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Crossroad III/42510, III/39528, III/41619 - Study
Žůrek, Jakub ; Jakl, Tomáš (oponent) ; Radimský, Michal (vedoucí práce)
The subject of this bachelor thesis is a technical study focusing on an adjustment of the four-legged intersection of roads III/42510, III/39528 and III/41619. The intersection is located between villages Ledce u Židlochovic and Hrušovany u Brna and is an important connection of forementioned roads. The reason of this study is a poor road condition, poor traffic markings condition and relatively high traffic accident rate. After measuring and processing traffic data it has been found, that the intersection doesn’t provide sufficient traffic flow for maximum potential traffic rates. Three versions focusing on safety and increasing maximum potential traffic flow were designed and the most optimal one was chosen.

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