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Návrh přípravku pro měření kritického napětí ztráty stability tenkostěnných L-profilů
Polčák, Marek ; Vaněk, František (oponent) ; Horák, Marek (vedoucí práce)
Bakalářská práce se věnuje ztrátě stability tlakem namáhaných tenkostěnných hliníkových pro-filů, které tvoří významnou součást leteckých konstrukcí. Tyto profily se testují zkouškou tla-kem, pomocí které se zjišťuje kritická síla. Zkouška tlakem může být ovlivněna vícero faktory, které zpravidla souvisí s uchycením vzorku do stroje. Cílem práce je navrhnout přípravek, kte-rý bude sloužit k upnutí vzorku do testovacího stroje a zlepšení výsledků zkoušky.
Urban Air Mobility VTOL personal vehicle design
Polčák, Marek ; Zikmund, Pavel (oponent) ; Popela, Robert (vedoucí práce)
The thesis deals with a conceptual design of a rotorcraft in the configuration of a multicopter, which has the design features of a motorcycle. Initial input parameters and requirements for conceptual design were based on statistical research of similar existing concepts. Afterwards, suitable components of propulsion system were chosen to fit the proposed design and flight performance requirements. UAM vehicle was designed as a coaxial quadcopter. Multicopter was designed as a composite construction combining aluminium space frame and composite ducts, which cover the propellers. Centre of gravity was calculated to ensure that its position lies exactly between front and rear rotors, which has a significant impact on stability. Structural strength of important components was then checked using FEM. Besides the structural analysis of a space frame, great deal of emphasis has been placed on structural analysis of composite ducts. This analysis helped to define inner structure and ensure that it withstands given load. Since the multicopter may benefit from ground effect benefits, its impact was evaluated by CFD analysis in three different distances from the ground. Positive influence of ground effect was evaluated based on extended battery endurance at hover for different payloads. Forward flight performance of designed UAM VTOL vehicle was carried out together with the estimation of drag coefficient of the multicopter with a pilot using CFD for different pitch angles. Obtained drag coefficient were then used for the calculation of multicopter forward flight speed dependency on pitch angle and battery endurance. In the end, two proposals of flight controller were presented together with possible control system and sensors, which could be used.
Urban Air Mobility VTOL personal vehicle design
Polčák, Marek ; Zikmund, Pavel (oponent) ; Popela, Robert (vedoucí práce)
The thesis deals with a conceptual design of a rotorcraft in the configuration of a multicopter, which has the design features of a motorcycle. Initial input parameters and requirements for conceptual design were based on statistical research of similar existing concepts. Afterwards, suitable components of propulsion system were chosen to fit the proposed design and flight performance requirements. UAM vehicle was designed as a coaxial quadcopter. Multicopter was designed as a composite construction combining aluminium space frame and composite ducts, which cover the propellers. Centre of gravity was calculated to ensure that its position lies exactly between front and rear rotors, which has a significant impact on stability. Structural strength of important components was then checked using FEM. Besides the structural analysis of a space frame, great deal of emphasis has been placed on structural analysis of composite ducts. This analysis helped to define inner structure and ensure that it withstands given load. Since the multicopter may benefit from ground effect benefits, its impact was evaluated by CFD analysis in three different distances from the ground. Positive influence of ground effect was evaluated based on extended battery endurance at hover for different payloads. Forward flight performance of designed UAM VTOL vehicle was carried out together with the estimation of drag coefficient of the multicopter with a pilot using CFD for different pitch angles. Obtained drag coefficient were then used for the calculation of multicopter forward flight speed dependency on pitch angle and battery endurance. In the end, two proposals of flight controller were presented together with possible control system and sensors, which could be used.
Návrh přípravku pro měření kritického napětí ztráty stability tenkostěnných L-profilů
Polčák, Marek ; Vaněk, František (oponent) ; Horák, Marek (vedoucí práce)
Bakalářská práce se věnuje ztrátě stability tlakem namáhaných tenkostěnných hliníkových pro-filů, které tvoří významnou součást leteckých konstrukcí. Tyto profily se testují zkouškou tla-kem, pomocí které se zjišťuje kritická síla. Zkouška tlakem může být ovlivněna vícero faktory, které zpravidla souvisí s uchycením vzorku do stroje. Cílem práce je navrhnout přípravek, kte-rý bude sloužit k upnutí vzorku do testovacího stroje a zlepšení výsledků zkoušky.

Viz též: podobná jména autorů
2 Polčák, Martin
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