Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 3 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
Segmentation of brain tumours in MRI images using deep learning
Ustsinau, Usevalad ; Odstrčilík, Jan (oponent) ; Chmelík, Jiří (vedoucí práce)
The following master's thesis paper equipped with a short description of CT scans and MR images and the main differences between them, explanation of the structure of convolutional neural networks and how they implemented into biomedical image analysis, besides it was taken a popular modification of U-Net and tested on two loss-functions. As far as segmentation quality plays a highly important role for doctors, in experiment part it was paid significant attention to training quality and prediction results of the model. The experiment has shown the effectiveness of the provided algorithm and performed 100 training cases with the following analysis through the similarity. The proposed outcome gives us certain ideas for future improving the quality of image segmentation via deep learning techniques.
Segmentation of brain tumours in MRI images using deep learning
Ustsinau, Usevalad ; Odstrčilík, Jan (oponent) ; Chmelík, Jiří (vedoucí práce)
The following master's thesis paper equipped with a short description of CT scans and MR images and the main differences between them, explanation of the structure of convolutional neural networks and how they implemented into biomedical image analysis, besides it was taken a popular modification of U-Net and tested on two loss-functions. As far as segmentation quality plays a highly important role for doctors, in experiment part it was paid significant attention to training quality and prediction results of the model. The experiment has shown the effectiveness of the provided algorithm and performed 100 training cases with the following analysis through the similarity. The proposed outcome gives us certain ideas for future improving the quality of image segmentation via deep learning techniques.
Application Of Optimisation Methods For Mri Data Segmentation
Olešová, Kristína
The presented paper describes a use of metaheuristic algorithm for medical image segmentation. First section is dedicated to a brief introduction to the principles of this kind of segmentation and second section is used for description of used algorithms and used approaches to segmentation. Next sections are used for presentations of achieved results.

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