. The purpose of my work was to investigate dielectric relaxation spectra and conductivity of oxides of titanium, niobium, tantalum, lanthanum and hafnium for field emission cathodes. The objective of the research was to analyze the frequency and temperature behavior of these oxides, as well as their conductivity over a wide frequency and temperature range, and to attempt to determine the origin of the relaxation. As the original range of oxides has been very broad, focus was paid to tantalum (Ta) and niobium (Nb) oxides only, also with regard to their application in electrolytic capacitors. Electrical, thermal and mechanical (processing) properties of Ta and Nb oxides have already been well established. Little is known, however, about detailed mechanisms of their dielectric relaxation. The results acquired for Ta2O5 show a relaxation peak in the temperature and frequency range available, 187 K – 385 K, 1 Hz – 10 MHz. The loss peak frequency follows the Arrhenius law dependence with the activation energy of 0.048 eV. In conductivity spectra, Ta2O5 film exhibits a steady – state value at low frequencies and a monotonous increase at high frequencies that depends on temperature. The observed conductivity followed a slightly superlinear power law. The results acquired for Nb2O5 show a relaxation peak in a similar temperature and frequency range, 218 K – 373 K, 1 Hz – 1 MHz. The loss peak frequency follows the Arrhenius law dependence with the activation energy of 0.055 eV. For both films the relaxation peak approximately shifted toward higher temperatures with frequency (same activation energy). Niobium capacitor shows conductivity mechanism similar to tantalum capacitor.
Matematické transformace v dielektrické relaxační spektroskopii
Brida, Marek ; Rozsívalová, Zdenka (oponent) ; Frk, Martin (vedoucí práce)
Predložená práca pojednáva o problematike dielektrickej relaxačnej spektroskopie v časovej oblasti, zmerania absorpčných charakteristík a ich prevodu do frekvenčnej oblasti vytvorením frekvenčnej závislosti stratového čísla. Práca uvádza prehľad najpoužívanejších matematických transformácií a aproximácií, ktoré sa pre tento prevod používajú a vzájomne niektoré z nich porovnáva. Použitými matematickými metódami sú Fouerierová transformácia a Hamonova aproximácia. Meraným dielektrikom je drážková izolácia typu Isonom NKN 2039 a Isonom NMN 0967.

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