National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Němečková, Helena ; Chloubová, Helena (advisor) ; Marková, Eva (referee)
The theoretical part of the diploma work has been influenced by the literature available, I describe briefly the physiology and pathology of breathing, the characteristics and divisions of dyspnoea, the feelings of those suffering from acute or chronic dyspnoea, nursing diagnosis, nurse evaluation, therapy and at the end some recommendation to improve the life quality of the patients suffering from dyspnoea. The research aim was to find out how the patients perceive breathlessness, how it affects their lives, what measures they take to influence or reduce it and what factors influence their breathing. I came into conclusion that the 27 asked patients/clients mainly feel the lack of air and fear. Chronic dyspnoea is often accompanied by the feeling of powerlessness. Surprisingly, dyspnoea hasn't been the cause of sleep disorder although it often is the reason for effort reduction and it worsens the life quality of the patients. In spite of the fact almost one half of the patients hasn't been forced to change the regime. The influence of the physical activities proved to be unambiguous. In general, dyspnoea is accompanied by unpleasant feelings which depend on the time, it can impair sleep, it changes the life quality forcing the person to reduce physical activity and in acute case to have total physical rest.

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7 Němečková, Hana
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