Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 46 záznamů.  začátekpředchozí27 - 36další  přejít na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Dvoukanálový, komplexní, bioimpedanční signál pro vyhodnocení hemodynamiky
Halámek, Josef ; Vondra, Vlastimil ; Jurák, Pavel ; Verner, Petr
Informace o srdeční aktivitě je analyzována ze 4 nezávislých bioimpedančních signálů (amplitudy a fáze měřených současně v aortálním a pulmonárním směru). Základní informace o srdečním výdeji je ve všech 4 signálech, sučasné vyhodnocení tedy přináší zlepšení poměru SNR a částečnou eliminaci rušivých signálů. Excitace hemodynamického systému se projevuje rozdílně v jednotlivých signálech.
Evaluation of cognitive ERP, ERD/ERS from intracerebral electrodes during the testing of executive functions, the time – frequency analysis
Chládek, Jan ; Bočková, M. ; Halámek, Josef ; Jurák, Pavel ; Nestrašil, I. ; Rektor, I.
In the present paper we describe the procedure of evaluation repeated EEG signals obtained from deep brain structures. Data are processed using the time-frequency analysis, which helps to determine individual frequency (IF) bands and afterwards are processed using complex demodulation technique to assess power envelope of IF band. We analysed phase-locked (Event-Related Potentials) and non-phase-locked (Event Related De/Synchronisation) signals obtained during different task conditions. Because of low signal to noise ratio, statistical tests of credibility and significance were used.
The detector of vagus nerve stimulation
Vondra, Vlastimil ; Jurák, Pavel ; Kára, T.
This paper concerns with detection of activity of the vagus nerve stimutation. The method for measuring and instrument design based on analogue signal processing is described. The results are presented on the measured data.
Short and long time blood pressure, heart beat and respiratory oscillation control analysed by XYt graphs
Jurák, Pavel ; Halámek, Josef ; Kára, T. ; Lanfranchi, P. ; Souček, M.
The paper deals with the different blood pressure and heart interactions caused by breathing. The aim is to obtain a better insight into the quality of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) regulation resulting from mutual interactions between blood pressure, hart beats and respiration. The importance of respiration monitoring is discussed.
Scatter plot and confidence interval
Halámek, Josef ; Holík, M. ; Jurák, Pavel
The exact definitions and standardisation are mostly missing in the area of biosignal measurement and processing. That in why the choice of the optimal method must be based on multidimensional statistical analysis. In this case the scatter plot with confidence ellipses can be used successfully.This graphical method is very simple and comprehensive. According to analysed parameters the method is two-dimensional, according to analysed groups multidimensional.
Baroreflex sensitivity and heart rate
Halámek, Josef ; Jurák, Pavel ; Swenne, C. A. ; Kára, T. ; Souček, M. ; Eisenberg, M. ; Nykodým, J.
The correlation between baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) and heart rate (HR) is discussed. According to theoretical model, where the constant blood flow is supposed, the BRS given in [ms/mmHg] must correlate with HR and BRS in [mHz/mmHg] should not correlate with HR. This assumption was confirmed by the measurement on healthy young subjects, but it is not valid for old healthy subjects and for patients.
Baroreflex sensitivity and signal processing
Halámek, Josef ; Jurák, Pavel ; Kára, T. ; Davies, L. C. ; Francis, D.
Baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) represents one of the most promising non-invasive markers of the cardiac disease. The measurement and computing of BRS are described but the significance of many different types of measurements and computing algorithms of BRS is neglected. This is one reason why the clinical applications of BRS suffer from poor reproducibility and sensitivity. The comparison of the short-term reproducibility and success rate of four different methods of assesing BRS is presented. The authors concerned themselves before all with a different type of measurement. Our aim is to test the coherency of BRS when the same data are analyzed using different algorithms.
Coupling between breathing and heart rate and breathing and systolic blood pressure - two new parameters for autonomic nervous system analysis
Jurák, Pavel ; Halámek, Josef ; Kára, T.
The irregularity in depth and frequency of breathing significantly affects baroreflex feedback system diagnosis. Our aim was to describe it and find out correct recommendation for relevant experiments.

Národní úložiště šedé literatury : Nalezeno 46 záznamů.   začátekpředchozí27 - 36další  přejít na záznam:
Viz též: podobná jména autorů
19 Jurák, Pavel
7 Jurák, Petr
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