National Repository of Grey Literature 23 records found  previous11 - 20next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Measurement of Vibration Mode Structure for Adaptive Vibration Suppression System by Digital Holography
Psota, Pavel ; Lédl, Vít ; Doleček, Roman ; Mokrý, P. ; Kopecký, V.
Previously the frequency-shifted digital holographic interferometry (FSDHI) for measurement of vibration amplitudes in range of nanometers was introduced and verified by authors [1,2]. The method FSDHI addressed some of the drawbacks of the conventional methods and was used mainly for piezoelectric transformer vibration amplitudes and mode structures measurement [3]. The limiting factor for application of this method is the maximal measured value of the vibration amplitude without the risk of ambiguity. The value is approximately 80nm for the frequency doubled Nd: YAG line. Since FSDHI enables us to precisely measure vibration amplitudes over the whole inspected area with very high lateral resolution, it could also be a very useful tool for measurement of vibration amplitudes and mode structures for research in the field of adaptive suppression systems. Such a measurement would provide a necessary feedback about the system behavior.This was the reason why we put an effort
Planar acoustic metamaterials with the active control of acoustic impedance using a piezoelectric composite actuator
Nováková, Kateřina ; Mokrý, P. ; Václavík, J. ; Marton, P. ; Cernik, M. ; Psota, Pavel ; Doleček, Roman ; Lédl, Vít
In the Paper, there are presented methods for a precise active control of the acoustic impedance of large planar structures, e.g glass plates or shells, by means of distributed flexible piezoelectric composite actuators which are connected to passive or active electronic shunt circuits. Design of tunable acoustic metamaterials is realized using Finite Element Method simulations and their acoustic properties are evaluated using acoustic transmission loss measurements. Static and dynamic displacements of the metamaterials produced by electric voltage are measured using Digital Holographic Interferometry. We believe that deep understanding of presented systems should result in future applications that improve the quality of everyday life.
Comparison of holographic setups used in heat and mass transfer measurement
Doleček, Roman ; Psota, Pavel ; Lédl, Vít ; Vít, Tomáš ; Kopecký, V.
The authors of the paper deal with measurement of heat and mass transfer for several years and they have frequently used few techniqes for measurement of refractive index distribution based on holographic interferometry. Some of the well known techniques have been modified some and some new ones developped. Every technique could be applied with success in different type of meassurement and obviously every one has set of properties making them unique. We decided to digest few different basic techniques and describe its properties in this paper with the aim to help the reader select the proper one for their measurement. The list of techniques and its properties is not comprehensive but schould serve as a basic orientation in the field.
Chromatic Aberration of Several Important Refractors of the 19th and 20th Century
Rail, Zdeněk ; Jareš, Daniel ; Tomka, David ; Doleček, Roman
In 19th century refractors dominated in astronomical research. Lenses of these devices were made of the classical glasses. Main optical aberration of these telescopes was residual chromatism. In this paper residual chromatism of several important refractors is shown. We managed to get optical parameters of 40, 36, 25 inch refractors of Alvan Clark, 12 inch telescope of Greenwiche observatory and 6 inch heliometer of Joseph Fraunhofer with which paralax of star was measured for the first time. The paper contains parameters of the dublet of König telescope of Prague‘s observatory
Optical Designs of the Chromospheric Telescope and the Coronograph
Rail, Zdeněk ; Jareš, Daniel ; Tomka, David ; Doleček, Roman
This paper presents optical designs of several devices which are used in solar astronomy – coronograph and telescope for the observations of chromosphere. We insist on high quality of images and simplicity of the whole optical design. The coronograph is composed of 7 optical parts to minimize dispersed light. The chromospheric telescope is designed both for birefringent and Fabry-Perot filters. All these designs could be used as the initial solutions for much complicated devices
Holographic interferometry as a tool for visualization of temperature fields in fluids
Dančová, Petra ; Vít, Tomáš ; Lédl, V. ; Trávníček, Zdeněk ; Doleček, R.
Measurement of temperature field in moving fluids is connected with many difficulties. Usage of point temperature measurement methods, such as Constant Current Anemometry (CCA), is limited to frequencies up to 3kHz. This frequency should be the limiting factor for using the CCA in fluid when fast change of temperature occurs. This shortcoming of CCA measurements should be overcome by using of optical methods such as digital holographic interferometry. It is necessary to employ a special holographic setup with double sensitivity instead of the commonly used Mach-Zehnder type of holographic interferometer in order to attain the parameters sufficient for the studied case. This setup is not light efficient like the Mach-Zehnder type but has double sensitivity. The special technique of acquiring and phase averaging of results from holographic interferometry is presented.
Imaging Properties of Several Telescopes of 17th Century
Rail, Zdeněk ; Jareš, Daniel ; Tomka, David ; Doleček, Roman
This paper deals by imaging properties – residual chromatic aberration of some historical telescopes of 17. century. Some of them were probably made by Galileo Galilei which optiical data are known. Further simulated aberrations of telescopes are those of Constantine and Christian Huygens. These singlet objective refractors were the first telescopes with which a man observed sky objects.
The Correction of Optical Aberrations of Astronomical Mirrors
Rail, Zdeněk ; Jareš, Daniel ; Tomka, David ; Doleček, Roman
The paper deals with optical designs of correctors of large and fast spherical and aspherical mirrors. Optical aberrations can be corrected by means both lens and aspherical plates correcting systems. These subaperture systems are placed near focus of main mirror.
Digital holografic interferometry used for identification of 2D temperature field
Lédl, V. ; Vít, Tomáš ; Doleček, R. ; Psota, P.
The presented paper shows the possibility of digital holographic interferometry application in measurement of unsteady 2D temperature field generated by pulsatile flow which is impinging heated surface. Special holographic setup with double sensitivity was developed instead of the commonly used Mach-Zehnder type of holographic interferometer in order to attain the parameters sufficient for the studied case. This setup is not light efficient like the Mach- Zehnder type but has double sensitivity. The results from the digital holographic interferometry experiments are perfected by measurement of the velocity field achieved by methods of hot-wire anemometry.

National Repository of Grey Literature : 23 records found   previous11 - 20next  jump to record:
See also: similar author names
1 Doleček, R.
1 Doleček, Radek
1 Doleček, Rajko
6 Doleček, Roman
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