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O čarodějnícich a duších mezi námi: Zkoumání jak nadpřirozené bytosti rozkrývají sociální procesy v urbánním Pakistánu
Wasif, Zoya ; Šubrt, Jiří (vedoucí práce) ; Německý, Marek (oponent)
One glaring condition of the enlightenment and modernity is that human beings have been placed at the center of the world in majority of academic disciplines, a condition which the Social Sciences have not been spared from. In an attempt to follow in the footsteps of scholars such as Robert Orsi and his research on presence within Catholicism, the project aims to explore how we as scholars can be more accepting of and hospitable of multiple temporalities, particularly within the field of sociology. This project aims to uncover the sociological significance of subjects experiences when narrate accounts that allude to supernatural beings. I want to display how such encounters add to our understanding of people's perception of their role within society and how their behavior towards others is implicitly shaped by such beliefs.

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