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Metodika a nástroje ochrany a záchrany kulturního dědictví ohroženého povodněmi
Nedvědová, Klára ; Frankl, Jiří ; Fošumpaur, P.
The consortium project "Methodology and tools of protection and preservation of cultural heritage at risk from flooding" was undertaken in the years 2011 to 2015 within the "Applied research and development of national and cultural identity (NAKI)" program supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic. The project was aimed at increasing the protection of cultural heritage sites in estimating the risk of damage, planning and designing of flood control measures as well as implementing post-flood and remediation measures. The paper presents some of the achievements of the project - the "Vulnerability assessment and prevention of flood damage to cultural heritage" methodology, the methodology of protection of cultural heritage and areas of cultural-historical value against floods, software application "Itemized catalog of flood hazard posed to heritage sites" and methodology for the creation of contingency plans in case of natural disasters.
Posouzení zranitelnosti a prevence poškození kulturního dědictví povodněmi
Nedvědová, Klára ; Frankl, Jiří ; Balík, L. ; Šimůnek, O. ; Herbstová, Vladislava ; Kopecká, I. ; Pergl, R. ; Drdácký, Tomáš
Metodika slouží k vytvoření podrobné pasportizace objektu (jeho konstrukčního systému, materiálového složení a vnitřního vybavení) a ke zmapování ostatních faktorů sloužících ke klasifikaci zranitelnosti objektu při povodních. Ucelený a kvalitní popis těchto skutečností a vyhodnocení zranitelnosti objektů kulturního dědictví vede k návrhu optimálních preventivních opatření a snižuje riziko nevhodných zásahů a dalších poškození způsobených po povodni.
Plný tet: 0445251_2014_Nedvedova_et_al_Posouzeni_zranitelnosti_a_prevence_poskozeni_kulturniho_dedictvi_povodnemi_CM-NAKI09 - Stáhnout plný textPDF
Plný text: content.csg - Stáhnout plný textPDF
Cultural heritage and flood
Nedvědová, Klára ; Pergl, R.
Floods impose a significant risk to buildings sustainability. Due to climate changes this issue becomes a topic for more and more areas. Among various categories, cultural heritage is especially vulnerable because its assets cannot be reproduced. This contribution discusses some resuts of the ongoing research project focused on protection of cultural heritage from flood danger.One of the crucial goals of the project is the design and development of a methodology and supporting software application for analysing building and materiál vulnerability to floods. During the research several experts from various areas of materials engineering contributed to an extensive knowledge base covering the most important materials related to immovable constructs, and movable objects.
Sustainable management of church property
Nedvědová, Klára ; Schneiderová Heralová, R.
The aim of the paper come from absence of methodologies and tools for the management and the sustainable development of real property of various religious institutions. There is need to provide tools to determine the technical, legal and economic limits for management of church property. Special emphasis is placed on the specifics of the issue with the fact this is not a common owner or investor, but to link the two worlds, the secular and the spiritual. It will also take into account the fact that the property generally is not ordinary real estate, but in many cases also cultural heritage. This fact requires a special approach to the valuation of assets, and in its management and investment planning. In involves following steps: Guide for administration of church real estate managed by basic processes of sustainable administration. Valuation of church real estate including abandoned monuments and small monument in landscape. property in the past and present.
Analysis of vulnerability of cultural heritage against floods
Nedvědová, Klára ; Herbstová, Vladislava ; Frankl, Jiří ; Pergl, R.
Introducing first part of the project Methodology of Protection and Rescue of Cultural Heritage against Flood dealing with creating catalogue of damage on cultural heritage due to floods. The aim of this catalogue is to collect, synthesize and analyze possible known information about the damage linked with a particular object of protection and material.

Viz též: podobná jména autorů
5 Nedvědová, Kateřina
1 Nedvědová, Kristina
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